45 research outputs found

    Decentralized Cooperative Planning for Automated Vehicles with Hierarchical Monte Carlo Tree Search

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    Today's automated vehicles lack the ability to cooperate implicitly with others. This work presents a Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) based approach for decentralized cooperative planning using macro-actions for automated vehicles in heterogeneous environments. Based on cooperative modeling of other agents and Decoupled-UCT (a variant of MCTS), the algorithm evaluates the state-action-values of each agent in a cooperative and decentralized manner, explicitly modeling the interdependence of actions between traffic participants. Macro-actions allow for temporal extension over multiple time steps and increase the effective search depth requiring fewer iterations to plan over longer horizons. Without predefined policies for macro-actions, the algorithm simultaneously learns policies over and within macro-actions. The proposed method is evaluated under several conflict scenarios, showing that the algorithm can achieve effective cooperative planning with learned macro-actions in heterogeneous environments

    Accelerating Monte Carlo Tree Search with Probability Tree State Abstraction

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    Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) algorithms such as AlphaGo and MuZero have achieved superhuman performance in many challenging tasks. However, the computational complexity of MCTS-based algorithms is influenced by the size of the search space. To address this issue, we propose a novel probability tree state abstraction (PTSA) algorithm to improve the search efficiency of MCTS. A general tree state abstraction with path transitivity is defined. In addition, the probability tree state abstraction is proposed for fewer mistakes during the aggregation step. Furthermore, the theoretical guarantees of the transitivity and aggregation error bound are justified. To evaluate the effectiveness of the PTSA algorithm, we integrate it with state-of-the-art MCTS-based algorithms, such as Sampled MuZero and Gumbel MuZero. Experimental results on different tasks demonstrate that our method can accelerate the training process of state-of-the-art algorithms with 10%-45% search space reduction

    O-MuZero : abstract planning models Induced by Options on the MuZero Algorithm

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    Training Reinforcement Learning agents that learn both the value function and the envi ronment model can be a very time consuming method, one of the main reasons for that is that these agents learn by actions one step at the time (primitive actions), while humans learn in a more abstract way. In this work we introduce O-MuZero: a method for guiding a Monte-Carlo Tree Search through the use of options (temporally-extended actions). Most related work use options to guide the planning but only acts with primitive actions. Our method, on the other hand, proposes to plan and act with the options used for planning. In order to achieve such result, we modify the Monte-Carlo Tree Search structure, where each node of the tree still represents a state but each edge is an option transition. We ex pect that our method allows the agent to see further into the state space and therefore, have a better quality planning. We show that our method can be combined with state-of-the-art on-line planning algorithms that uses a learned model. We evaluate different variations of our technique on previously established grid-world benchmarks and compare to the MuZero algorithm baseline, which is an algorithm that plans under a learned model and traditionally does not use options. Our method not only helps the agent to learn faster but also yields better results during on-line execution with limited time budgets. We empiri cally show that our method also improves model robustness, which means the ability of the model to play on environments slightly different from the one it trained.Agentes de aprendizado por reforço que aprendem tanto a função de valor quanto o mo delo do ambiente são métodos que podem consumir muito tempo, uma das principais razões para isso é que esses agentes aprendem através de ações com passo de cada vez (ações primitivas), enquanto os humanos aprendem de uma forma mais abstrata. Neste trabalho introduzimos O-MuZero: um método para guiar a busca de árvore Monte-Carlo através do uso de options. A maioria dos trabalhos relacionados utiliza options para guiar o planejamento, mas só joga com ações primitivas, nosso método, por outro lado, se propõe a planejar e jogar com as options usadas no planejamento. Para alcançar esse re sultado, modificamos a estrutura da Árvore de Busca de Monte-Carlo para que cada nodo da árvore ainda represente um estado, mas cada aresta é uma transação de uma option. Esperamos que nosso método permita que o agente veja mais além no espaço do estado e, portanto, faça um planejamento de melhor qualidade. Mostramos que nosso método pode ser combinado com algoritmos de planejamento on-line que jogam com um modelo aprendido. Avaliamos diferentes variações de nossa técnica em benchmarks previamente estabelecidos do ambiente e comparamos com a técnica de base. Nosso método não só ajuda o agente a aprender mais rapidamente, mas também produz melhores resultados durante o jogo. Empiricamente mostramos que o uso de nosso método também melhora a resiliência do modelo, o que significa a capacidade do modelo de jogar em ambientes ligeiramente diferentes daquele em que foi treinado

    An Analysis of Model-Based Reinforcement Learning From Abstracted Observations

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    Many methods for Model-based Reinforcement learning (MBRL) in Markov decision processes (MDPs) provide guarantees for both the accuracy of the model they can deliver and the learning efficiency. At the same time, state abstraction techniques allow for a reduction of the size of an MDP while maintaining a bounded loss with respect to the original problem. Therefore, it may come as a surprise that no such guarantees are available when combining both techniques, i.e., where MBRL merely observes abstract states. Our theoretical analysis shows that abstraction can introduce a dependence between samples collected online (e.g., in the real world). That means that, without taking this dependence into account, results for MBRL do not directly extend to this setting. Our result shows that we can use concentration inequalities for martingales to overcome this problem. This result makes it possible to extend the guarantees of existing MBRL algorithms to the setting with abstraction. We illustrate this by combining R-MAX, a prototypical MBRL algorithm, with abstraction, thus producing the first performance guarantees for model-based 'RL from Abstracted Observations': model-based reinforcement learning with an abstract model.Comment: 36 pages, 2 figures, published in Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR) 202