4 research outputs found

    Förderung von Computational Thinking durch ein digitales Leitprogramm zur blockbasierten Programmiersprache Snap!

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    In diesem Beitrag wird die Entwicklung eines Leitprogramms zur Förderung von Computational Thinking und Vermittlung von Grundlagen der Snap!-Programmierung vorgestellt. Die Programmierumgebung Snap! wurde gewĂ€hlt, da blockbasierte Programmiersprachen gut fĂŒr AnfĂ€ngerInnen geeignet sind und eine Konzentration auf die logischen Programmstrukturen erlauben. Das vorgestellte Leitprogramm wurde im Design Based Research-Ansatz entwickelt. In einer Pilotierungsphase wurde mit einem mit Lehrvideos unterstĂŒtzen Kurs zur Programmierung von Mikrocontrollern mit Snap!4Arduino begonnen. Nach elf KursdurchlĂ€ufen in vier Zyklen ist durch die BerĂŒcksichtigung von insgesamt 183 SchĂŒlerInnenbefragungen, zwei LehrkrĂ€fteinterviews und elf Kursbeobachtungen das interdisziplinĂ€re, digitale und problembasierte Leitprogramm "Smart City" entstanden. Dabei spielt die Programmierung einer Simulation der Energieversorgung einer virtuellen Stadt als ĂŒbergeordnetes Thema eine zentrale Rolle. In insgesamt zehn Modulen werden wichtige informatischen Konzepte wie Variablen, Kontrollstrukturen und Unterprogrammtechnik behandelt und mit verschiedenen Elementen einer Smart City, wie bspw. Energieerzeuger, Speicher oder Verbraucher verknĂŒpft. Das Leitprogramm wurde in der finalen Version als Moodle-Kurs mit zahlreichen Lernvideos, digitalen Übungseinheiten (in H5P-Formaten) und eingebetteten ProgrammierĂŒbungen realisiert und kann kostenfrei unter www.didaktik-aktuell.de abgerufen werden. (DIPF/Orig.

    The effect of personalised system of instruction on technical college students’ achievement in basic electricity

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    Abstracts in English and Northern SothoThe study determined the effect of a personalised system of instruction (PSI) teaching model on students’ achievement in Basic Electricity in technical colleges. The behaviourism, social cognitive, and mastery learning theories framed the study. The study employed a pre-test/post-test non-equivalent control group, and a non-randomised, quasi-experimental design with a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial matrix in which the treatment operates at two levels crossed with gender and school location. The population of the study consisted of all year-two students of engineering-related trades in all the technical colleges in Osun State, Nigeria. Using the purposive sampling technique, four technical colleges with n = 152 Basic Electricity students and four teachers participated in the study. Two schools (one urban and one rural) of which urban n = 57 and rural n = 30, formed the experimental group (n = 87), and the other two schools (one urban with n = 39 and one rural with n = 26) formed the control group (n = 65). The personalised system of instruction was implemented in the two experimental schools by the respective Basic Electricity teachers who, as research assistants, had been trained on the use of the strategies of the personalised system of instruction in teaching Basic Electricity. The two control schools were also taught by their teachers using the conventional lecture method (CLM). Intact classes participated in the study, as it was not possible to randomly select participants for the study. The study lasted six weeks (one week for training and five weeks for the main study). Seven research questions and fourteen research hypotheses were raised, answered, and tested in the study. The quantitative data were collected using standardised achievement tests in Basic Electricity and a Students’ Attitude to Basic