66,213 research outputs found

    Iris Recognition in Multiple Spectral Bands: From Visible to Short Wave Infrared

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    The human iris is traditionally imaged in Near Infrared (NIR) wavelengths (700nm-900nm) for iris recognition. The absorption co-efficient of color inducing pigment in iris, called Melanin, decreases after 700nm thus minimizing its effect when iris is imaged at wavelengths greater than 700nm. This thesis provides an overview and explores the efficacy of iris recognition at different wavelength bands ranging from visible spectrum (450nm-700nm) to NIR (700nm-900nm) and Short Wave Infrared (900nm-1600nm). Different matching methods are investigated at different wavelength bands to facilitate cross-spectral iris recognition.;The iris recognition analysis in visible wavelengths provides a baseline performance when iris is captured using common digital cameras. A novel blob-based matching algorithm is proposed to match RGB (visible spectrum) iris images. This technique generates a match score based on the similarity between blob like structures in the iris images. The matching performance of the blob based matching method is compared against that of classical \u27Iris Code\u27 matching method, SIFT-based matching method and simple correlation matching, and results indicate that the blob-based matching method performs reasonably well. Additional experiments on the datasets show that the iris images can be matched with higher confidence for light colored irides than dark colored irides in the visible spectrum.;As part of the analysis in the NIR spectrum, iris images captured in visible spectrum are matched against those captured in the NIR spectrum. Experimental results on the WVU multispectral dataset show promise in achieving a good recognition performance when the images are captured using the same sensor under the same illumination conditions and at the same resolution. A new proprietary \u27FaceIris\u27 dataset is used to investigate the ability to match iris images from a high resolution face image in visible spectrum against an iris image acquired in NIR spectrum. Matching in \u27FaceIris\u27 dataset presents a scenario where the two images to be matched are obtained by different sensors at different wavelengths, at different ambient illumination and at different resolution. Cross-spectral matching on the \u27FaceIris\u27 dataset presented a challenge to achieve good performance. Also, the effect of the choice of the radial and angular parameters of the normalized iris image on matching performance is presented. The experiments on WVU multispectral dataset resulted in good separation between genuine and impostor score distributions for cross-spectral matching which indicates that iris images in obtained in visible spectrum can be successfully matched against NIR iris images using \u27IrisCode\u27 method.;Iris is also analyzed in the Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) spectrum to study the feasibility of performing iris recognition at these wavelengths. An image acquisition setup was designed to capture the iris at 100nm interval spectral bands ranging from 950nm to 1650nm. Iris images are analyzed at these wavelengths and various observations regarding the brightness, contrast and textural content are discussed. Cross-spectral and intra-spectral matching was carried out on the samples collected from 25 subjects. Experimental results on this small dataset show the possibility of performing iris recognition in 950nm-1350nm wavelength range. Fusion of match scores from intra-spectral matching at different wavelength bands is shown to improve matching performance in the SWIR domain

    CLIP-Driven Semantic Discovery Network for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification

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    Visible-infrared person re-identification (VIReID) primarily deals with matching identities across person images from different modalities. Due to the modality gap between visible and infrared images, cross-modality identity matching poses significant challenges. Recognizing that high-level semantics of pedestrian appearance, such as gender, shape, and clothing style, remain consistent across modalities, this paper intends to bridge the modality gap by infusing visual features with high-level semantics. Given the capability of CLIP to sense high-level semantic information corresponding to visual representations, we explore the application of CLIP within the domain of VIReID. Consequently, we propose a CLIP-Driven Semantic Discovery Network (CSDN) that consists of Modality-specific Prompt Learner, Semantic Information Integration (SII), and High-level Semantic Embedding (HSE). Specifically, considering the diversity stemming from modality discrepancies in language descriptions, we devise bimodal learnable text tokens to capture modality-private semantic information for visible and infrared images, respectively. Additionally, acknowledging the complementary nature of semantic details across different modalities, we integrate text features from the bimodal language descriptions to achieve comprehensive semantics. Finally, we establish a connection between the integrated text features and the visual features across modalities. This process embed rich high-level semantic information into visual representations, thereby promoting the modality invariance of visual representations. The effectiveness and superiority of our proposed CSDN over existing methods have been substantiated through experimental evaluations on multiple widely used benchmarks. The code will be released at \url{https://github.com/nengdong96/CSDN}

