30,505 research outputs found

    Massive ontology interface

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    This paper describes the Massive Ontology Interface (MOI), a web portal which facilitates interaction with a large ontology (over 200,000 concepts and 1.6M assertions) that is built automatically using OpenCyc as a backbone. The aim of the interface is to simplify interaction with the massive amounts of information and guide the user towards understanding the ontology’s data. Using either a text or graph-based representation, users can discuss and edit the ontology. Social elements utilizing gamification techniques are included to encourage users to create and collaborate on stored knowledge as part of a web community. An evaluation by 30 users comparing MOI with OpenCyc’s original interface showed significant improvements in user understanding of the ontology, although full testing of the interface’s social elements lies in the future

    WebProt\'eg\'e: A Cloud-Based Ontology Editor

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    We present WebProt\'eg\'e, a tool to develop ontologies represented in the Web Ontology Language (OWL). WebProt\'eg\'e is a cloud-based application that allows users to collaboratively edit OWL ontologies, and it is available for use at https://webprotege.stanford.edu. WebProt\'ege\'e currently hosts more than 68,000 OWL ontology projects and has over 50,000 user accounts. In this paper, we detail the main new features of the latest version of WebProt\'eg\'e

    Grids and the Virtual Observatory

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    We consider several projects from astronomy that benefit from the Grid paradigm and associated technology, many of which involve either massive datasets or the federation of multiple datasets. We cover image computation (mosaicking, multi-wavelength images, and synoptic surveys); database computation (representation through XML, data mining, and visualization); and semantic interoperability (publishing, ontologies, directories, and service descriptions)

    Collaborative editing of knowledge resources for cross-lingual text mining

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    The need to smoothly deal with textual documents expressed in different languages is increasingly becoming a relevant issue in modern text mining environments. Recently the research on this field has been considerably fostered by the necessity for Web users to easily search and browse the growing amount of heterogeneous multilingual contents available on-line as well as by the related spread of the Semantic Web. A common approach to cross-lingual text mining relies on the exploitation of sets of properly structured multilingual knowledge resources. The involvement of huge communities of users spread over different locations represents a valuable aid to create, enrich, and refine these knowledge resources. Collaborative editing Web environments are usually exploited to this purpose. This thesis analyzes the features of several knowledge editing tools, both semantic wikis and ontology editors, and discusses the main challenges related to the design and development of this kind of tools. Subsequently, it presents the design, implementation, and evaluation of the Wikyoto Knowledge Editor, called also Wikyoto. Wikyoto is the collaborative editing Web environment that enables Web users lacking any knowledge engineering background to edit the multilingual network of knowledge resources exploited by KYOTO, a cross-lingual text mining system developed in the context of the KYOTO European Project. To experiment real benefits from social editing of knowledge resources, it is important to provide common Web users with simplified and intuitive interfaces and interaction patterns. Users need to be motivated and properly driven so as to supply information useful for cross-lingual text mining. In addition, the management and coordination of their concurrent editing actions involve relevant technical issues. In the design of Wikyoto, all these requirements have been considered together with the structure and the set of knowledge resources exploited by KYOTO. Wikyoto aims at enabling common Web users to formalize cross-lingual knowledge by exploiting simplified language-driven interactions. At the same time, Wikyoto generates the set of complex knowledge structures needed by computers to mine information from textual contents. The learning curve of Wikyoto has been kept as shallow as possible by hiding the complexity of the knowledge structures to the users. This goal has been pursued by both enhancing the simplicity and interactivity of knowledge editing patterns and by using natural language interviews to carry out the most complex knowledge editing tasks. In this context, TMEKO, a methodology useful to support users to easily formalize cross-lingual information by natural language interviews has been defined. The collaborative creation of knowledge resources has been evaluated in Wikyoto

    Combination of DROOL rules and Protégé knowledge bases in the ONTO-H annotation tool

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    ONTO-H is a semi-automatic collaborative tool for the semantic annotation of documents, built as a Protégé 3.0 tab plug-in. Among its multiple functionalities aimed at easing the document annotation process, ONTO-H uses a rule-based system to create cascading annotations out from a single drag and drop operation from a part of a document into an already existing concept or instance of the domain ontology being used for annotation. It also gives support to the detection of name conflicts and instance duplications in the creation of the annotations. The rule system runs on top of the open source rule engine DROOLS and is connected to the domain ontology used for annotation by means of an ad-hoc programmed Java proxy

    A network approach for managing and processing big cancer data in clouds

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    Translational cancer research requires integrative analysis of multiple levels of big cancer data to identify and treat cancer. In order to address the issues that data is decentralised, growing and continually being updated, and the content living or archiving on different information sources partially overlaps creating redundancies as well as contradictions and inconsistencies, we develop a data network model and technology for constructing and managing big cancer data. To support our data network approach for data process and analysis, we employ a semantic content network approach and adopt the CELAR cloud platform. The prototype implementation shows that the CELAR cloud can satisfy the on-demanding needs of various data resources for management and process of big cancer data