Electricity questionnaire. The instruments used were pilot-tested and the results were computed using the Kuder-Richardson (K-R) 20 formula and Cronbach-alpha, which gave r = 0.937 for the Basic Electricity achievement tests and α = 0.952 for the Students’ Attitude to Basic Electricity questionnaires. Data collected from the study were analysed using the frequency count, percentage, bar chart and mean for the research questions and the Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) for the hypotheses tested at the 0.05 level of significance. The results of this study indicated that the students in the experimental group performed significantly better than their counterparts in the control group in the Basic Electricity achievement scores. Male students taught Basic Electricity using PSI and CLM performed better than their female counterparts. Students from schools located in the urban area taught Basic Electricity using PSI and CLM performed better in the mean achievement scores than students from schools located in the rural area. The experimental group had a higher mean attitude score than the control group. Female students taught Basic Electricity using the PSI model had a higher mean attitude score than their male counterparts. Students from the schools located in the urban area taught Basic Electricity using PSI had a higher mean attitude score than their counterparts from the rural schools. There was a statistically highly significant main effect of treatment (PSI) on the achievement of students in Basic Electricity [F (1,143) = 171.937, P < .05, η2 = .546]. There was also a significant main effect of gender on technical college students’ achievement in Basic Electricity [F (1,143) = 43.943, P < .05, η2 = .235]. Furthermore, there was a significant main effect of school location on technical college students’ achievement in Basic Electricity [F (1,143) = 17.581, P < .05, η2 = .109]. There was a significant interaction effect of the personalised system of instruction and school location on technical college students’ learning outcomes in Basic Electricity [F (1,143) = 4.191; P = .042, η2 = .028] and the interaction was ordinal, showing that the interaction effect was stronger with students taught Basic Electricity using the PSI. There was a highly significant effect of the personalised system of instruction on the attitude of students to Basic Electricity, [F (1,143) = 11.863, P < .05, η2 = .077]. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that Basic Electricity teachers use PSI instructional strategies in their classes to facilitate students’ performance. Basic Electricity teachers should re-assess their classroom instructional practice to accommodate a shift from an instructional practice that makes learners passive listeners, to a practice that engages learners actively in the instructional processes. Furthermore, technical teachers should also be exposed to different enhancement strategies that will assist them in taking care of individual differences between students in the classroom. This will help students develop positive attitudes towards Basic Electricity, have self-confidence, and be more positively disposed towards obtaining good results in Basic Electricity. There should be adequate provision of the basic facilities necessary for the effective implementation of a PSI approach to teaching and learning Basic Electricity. As indicated, PSI could also positively influence the students’ attitude toward Basic Electricity. There is a need for teachers to be knowledgeable about the PSI learning strategy before it can be implemented in the classroom and, therefore, they should regularly attend conferences, workshops and seminars, where they can learn the requisite skills and knowledge to