1,885 research outputs found

    Materialized View Selection in XML Databases

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    Materialized views, a rdbms silver bullet, demonstrate its efficacy in many applications, especially as a data warehousing/decison support system tool. The pivot of playing materialized views efficiently is view selection. Though studied for over thirty years in rdbms, the selection is hard to make in the context of xml databases, where both the semi-structured data and the expressiveness of xml query languages add challenges to the view selection problem. We start our discussion on producing minimal xml views (in terms of size) as candidates for a given workload (a query set). To facilitate intuitionistic view selection, we present a view graph (called vcube) to structurally maintain all generated views. By basing our selection on vcube for materialization, we propose two view selection strategies, targeting at space-optimized and space-time tradeoff, respectively. We built our implementation on top of Berkeley DB XML, demonstrating that significant performance improvement could be obtained using our proposed approaches

    XML Reconstruction View Selection in XML Databases: Complexity Analysis and Approximation Scheme

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    Query evaluation in an XML database requires reconstructing XML subtrees rooted at nodes found by an XML query. Since XML subtree reconstruction can be expensive, one approach to improve query response time is to use reconstruction views - materialized XML subtrees of an XML document, whose nodes are frequently accessed by XML queries. For this approach to be efficient, the principal requirement is a framework for view selection. In this work, we are the first to formalize and study the problem of XML reconstruction view selection. The input is a tree TT, in which every node ii has a size cic_i and profit pip_i, and the size limitation CC. The target is to find a subset of subtrees rooted at nodes i1,⋯ ,iki_1,\cdots, i_k respectively such that ci1+⋯+cik≤Cc_{i_1}+\cdots +c_{i_k}\le C, and pi1+⋯+pikp_{i_1}+\cdots +p_{i_k} is maximal. Furthermore, there is no overlap between any two subtrees selected in the solution. We prove that this problem is NP-hard and present a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme (FPTAS) as a solution

    XML for Domain Viewpoints

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    Within research institutions like CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) there are often disparate databases (different in format, type and structure) that users need to access in a domain-specific manner. Users may want to access a simple unit of information without having to understand detail of the underlying schema or they may want to access the same information from several different sources. It is neither desirable nor feasible to require users to have knowledge of these schemas. Instead it would be advantageous if a user could query these sources using his or her own domain models and abstractions of the data. This paper describes the basis of an XML (eXtended Markup Language) framework that provides this functionality and is currently being developed at CERN. The goal of the first prototype was to explore the possibilities of XML for data integration and model management. It shows how XML can be used to integrate data sources. The framework is not only applicable to CERN data sources but other environments too.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, conference report from SCI'2001 Multiconference on Systemics & Informatics, Florid

    Knowledge and Metadata Integration for Warehousing Complex Data

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    With the ever-growing availability of so-called complex data, especially on the Web, decision-support systems such as data warehouses must store and process data that are not only numerical or symbolic. Warehousing and analyzing such data requires the joint exploitation of metadata and domain-related knowledge, which must thereby be integrated. In this paper, we survey the types of knowledge and metadata that are needed for managing complex data, discuss the issue of knowledge and metadata integration, and propose a CWM-compliant integration solution that we incorporate into an XML complex data warehousing framework we previously designed.Comment: 6th International Conference on Information Systems Technology and its Applications (ISTA 07), Kharkiv : Ukraine (2007

    Content-Aware DataGuides for Indexing Large Collections of XML Documents

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    XML is well-suited for modelling structured data with textual content. However, most indexing approaches perform structure and content matching independently, combining the retrieved path and keyword occurrences in a third step. This paper shows that retrieval in XML documents can be accelerated significantly by processing text and structure simultaneously during all retrieval phases. To this end, the Content-Aware DataGuide (CADG) enhances the wellknown DataGuide with (1) simultaneous keyword and path matching and (2) a precomputed content/structure join. Extensive experiments prove the CADG to be 50-90% faster than the DataGuide for various sorts of query and document, including difficult cases such as poorly structured queries and recursive document paths. A new query classification scheme identifies precise query characteristics with a predominant influence on the performance of the individual indices. The experiments show that the CADG is applicable to many real-world applications, in particular large collections of heterogeneously structured XML documents
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