4 research outputs found

    On the Three Methods for Bounding the Rate of Convergence for some Continuous-time Markov Chains

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    Consideration is given to the three different analytical methods for the computation of upper bounds for the rate of convergence to the limiting regime of one specific class of (in)homogeneous continuous-time Markov chains. This class is particularly suited to describe evolutions of the total number of customers in (in)homogeneous M/M/SM/M/S queueing systems with possibly state-dependent arrival and service intensities, batch arrivals and services. One of the methods is based on the logarithmic norm of a linear operator function; the other two rely on Lyapunov functions and differential inequalities, respectively. Less restrictive conditions (compared to those known from the literature) under which the methods are applicable, are being formulated. Two numerical examples are given. It is also shown that for homogeneous birth-death Markov processes defined on a finite state space with all transition rates being positive, all methods yield the same sharp upper bound

    Convergence of stochastic particle systems undergoing advection and coagulation

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    The convergence of stochastic particle systems representing physical advection, inflow, outflow and coagulation is considered. The problem is studied on a bounded spatial domain such that there is a general upper bound on the residence time of a particle. The laws on the appropriate Skorohod path space of the empirical measures of the particle systems are shown to be relatively compact. The paths charged by the limits are characterised as solutions of a weak equation restricted to functions taking the value zero on the outflow boundary. The limit points of the empirical measures are shown to have densities with respect to Lebesgue measure when projected on to physical position space. In the case of a discrete particle type space a strong form of the Smoluchowski coagulation equation with a delocalised coagulation interaction and an inflow boundary condition is derived. As the spatial discretisation is refined in the limit equations, the delocalised coagulation term reduces to the standard local Smoluchowski interaction

    Markov chain model of phytoplankton dynamics

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    A discrete-time stochastic spatial model of plankton dynamics is given. We focus on aggregative behaviour of plankton cells. Our aim is to show the convergence of a microscopic, stochastic model to a macroscopic one, given by an evolution equation. Some numerical simulations are also presented