46 research outputs found

    The monogenic synchrosqueezed wavelet transform: a tool for the decomposition/demodulation of AM–FM images

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    The synchrosqueezing method aims at decomposing 1D functions into superpositions of a small number of “Intrinsic Modes”, supposed to be well separated both in time and frequency. Based on the unidimensional wavelet transform and its reconstruction properties, the synchrosqueezing transform provides a powerful representation of multicomponent signals in the time–frequency plane, together with a reconstruction of each mode. In this paper, a bidimensional version of the synchrosqueezing transform is defined, by considering a well-adapted extension of the concept of analytic signal to images: the monogenic signal. We introduce the concept of “Intrinsic Monogenic Mode”, that is the bidimensional counterpart of the notion of Intrinsic Mode. We also investigate the properties of its associated Monogenic Wavelet Decomposition. This leads to a natural bivariate extension of the Synchrosqueezed Wavelet Transform, for decomposing and processing multicomponent images. Numerical tests validate the effectiveness of the method on synthetic and real images

    Enhanced Multi-Synchro-Squeezing Transform for Fault Diagnosis in Induction Machine Based on Third-Order Energy Operator of Stator Current Signature

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    In traditional motor current signature analysis (MCSA) approach, the spectral leakage of the fundamental supply frequency can obscure the characteristic fault component under low-load or no-load conditions. Furthermore, most time-frequency (TF) methods often have low resolution and are not qualified to produce a narrow band in the output. In this paper, we employ multi-synchro-squeezing transform (MSST) to show its effectiveness in fault detection of induction machines, for the first time. The key innovation of this work is merging MSST (due to its high time-frequency resolution) with the third-order energy operator (TOEO) (due to its high accuracy in fault detection). Specifically, TOEO is used to overcome the leakage effects of the supply frequency, through a demodulation approach for asymmetric fault detection along with MSST technique. The proposed method was evaluated for induction machine fault detection in both steady-state and transient conditions. Both analytical and experimental results confirm that the proposed method can excellently reveal the fault characteristic frequency in steady-state and transient mode, instead of the sideband frequencies

    High clarity speech separation using synchro extracting transform

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    Degenerate unmixing estimation technique (DUET) is the most ideal blind source separation (BSS) method for underdetermined conditions with number of sources exceeds number of mixtures. Estimation of mixing parameters which is the most critical step in the DUET algorithm, is developed based on the characteristic feature of sparseness of speech signals in time frequency (TF) domain. Hence, DUET relies on the clarity of time frequency representation (TFR) and even the slightest interference in the TF plane will be detrimental to the unmixing performance. In conventional DUET algorithm, short time Fourier transform (STFT) is utilized for extracting the TFR of speech signals. However, STFT can provide on limited sharpness to the TFR due to its inherent conceptual limitations, which worsens under noise contamination. This paper presents the application of post-processing techniques like synchro squeezed transform (SST) and synchro extracting transform (SET) to the DUET algorithm, to improve the TF resolution. The performance enhancement is evaluated both qualitatively and quantitatively by visual inspection, Renyi entropy of TFR and objective measures of speech signals. The results show enhancement in TF resolution and high clarity signal reconstruction. The method also provides adequate robustness to noise contamination

    The Fourier-based Synchrosqueezing Transform

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    The short-time Fourier transform (STFT) and continuous wavelet transform (CWT) are intensively used to analyze and process multicomponent signals, ie superpositions of mod- ulated waves. The synchrosqueezing is a post-processing method which circumvents the uncertainty relations, inherent to these linear transforms, by reassigning the coefficients in scale or frequency. Originally introduced in the setting of the continuous wavelet transform, it provides a sharp, con- centrated representation, while remaining invertible. This technique received a renewed interest with the recent publi- cation of an approximation result, which provides guarantees for the decomposition of a multicomponent signal. This paper adapts the formulation of the synchrosqueezing to the STFT, and states a similar theoretical result. The emphasis is put on the differences with the CWT-based synchrosqueezing, and all the content is illustrated through numerical experiments

    A Novel Approach for Ridge Detection and Mode Retrieval of Multicomponent Signals Based on STFT

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    Time-frequency analysis is often used to study non stationary multicomponent signals, which can be viewed as the surperimposition of modes, associated with ridges in the TF plane. To understand such signals, it is essential to identify their constituent modes. This is often done by performing ridge detection in the time-frequency plane which is then followed by mode retrieval. Unfortunately, existing ridge detectors are often not enough robust to noise therefore hampering mode retrieval. In this paper, we therefore develop a novel approach to ridge detection and mode retrieval based on the analysis of the short-time Fourier transform of multicomponent signals in the presence of noise, which will prove to be much more robust than state-of-the-art methods based on the same time-frequency representation