handle this innovative teaching strategy.Nyakisiso e laeditse khuetso ya mokgwa wo o hlaotswego wa mmotlolo wa thuto wa go ruta (PSI) go phihlelelo ya baithuti ba mo go Mohlagase wa Motheo ka dikholetseng tsa setegeniki. Diteori tsa tlwaetso, tshomiso ya tshedimoso, le leano la go ithuta di dikologile nyakisiso. Nyakisiso e somisitse sehlopha sa taolo ye e sa lekanego ya teko ya pele/teko ya ka morago, le ya go se kgethe, moakanyetso wa boitekelo bja tlholo ya khuetso ka factorial matrix wa 2 x 2 x 2 woo ka gare ga wona o somago tshwaro maemong a mabedi a go kgabaganywa ka bong le lefelo la sekolo. Palo ya batho ba ba lego mo nyakisisong e na le baithuti ba ngwaga wa bobedi ka moka ba mesomo ya go amana le boentseneere ka dikholetseng ka moka tsa setegeniki ka Osun State, Nigeria. Ka go somisa thekniki ya go dira sampole ka go kgetha, dikholetse tsa setegeniki tse nne tsa go ba le n = 152 ya baithuti ba Mohlagase wa Motheo gomme barutisi ba bane ba kgathile tema ka nyakisisong. Dikolo tse pedi (se setee sa motsesetoropo gomme se setee sa motsemagae) tseo go tsona n = 57 e lego ya motsesetoropo gape le ya motsemagae n = 30, di bopile sehlopha sa boitekelo (n = 87), gomme dikolo tse dingwe tse pedi (se setee sa motsesetoropo sa go ba le = 39 le se setee sa go ba le n = 26) di bopile sehlopha sa taolo (n = 65). Mokgwa wo o hlaotswego wa tlhahlo o phethagaditswe ka dikolong tse pedi tsa boitekelo ka barutisi ba Mohlagase wa Motheo ba go fapana bao, bjalo ka bathusi ba nyakisiso, ba hlahletswego tshomiso ya maano a mokgwa wo o hlaotswego wa tlhahlo mo go ruteng Mohlagase wa Motheo. Dikolo tse pedi tsa taolo le tsona di rutilwe ke barutisi ba tsona ka go somisa mokgwa wa go ruta wa tlwaelo (CLM). Dihlopha tsa baithuti ka moka tse di kgathilego tema ka gare ga nyakisiso, ka ge go sa kgonege go kgetha ka sewelo bakgathatema ba nyakisiso. Nyakisiso e dirilwe ka dibeke tse tshela (beke ye tee ya tlhahlo le dibeke tse tlhano tsa nyakisiso ye kgolo). Haephothesese le dipotsiso tsa nyakisiso tse lesomenne di botsisitswe, di arabilwe, ebile di lekilwe ka gare ga nyakisiso. Datha ya khwalithethifi e kgobokeditswe ka go somisa diteko tsa phihlelelo tse di lekaneditswego mo go Mohlagase wa Motheo le Maikutlo a Baithuti go lenaneopotsiso la Mohlagase wa Motheo. Didiriswa tse di somisitswego di dirilwe teko pele gomme dipoelo di tsentswe ka khomphutheng ka go somisa Kuder-Richardson (K-R) fomula ya 20 le Cronbach-alpha, yeo e filego r = 0.937 ya diteko tsa phihlelelo ya Mohlagase wa Motheo le α = 0.952 ya Maikutlo a Baithuti go mananeopotsiso a Mohlagase wa Motheo. Datha ye e kgobokeditswego go tswa nyakisisong e sekasekilwe ka go somisa palelo ya boipoeletso, phesente, tshate ya paa le palogare ya dipotsiso tsa nyakisiso le Tshekatsheko ya Kelo ya Phapano (ANCOVA) ya haephothesese ye e lekilwego maemong a 0.05 a bohlokwa. Dipoelo tsa nyakisiso ye di laeditse gore baithuti ka sehlopheng sa boitekelo ba somile bokaone kudu go feta dithaka tsa bona ka sehlopheng sa taolo ka gare ga dintlha tsa phihlelelo ya Mohlagase wa Motheo. Baithuti ba banna ba rutile Mohlagase wa Motheo ba somisa PSI gomme ba CLM ba somile bokaone go feta dithaka tsa bona tsa basadi. Baithuti ba go tswa dikolong tse di lego ka motsesetoropong ba rutile Mohlagase wa Motheo ba somisa PSI gomme ba CLM ba somile bokaone mo go dintlha tsa phihlelelo tsa palogare go feta baithuti ba go tswa dikolong tsa ka metsemagaeng. Sehlopha sa boitekelo se bile le ntlha ya maikutlo ya palogare ya godingwana go feta dithaka tsa bona tsa basadi. Baithuti ba go tswa dikolong tsa ka motsesetoropong ba rutile Mohlagase wa Motheo ba somisa PSI ba bile le ntlha ya maikutlo ya palogare ya godingwana go feta dithaka tsa bona tsa go tswa dikolong tsa motsemagae. Go ya ka dipalopalo go bile