13 research outputs found

    Construction of analysis-suitable G1G^1 planar multi-patch parameterizations

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    Isogeometric analysis allows to define shape functions of global C1C^{1} continuity (or of higher continuity) over multi-patch geometries. The construction of such C1C^{1}-smooth isogeometric functions is a non-trivial task and requires particular multi-patch parameterizations, so-called analysis-suitable G1G^{1} (in short, AS-G1G^{1}) parameterizations, to ensure that the resulting C1C^{1} isogeometric spaces possess optimal approximation properties, cf. [7]. In this work, we show through examples that it is possible to construct AS-G1G^{1} multi-patch parameterizations of planar domains, given their boundary. More precisely, given a generic multi-patch geometry, we generate an AS-G1G^{1} multi-patch parameterization possessing the same boundary, the same vertices and the same first derivatives at the vertices, and which is as close as possible to this initial geometry. Our algorithm is based on a quadratic optimization problem with linear side constraints. Numerical tests also confirm that C1C^{1} isogeometric spaces over AS-G1G^{1} multi-patch parameterized domains converge optimally under mesh refinement, while for generic parameterizations the convergence order is severely reduced

    Exact conversion from BĂ©zier tetrahedra to BĂ©zier hexahedra

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    International audienceModeling and computing of trivariate parametric volumes is an important research topic in the field of three-dimensional isogeo-metric analysis. In this paper, we propose two kinds of exact conversion approaches from BĂ©zier tetrahedra to BĂ©zier hexahedra with the same degree by reparametrization technique. In the first method, a BĂ©zier tetrahedron is converted into a degenerate BĂ©zier hexahedron, and in the second approach, a non-degenerate BĂ©zier tetrahedron is converted into four non-degenerate BĂ©zier hexahedra. For the proposed methods, explicit formulas are given to compute the control points of the resulting tensor-product BĂ©zier hexahedra. Furthermore, in the second method, we prove that tetrahedral spline solids with C k-continuity can be converted into a set of tensor-product BĂ©zier volumes with G k-continuity. The proposed methods can be used for the volumetric data exchange problems between different trivariate spline representations in CAD/CAE. Several experimental results are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed methods

    The Argyris isogeometric space on unstructured multi-patch planar domains

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    Multi-patch spline parametrizations are used in geometric design and isogeometric analysis to represent complex domains. We deal with a particular class of C0C^0 planar multi-patch spline parametrizations called analysis-suitable G1G^1 (AS-G1G^{1}) multi-patch parametrizations (Collin, Sangalli, Takacs; CAGD, 2016). This class of parametrizations has to satisfy specific geometric continuity constraints, and is of importance since it allows to construct, on the multi-patch domain, C1C^1 isogeometric spaces with optimal approximation properties. It was demonstrated in (Kapl, Sangalli, Takacs; CAD, 2018) that AS-G1G^1 multi-patch parametrizations are suitable for modeling complex planar multi-patch domains. In this work, we construct a basis, and an associated dual basis, for a specific C1C^1 isogeometric spline space W\mathcal{W} over a given AS-G1G^1 multi-patch parametrization. We call the space W\mathcal{W} the Argyris isogeometric space, since it is C1C^1 across interfaces and C2C^2 at all vertices and generalizes the idea of Argyris finite elements to tensor-product splines. The considered space W\mathcal{W} is a subspace of the entire C1C^1 isogeometric space V1\mathcal{V}^{1}, which maintains the reproduction properties of traces and normal derivatives along the interfaces. Moreover, it reproduces all derivatives up to second order at the vertices. In contrast to V1\mathcal{V}^{1}, the dimension of W\mathcal{W} does not depend on the domain parametrization, and W\mathcal{W} admits a basis and dual basis which possess a simple explicit representation and local support. We conclude the paper with some numerical experiments, which exhibit the optimal approximation order of the Argyris isogeometric space W\mathcal{W} and demonstrate the applicability of our approach for isogeometric analysis

    C1C^1-smooth isogeometric spline functions of general degree over planar mixed meshes: The case of two quadratic mesh elements

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    Splines over triangulations and splines over quadrangulations (tensor product splines) are two common ways to extend bivariate polynomials to splines. However, combination of both approaches leads to splines defined over mixed triangle and quadrilateral meshes using the isogeometric approach. Mixed meshes are especially useful for representing complicated geometries obtained e.g. from trimming. As (bi)-linearly parameterized mesh elements are not flexible enough to cover smooth domains, we focus in this work on the case of planar mixed meshes parameterized by (bi)-quadratic geometry mappings. In particular we study in detail the space of C1C^1-smooth isogeometric spline functions of general polynomial degree over two such mixed mesh elements. We present the theoretical framework to analyze the smoothness conditions over the common interface for all possible configurations of mesh elements. This comprises the investigation of the dimension as well as the construction of a basis of the corresponding C1C^1-smooth isogeometric spline space over the domain described by two elements. Several examples of interest are presented in detail

    Conversion of B-rep CAD models into globally G<sup>1</sup> triangular splines

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    Existing techniques that convert B-rep (boundary representation) patches into Clough-Tocher splines guarantee watertight, that is C0, conversion results across B-rep edges. In contrast, our approach ensures global tangent-plane, that is G1, continuity of the converted B-rep CAD models. We achieve this by careful boundary curve and normal vector management, and by converting the input models into Shirman-SĂ©quin macro-elements near their (trimmed) B-rep edges. We propose several different variants and compare them with respect to their locality, visual quality, and difference with the input B-rep CAD model. Although the same global G1 continuity can also be achieved by conversion techniques based on subdivision surfaces, our approach uses triangular splines and thus enjoys full compatibility with CAD

    Geometrically smooth spline bases for data fitting and simulation

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    International audienceGiven a topological complex MM with glueing data along edges shared by adjacent faces, we study the associated space of geometrically smooth spline functions that satisfy differentiability properties across shared edges. We present new and efficient constructions of basis functions of the space of G1G^{1}-spline functions on quadrangular meshes, which are tensor product b-spline functions on each quadrangle and with b-spline transition maps across the shared edges. This new strategy for constructing basis functions is based on a local analysis of the edge functions, and does not depend on the global topology of MM. We show that the separability of the space of G1G^{1} splines across an edge allows to determine the dimension and a basis of the space of G1G^{1} splines on MM.This leads to explicit and effective constructions of basis functions attached to the vertices, edges and faces of MM.This basis construction has important applications in geometric modeling and simulation. We illustrate it by the fitting of point clouds by G1G^{1} splines on quadrangular meshes of complex topology and in Isogeometric Analysis methods for the solution of diffusion equations. The ingredients are detailed and experimentation results showing the behavior of the method are presented