12 research outputs found

    Exploiting attention for visual relationship detection

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    Visual relationship detection targets on predicting categories of predicates and object pairs, and also locating the object pairs. Recognizing the relationships between individual objects is important for describing visual scenes in static images. In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end framework on the visual relationship detection task. First, we design a spatial attention model for specializing predicate features. Compared to a normal ROI-pooling layer, this structure significantly improves Predicate Classification performance. Second, for extracting relative spatial configuration, we propose to map simple geometric representations to a high dimension, which boosts relationship detection accuracy. Third, we implement a feature embedding model with a bi-directional RNN which considers subject, predicate and object as a time sequence. We evaluate our method on three tasks. The experiments demonstrate that our method achieves competitive results compared to state-of-the-art methods.</p


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    The selection of a drill bit is an essential issue in well planning. Furthermore, identification and evaluation of sedimentary rocks before well drilling plays a crucial role in choosing the drill bit. Moreover, the Markov chain as a stochastic model is one of the powerful methods for identifying lithological units, which is based on the calculation of the transition probability matrix or transition matrix. The Markov chain experiences transitions from one state (a situation or set of values) to another according to specified probabilistic rules. In this paper, the Markov chain was implemented for bit selection in a formation with different sedimentary facies (such as the Dashtak Formation). Therefore, the proper drill bit was proposed by utilizing the transition matrix of rock facies and the available bits. This process was carried out in two wells where the thicknesses of the Dashtak Formation are 960 meters and 1410 meters. Consequently, the results indicate that the Markov chain is a practical method for selecting bits in a sequence of rock facies based on an acceptable matching between the reality mode (the used bits in the well) and the Markov chain results. Besides, in the case of using an improper bit in a well, and using a bit in a washing and reaming operation, there were differences between the used bits and the Markov chain outputs.Odabir dlijeta iznimno je važan korak u izradi projekta bušotine, a prepoznavanje i procjena taložnih stijena prije početka bušenja ima presudnu ulogu u odabiru dlijeta. Markovljev lanac, kao primjer stohastičkoga modela, jedna je od važnijih metoda za razlikovanje litoloških jedinica. Temelji se na računu matrice vjerojatnosti prijelaza ili matrice prijelaza. Markovljev lanac opisuje prijelaze iz jednoga stanja (situacije ili skupa vrijednosti) u drugo prema određenim vjerojatnosnim pravilima. U ovome je radu prvi put opisana uporaba Markovljeva lanca kod odabira dlijeta za bušenje kroz interval s različitim taložnim facijesima (formacija Dashtak). Stoga su u odabiru odgovarajućega dlijeta korišteni prijelazna matrica stijenskih facijesa i podatci o dostupnim dlijetima. Ovaj postupak proveden je u dvjema bušotinama gdje su debljine formacije Dashtak 960 i 1410 m. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da je Markovovljev lanac praktična metoda za odabir dlijeta kod bušenja niza litofacijesa. Zaključak je donesen na temelju stupnja podudaranja između stvarnih podataka (dlijeta korištenih u bušotini) i rezultata dobivenih modelom (Markovljevim lancem). Također, u slučaju uporabe neodgovarajućega dlijeta u bušotini za operacije pročišćavanja i proširenja kanala bušotine pojavile su se razlike između korištenih dlijeta i rezultata dobivenih Markovljevim lancem

    A Spiking Neural Network Learning Markov Chain

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    In this paper, the question how spiking neural network (SNN) learns and fixes in its internal structures a model of external world dynamics is explored. This question is important for implementation of the model-based reinforcement learning (RL), the realistic RL regime where the decisions made by SNN and their evaluation in terms of reward/punishment signals may be separated by significant time interval and sequence of intermediate evaluation-neutral world states. In the present work, I formalize world dynamics as a Markov chain with unknown a priori state transition probabilities, which should be learnt by the network. To make this problem formulation more realistic, I solve it in continuous time, so that duration of every state in the Markov chain may be different and is unknown. It is demonstrated how this task can be accomplished by an SNN with specially designed structure and local synaptic plasticity rules. As an example, we show how this network motif works in the simple but non-trivial world where a ball moves inside a square box and bounces from its walls with a random new direction and velocity

    Нейросетевые модели биномиальных временных рядов в задачах анализа данных

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    This article is devoted to constructing neural network-based models for discrete-valued time series and their use in computer data analysis. A new family of binomial time series based on neural networks is presented, which makes it possible to approximate the arbitrary-type stochastic dependence in time series. Ergodicity conditions and an equivalence relation for these models are determined. Consistent statistical estimators for model parameters and algorithms for computer data analysis (including forecasting and pattern recognition) are developed.В данном сообщении рассматриваются задачи построения нейросетевых моделей дискретных временных рядов и использования их для компьютерного анализа данных. Представлено новое семейство нейросетевых моделей дискретных временных рядов, позволяющих аппроксимировать любой тип стохастической зависимости состояний временного ряда от его предыстории. Установлены условия эргодичности и отношение эквивалентности для этих моделей. Построены состоятельные статистические оценки параметров моделей и алгоритмы компьютерного анализа данных с использованием нейросетевых моделей: алгоритмы оценивания параметров, прогнозирования и распознавания образов

    Optimization of Sparsity-Constrained Neural Networks as a Mixed Integer Linear Program: NN2MILP

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    The literature has shown how to optimize and analyze the parameters of different types of neural networks using mixed integer linear programs (MILP). Building on these developments, this work presents an approach to do so for a McCulloch/Pitts and Rosenblatt neurons. As the original formulation involves a step-function, it is not differentiable, but it is possible to optimize the parameters of neurons, and their concatenation as a shallow neural network, by using a mixed integer linear program. The main contribution of this paper is to additionally enforce sparsity constraints on the weights and activations as well as on the amount of used neurons. Several experiments demonstrate that such constraints effectively prevent overfitting in neural networks, and ensure resource optimized models

    Constructing Neural Network-Based Models for Simulating Dynamical Systems

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    Dynamical systems see widespread use in natural sciences like physics, biology, chemistry, as well as engineering disciplines such as circuit analysis, computational fluid dynamics, and control. For simple systems, the differential equations governing the dynamics can be derived by applying fundamental physical laws. However, for more complex systems, this approach becomes exceedingly difficult. Data-driven modeling is an alternative paradigm that seeks to learn an approximation of the dynamics of a system using observations of the true system. In recent years, there has been an increased interest in data-driven modeling techniques, in particular neural networks have proven to provide an effective framework for solving a wide range of tasks. This paper provides a survey of the different ways to construct models of dynamical systems using neural networks. In addition to the basic overview, we review the related literature and outline the most significant challenges from numerical simulations that this modeling paradigm must overcome. Based on the reviewed literature and identified challenges, we provide a discussion on promising research areas