le khuetso ye kgolo ye bohlokwa ya godimo ya tshwaro (PSI) go phihlelelo ya baithuti mo go Mohlagase wa Motheo [F (1,143) = 171.937, P < .05, η2 = .546]. Gape go bile le khuetso ye kgolo ye bohlokwa ya bong godimo ga phihlelelo ya baithuti ba kholetse ya setegeniki mo go Mohlagase wa Motheo [F (1,143) = 43.943, P < .05, η2 = .235]. Se sengwe gape, go bile le khuetso ye kgolo ya bohlokwa ya lefelo la sekolo godimo ga phihlelelo ya baithuti ba kholetse ya setegeniki mo go Mohlagase wa Motheo [F (1,143) = 17.581, P < .05, η2 = .109]. Go bile le khuetso ya kopantsho ye bohlokwa ya mokgwa wo o hlaotswego wa tlhahlo le lefelo la sekolo godimo ga dipoelo tsa thuto tsa baithuti ba kholetse ba setegeniki mo go Mohlagase wa Motheo [F (1,143) = 4.191; P = .042, η2 = .028] gomme kopantsho e be e le ya tatelano, e laetsa gore khuetso ya tsenelelano e be e le maatla ka baithuti ba go ruta Mohlagase wa Motheo ba somisa PSI. Go bile le khuetso ye bohlokwa ya godimo ya mokgwa wo o hlaotswego wa tlhahlo godimo ga maikutlo a baithuti go Mohlagase wa Motheo, [F (1,143) = 11.863, P < .05, η2 = .077]. Fela, go sisinywa gagolo gore barutisi ba Mohlagase wa Motheo ba somise maano a tlhahlo a PSI ka dihlopeng tsa bona tsa baithuti go kgontsha phefomentshe ya baithuti. Barutisi ba Mohlagase wa Motheo ba swanela go lekolaleswa tiriso ya tlhahlo ka phaposiborutelong bja bona go akaretsa go tloga go tiriso ya tlhahlo yeo e dirago gore baithuti e be batheeletsi ba go se tshwenye, go ya go tiriso yeo e kgathisago baithuti tema ka mafolofolo ka gare ga ditshepetso tsa ditshepetso tsa tlhahlo. Se sengwe gape, barutisi ba setegeniki ba swanela gape go tsebiswa maano a kaonafatso a go fapana ao a tlago ba thusa go hlokomela diphapano gare ga baithuti ka gare ga phaposiborutelo. Se se tla thusa baithuti go ba le maikutlo a mabotse go Mohlagase wa Motheo, ba be le boitshepho, le go itokisetsa gabotse go ya go hwetseng dipoelo tse di botse mo go Mohlagase wa Motheo. Go swanela go ba le kabo ye e lekanego ya ditlabakelo tsa motheo tsa phethagatso ye botse ya mokgwa wa PSI mo go ruteng le go ithuteng Mohlagase wa Motheo. Bjalo ka ge go laeditswe, PSI gape e ka huetsa gabotse maikutlo a baithuti go Mohlagase wa Motheo. Go na le nyakego ya gore barutisi ba amogelege mabapi le leano la go ithuta la PSI pele e ka phethagatswa ka gare ga phaposiborutelo gomme, bjalo, ba swanela go tsenela dikhonferentshe kgafetsa, diwekesopo le diseminare, fao ba kago ithuta mabokgoni bja maleba le go amogela go swaragane le leano le la thuto ya boithomelo.Science and Technology EducationPh. D. (Technology Education

    Digitale Lehre nachhaltig gestalten

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    Bildung im digitalen Kontext hat durch die Covid-19-Pandemie zu tiefgreifenden VerĂ€nderungsprozessen auf vielen Ebenen im Bereich der Infrastruktur, Methodik und Didaktik an Hochschulen gefĂŒhrt. In den vergangenen zwei Jahren wurden digitale Lehrkonzepte weiterentwickelt, in die Praxis umgesetzt und vieles, was vorher nur ansatzweise in die Lehre eingebunden wurde, hat sich aufgrund der besonderen Ă€ußeren UmstĂ€nde zunehmend etabliert. Bereits im Jahr 2003 widmete sich die GMW-Tagung dem Thema "Nachhaltigkeit", was zeigt, dass dieses Thema die mediendidaktische Diskussion schon seit langem prĂ€gt. Vor diesem Hintergrund widmen sich die BeitrĂ€ge der GMW-Konferenz 2022 der Frage, ob und wie sich in den letzten Jahren unter dem Eindruck der Pandemie neue Perspektiven fĂŒr die Nachhaltigkeit der BemĂŒhungen um eine Erneuerung der Bildung mit digitalen Medien ergeben haben. Insbesondere werden Themen wie QualitĂ€t in der Lehre, personalisierte Lehrkonzepte, inklusive Bildungstechnologien und Hochschulentwicklung im Kontext der Digitalisierung behandelt. (DIPF/Orig.