4 research outputs found

    A multilayered graph-based framework to explore behavioural phenomena in social media conversations

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    Objective: Social media is part of current health communications. This research aims to delve into the effects of social contagion, biased assimilation, and homophily in building and changing health opinions on social media. Materials and methods:Conversations about COVID-19 vaccination on English and Spanish Twitter are the case studies. A new multilayered graph-based framework supports the integrated analysis of content similarity within and across posts, users, and conversations to interpret contrasting and confluent user stances. Deep learning models are applied to infer stance. Graph centrality and homophily scores support the interpretation of information reproduction. Results: The results show that semantically related English posts tend to present a similar stance about COVID-19 vaccination (rstance = 0.51) whereas Spanish posts are more heterophilic (rstance = 0.38). Neither case showed evidence of homophily regarding user influence or vaccine hashtags. Graph filters for Pfizer and Astrazeneca with a similarity threshold of 0.85 show stance homophily in English scenarios (i.e. rstance = 0.45 and rstance = 0.58, respectively) and small homophily in Spanish scenarios (i.e. r = 0.12 and r = 0.3, respectively). Highly connected users are a minority and are not socially influential. Spanish conversations showed stance homophily, i.e. most of the connected conversations promote vaccination (rstance = 0.42), whereas English conversations are more likely to offer contrasting stances. Conclusion: The methodology proposed for quantifying the impact of natural and intentional social behaviours in health information reproduction can be applied to any of the main social platforms and any given topic of conversation. Its effectiveness was demonstrated by two case studies describing English and Spanish demographic and sociocultural scenarios.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2020-113673RB-I00Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C2018/55-GRCFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. UIDB/04469/2020Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    A multilayered graph-based framework to explore behavioural phenomena in social media conversations

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    Objective Social media is part of current health communications. This research aims to delve into the effects of social contagion, biased assimilation, and homophily in building and changing health opinions on social media. Materials and Methods Conversations about COVID-19 vaccination on English and Spanish Twitter are the case studies. A new multilayered graph-based framework supports the integrated analysis of content similarity within and across posts, users, and conversations to interpret contrasting and confluent user stances. Deep learning models are applied to infer stance. Graph centrality and homophily scores support the interpretation of information reproduction. Results The results show that semantically related English posts tend to present a similar stance about COVID-19 vaccination (rstance=0.51) whereas Spanish posts are more heterophilic (rstance=0.38). Neither case showed evidence of homophily regarding user influence or vaccine hashtags. Graph filters for Pfizer and Astrazeneca with a similarity threshold of 0.85 show stance homophily in English scenarios (i.e. rstance=0.45 and rstance=0.58, respectively) and small homophily in Spanish scenarios (i.e. r=0.12 and r=0.3, respectively). Highly connected users are a minority and are not socially influential. Spanish conversations showed stance homophily, i.e. most of the connected conversations promote vaccination (rstance=0.42), whereas English conversations are more likely to offer contrasting stances. Conclusion The methodology proposed for quantifying the impact of natural and intentional social behaviours in health information reproduction can be applied to any of the main social platforms and any given topic of conversation. Its effectiveness was demonstrated by two case studies describing English and Spanish demographic and sociocultural scenarios.This study was supported by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 under the scope of the CURMIS4th project (Grant PID2020–113673RB-I00), the Consellería de Educación, Universidades e Formación Profesional (Xunta de Galicia) under the scope of the strategic funding of ED431C2018/55-GRC Competitive Reference Group, the “Centro singular de investigación de Galicia” (accreditation 2019–2022), and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology(FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit. SING group thanks CITI (Centro de Investigación, Transferencia e Innovación) from the University of Vigo for hosting its IT infrastructure. Funding for open access charge: Universidade de Vigo/CISUG.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Problemas enfrentados pelos empreendedores na criação e desenvolvimento das empresas