    Unifying the Visible and Passive Infrared Bands: Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Multi-Spectral Face Recognition

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    Face biometrics leverages tools and technology in order to automate the identification of individuals. In most cases, biometric face recognition (FR) can be used for forensic purposes, but there remains the issue related to the integration of technology into the legal system of the court. The biggest challenge with the acceptance of the face as a modality used in court is the reliability of such systems under varying pose, illumination and expression, which has been an active and widely explored area of research over the last few decades (e.g. same-spectrum or homogeneous matching). The heterogeneous FR problem, which deals with matching face images from different sensors, should be examined for the benefit of military and law enforcement applications as well. In this work we are concerned primarily with visible band images (380-750 nm) and the infrared (IR) spectrum, which has become an area of growing interest.;For homogeneous FR systems, we formulate and develop an efficient, semi-automated, direct matching-based FR framework, that is designed to operate efficiently when face data is captured using either visible or passive IR sensors. Thus, it can be applied in both daytime and nighttime environments. First, input face images are geometrically normalized using our pre-processing pipeline prior to feature-extraction. Then, face-based features including wrinkles, veins, as well as edges of facial characteristics, are detected and extracted for each operational band (visible, MWIR, and LWIR). Finally, global and local face-based matching is applied, before fusion is performed at the score level. Although this proposed matcher performs well when same-spectrum FR is performed, regardless of spectrum, a challenge exists when cross-spectral FR matching is performed. The second framework is for the heterogeneous FR problem, and deals with the issue of bridging the gap across the visible and passive infrared (MWIR and LWIR) spectrums. Specifically, we investigate the benefits and limitations of using synthesized visible face images from thermal and vice versa, in cross-spectral face recognition systems when utilizing canonical correlation analysis (CCA) and locally linear embedding (LLE), a manifold learning technique for dimensionality reduction. Finally, by conducting an extensive experimental study we establish that the combination of the proposed synthesis and demographic filtering scheme increases system performance in terms of rank-1 identification rate

    Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification Using Privileged Intermediate Information

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    Visible-infrared person re-identification (ReID) aims to recognize a same person of interest across a network of RGB and IR cameras. Some deep learning (DL) models have directly incorporated both modalities to discriminate persons in a joint representation space. However, this cross-modal ReID problem remains challenging due to the large domain shift in data distributions between RGB and IR modalities. % This paper introduces a novel approach for a creating intermediate virtual domain that acts as bridges between the two main domains (i.e., RGB and IR modalities) during training. This intermediate domain is considered as privileged information (PI) that is unavailable at test time, and allows formulating this cross-modal matching task as a problem in learning under privileged information (LUPI). We devised a new method to generate images between visible and infrared domains that provide additional information to train a deep ReID model through an intermediate domain adaptation. In particular, by employing color-free and multi-step triplet loss objectives during training, our method provides common feature representation spaces that are robust to large visible-infrared domain shifts. % Experimental results on challenging visible-infrared ReID datasets indicate that our proposed approach consistently improves matching accuracy, without any computational overhead at test time. The code is available at: \href{https://github.com/alehdaghi/Cross-Modal-Re-ID-via-LUPI}{https://github.com/alehdaghi/Cross-Modal-Re-ID-via-LUPI

    Efficient Bilateral Cross-Modality Cluster Matching for Unsupervised Visible-Infrared Person ReID

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    Unsupervised visible-infrared person re-identification (USL-VI-ReID) aims to match pedestrian images of the same identity from different modalities without annotations. Existing works mainly focus on alleviating the modality gap by aligning instance-level features of the unlabeled samples. However, the relationships between cross-modality clusters are not well explored. To this end, we propose a novel bilateral cluster matching-based learning framework to reduce the modality gap by matching cross-modality clusters. Specifically, we design a Many-to-many Bilateral Cross-Modality Cluster Matching (MBCCM) algorithm through optimizing the maximum matching problem in a bipartite graph. Then, the matched pairwise clusters utilize shared visible and infrared pseudo-labels during the model training. Under such a supervisory signal, a Modality-Specific and Modality-Agnostic (MSMA) contrastive learning framework is proposed to align features jointly at a cluster-level. Meanwhile, the cross-modality Consistency Constraint (CC) is proposed to explicitly reduce the large modality discrepancy. Extensive experiments on the public SYSU-MM01 and RegDB datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, surpassing state-of-the-art approaches by a large margin of 8.76% mAP on average
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