171,709 research outputs found

    Sketch-based 3D Shape Retrieval using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Retrieving 3D models from 2D human sketches has received considerable attention in the areas of graphics, image retrieval, and computer vision. Almost always in state of the art approaches a large amount of "best views" are computed for 3D models, with the hope that the query sketch matches one of these 2D projections of 3D models using predefined features. We argue that this two stage approach (view selection -- matching) is pragmatic but also problematic because the "best views" are subjective and ambiguous, which makes the matching inputs obscure. This imprecise nature of matching further makes it challenging to choose features manually. Instead of relying on the elusive concept of "best views" and the hand-crafted features, we propose to define our views using a minimalism approach and learn features for both sketches and views. Specifically, we drastically reduce the number of views to only two predefined directions for the whole dataset. Then, we learn two Siamese Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), one for the views and one for the sketches. The loss function is defined on the within-domain as well as the cross-domain similarities. Our experiments on three benchmark datasets demonstrate that our method is significantly better than state of the art approaches, and outperforms them in all conventional metrics.Comment: CVPR 201

    Group Membership Prediction

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    The group membership prediction (GMP) problem involves predicting whether or not a collection of instances share a certain semantic property. For instance, in kinship verification given a collection of images, the goal is to predict whether or not they share a {\it familial} relationship. In this context we propose a novel probability model and introduce latent {\em view-specific} and {\em view-shared} random variables to jointly account for the view-specific appearance and cross-view similarities among data instances. Our model posits that data from each view is independent conditioned on the shared variables. This postulate leads to a parametric probability model that decomposes group membership likelihood into a tensor product of data-independent parameters and data-dependent factors. We propose learning the data-independent parameters in a discriminative way with bilinear classifiers, and test our prediction algorithm on challenging visual recognition tasks such as multi-camera person re-identification and kinship verification. On most benchmark datasets, our method can significantly outperform the current state-of-the-art.Comment: accepted for ICCV 201

    Person re-identification by robust canonical correlation analysis

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    Person re-identification is the task to match people in surveillance cameras at different time and location. Due to significant view and pose change across non-overlapping cameras, directly matching data from different views is a challenging issue to solve. In this letter, we propose a robust canonical correlation analysis (ROCCA) to match people from different views in a coherent subspace. Given a small training set as in most re-identification problems, direct application of canonical correlation analysis (CCA) may lead to poor performance due to the inaccuracy in estimating the data covariance matrices. The proposed ROCCA with shrinkage estimation and smoothing technique is simple to implement and can robustly estimate the data covariance matrices with limited training samples. Experimental results on two publicly available datasets show that the proposed ROCCA outperforms regularized CCA (RCCA), and achieves state-of-the-art matching results for person re-identification as compared to the most recent methods

    Learned Multi-Patch Similarity

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    Estimating a depth map from multiple views of a scene is a fundamental task in computer vision. As soon as more than two viewpoints are available, one faces the very basic question how to measure similarity across >2 image patches. Surprisingly, no direct solution exists, instead it is common to fall back to more or less robust averaging of two-view similarities. Encouraged by the success of machine learning, and in particular convolutional neural networks, we propose to learn a matching function which directly maps multiple image patches to a scalar similarity score. Experiments on several multi-view datasets demonstrate that this approach has advantages over methods based on pairwise patch similarity.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, Accepted at ICCV 201

    Camera Calibration from Dynamic Silhouettes Using Motion Barcodes

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    Computing the epipolar geometry between cameras with very different viewpoints is often problematic as matching points are hard to find. In these cases, it has been proposed to use information from dynamic objects in the scene for suggesting point and line correspondences. We propose a speed up of about two orders of magnitude, as well as an increase in robustness and accuracy, to methods computing epipolar geometry from dynamic silhouettes. This improvement is based on a new temporal signature: motion barcode for lines. Motion barcode is a binary temporal sequence for lines, indicating for each frame the existence of at least one foreground pixel on that line. The motion barcodes of two corresponding epipolar lines are very similar, so the search for corresponding epipolar lines can be limited only to lines having similar barcodes. The use of motion barcodes leads to increased speed, accuracy, and robustness in computing the epipolar geometry.Comment: Update metadat
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