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    A realidade do mundo empresarial é extremamente complexa, dependendo dos mais variados fatores. Esta dissertação procura perceber como esses mesmo fatores funcionam e de que forma se encontram as organizações. Para isso, existe uma constante análise aos 3 grandes pilares desta dissertação: empreendedorismo, estratégia e marketing. A criação e o desenvolvimento das organizações dependem da atitude empreendedora. Por isso mesmo, analisou-se o perfil empreendedor. No entanto, apesar de ser importante perceber a área do empreendedorismo, o mundo empresarial é muito mais complexo que isso, existem muitas mais áreas que merecem ser analisadas. Para tornar o estudo mais completo, foram analisadas também a parte estratégica e a parte do marketing, de forma a ter uma visão mais holística, para atingir o objetivo de perceber verdadeiramente os problemas enfrentados pelos empreendedores na criação e desenvolvimento das suas empresas. A recolha de informação foi feita através de entrevistas. Esta é uma forma bastante direta de abordar os empreendedores. A possibilidade de respostas abertas permitiu que os mesmosfalassem abertamente sobre cada assunto, o que possibilitou que o leque de respostas fosse muito vasto e abordassem o mais variado tipo de problemas que enfrentaram, que foi sempre o grande objetivo desta dissertação. Verificaram-se as características dos empreendedores já presentes na literatura. No entanto, constatou-se que uma parte significativa inicia os seus projetos sem uma visão estratégica para o longo prazo, ou sem recorrer a qualquer análise prévia, o que pode condicionar o sucesso das empresas.The reality of the business world is extremely complex, depending on the most varied factors. This dissertation seeks to understand how these factors work and how is the reality of the organizations nowadays. There is a constant analysis of the 3 main pillars of this dissertation: entrepreneurship, strategy and marketing. The creation and development of the organizations depends on an entrepreneurial attitude. For this reason, a vast analysis was made on the profile of the entrepreneur. Although it is important to understand the entrepreneurship, the business world is much more complex, there are many more areas that deserve to be analyzed. To make the study more complete, the strategy and the marketing part were also analyzed, in order to have a more holistic vision, so as to achieve the objective of truly realizing the problems faced by entrepreneurs in the creation and development of their companies. The collection of information was done through interviews. This is a very straightforward way of approaching entrepreneurs. The possibility of open responses allowed entrepreneurs to speak openly about each topic, making it possible for the range of responses to be very wide and to adress the most varied type of problems they faced, which was always the great objective of this dissertation. The characteristics of the entrepreneurs already present in the literature were verified. However, it was found that a significant part starts their projects without a strategic vision for the long term, which can condition the success of companies

    Pazarlama alanındaki uluslararası akademik dergilerin metin madenciliği yöntemi ile değerlendirilmesi

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Günümüzde verilerin çoğu yapılandırılmamış formatta bulunmaktadır. Bu veriler üzerinde işlem yapmak, hacmi büyük verileri yönetmek ve bu verilere ulaşmak zordur. Bu nedenle veriyi yapılandırıp işlenebilir hale dönüştürme amacıyla veri organizasyonunu geliştirilmeye çalışan sistemler üzerinde çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Metin madenciliği, yapılandırılmamış metinler içerisindeki daha önceden bilinmeyen ilişkileri ortaya çıkarmayı sağlayan işlemler bütünüdür. Çalışmamızda pazarlama alanında yayın yapan akademik dergilerin metin madenciliği yaklaşımı ile değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma yapılan alandaki boşluklar ve alanın yönelimi belirlenerek bu alanda araştırma yapmak isteyen araştırmacılara kılavuz niteliğinde bir çalışma yapılmak istenmiştir. Bu amaçla SCOPUS veri tabanından 2005-2018 yılları arasında 25 dergiden yayınlanan 16069 özet makaleden metin madenciliği ile veriler elde edilmiştir. Verilerin ön işleme aşamasında R programlama dilinden yararlanılmıştır. Analiz sonuçlarına göre pazarlama alanındaki literatürün genel bir resmi çıkarılmıştır. İncelenen dergilerin belirlenen konu endeksleri kapsamındaki çalışma alanları belirlenmiştir. Çalışması olan araştırmacılara yayın gönderebileceği dergi öneri modeli oluşturulmuştur. Dergi bazlı incelemeler ile dergilerin yıllar içerisinde geçirdikleri dönüşümler incelenmiştir.Today, most of the data is in unstructured format. It is difficult to process data, conduct large volumes of data and access these data. Concequently, studies have been carried out on systems that are trying to improve the data organization in order to transform the data into processable form. Text mining is a set of processes that allow to uncover previously unknown relationships within unstructured texts. In our study, it is aimed to evaluate the academic journals which are published in marketing field with text mining approach. Gaps in the study area and the orientation of the area were determined and a study was conducted as a guide fort he researchers who wanted to do research in this field. For this purpose, data were obtained from the SCOPUS database with text mining from 16069 abstract articles published in 25 journals between 2005 and 2018. R programming language was used in the pre-processing stage of the data. According to the results of the analysis, a general picture of the literature in marketing field was published. The study areas within the scope of the determined subject indices have been determined. A journal recommendation model has been created in which researchers can send their publications. Journal-based researches and the transformations of journals over the years have been examined