7,939 research outputs found

    Decision Taking for Selling Thread Startup

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    Decision Taking is discussed in the context of the role it may play for a selling agent in a search market, in particular for agents involved in the sale of valuable and relatively unique items, such as a dwelling, a second hand car, or a second hand recreational vessel. Detailed connections are made between the architecture of decision making processes and a sample of software technology based concepts including instruction sequences, multi-threading, and thread algebra. Ample attention is paid to the initialization or startup of a thread dedicated to achieving a given objective, and to corresponding decision taking. As an application, the selling of an item is taken as an objective to be achieved by running a thread that was designed for that purpose

    Assessing Financial Reporting Quality of Early Stage Private Companies

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    There are a variety of widely accepted methods that are used in order to evaluate the financial positioning of companies that are traded on stock exchanges. However, these methods that are common in the public markets do not suffice for assessing companies that are privately held. Attempting to devise an intrinsic value using anticipated cash flows is ineffective given that most companies are pre-revenue. Deriving a value based off of assets held is also inaccurate given that a young company will be in the process of capitalizing itself and more of its assets cannot be represented on a balance sheet, compared to public companies. Furthermore, the sheer lack of raw data provided by the companies in some cases can also contribute to pitfalls in valuation attempts. In addition, the lack of reliability of private companies’ financial information makes the valuation of these companies difficult. This study aims to develop a framework to assess the financial reporting quality of these early stage private companies

    Understanding eINVs through the lens of prior research in entrepreneurship, international business and international entrepreneurship

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    In this chapter we examine the growing phenomenon of internet-based international new ventures, which we label “eINVS,” through the lens of previous research in the fields of entre- preneurship, international business and international entrepreneurship. Our purpose is to iden- tify where these existing bodies of research help us to understand eINVs, and where there are gaps that constitute important questions for future research. We define an eINV by adapting a widely used definition of international new ventures (INV) (Oviatt and McDougall 2005: 5): an eINV is a venture whose business model is enabled by a digital platform and that, from incep- tion, seeks to derive significant competitive advantage from international growth. With a focus explicitly on how extant research helps us understand eINVs, this review differs from that of Reuber and Fischer (2011b), who focus on firm-level internet-related resources that are related to the internationalization of ventures in general; that of Pezderka and Sinkovics (2011), who focus on risk and the online foreign market entry decisions of small and medium-sized enter- prises (SMEs); and that of Chandra and Coviello (2010), who focus on consumers using the internet to pursue international opportunities

    The Deregulation of the Private Equity Markets and the Decline in IPOs

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    The deregulation of securities laws—in particular the National Securities Markets Improvement Act (NSMIA) of 1996—has increased the supply of private capital to late-stage private startups, which are now able to grow to a size that few private firms used to reach. NSMIA is one of a number of factors that have changed the going-public versus staying-private trade-off, helping bring about a new equilibrium where fewer startups go public, and those that do are older. This new equilibrium does not reflect an initial public offering (IPO) market failure. Rather, founders are using their increased bargaining power vis-à-vis investors to stay private longer

    Balancing the Tradeoff between Personal Fulfillment and Competitiveness in Venture Creation

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    The fascination of venture creation is associated with an entrepreneur’s opportunity of achieving personal fulfillment. In reality, however, many nascent entrepreneurs discover that much of their original vision is sacrificed in the process of creating a startup. In this paper we address the conflict between the entrepreneur’s fulfillment and the startup’s competitiveness from a negotiationanalytic perspective. We show how the nature of this conflict is transformed in the process of business planning, and we demonstrate how a purely marketoriented focus on expansion serves to enhance personal fulfillment. Our analytical approach has practical implications for business development and entrepreneurial education.Venture Creation, Business Development, Negotiation Analysis

    Fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Shark Tank Shouldn\u27t be the Model

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    For the past half century, innovation has driven the economic growth that has made the American economy the envy of the world. For most of this period, venture capitalists provided not only the capital that new innovative companies needed, but also the management expertise

    Immigrants and Billion Dollar Startups

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    Immigrants play a key role in creating new, fast-growing companies, as evidenced by the prevalence of foreignborn founders and key personnel in the nation's leading privately-held companies. Immigrants have started more than half (44 of 87) of America's startup companies valued at 1billiondollarsormoreandarekeymembersofmanagementorproductdevelopmentteamsinover70percent(62of87)ofthesecompanies.Theresearchfindsthatamongthebilliondollarstartupcompanies,immigrantfoundershavecreatedanaverageofapproximately760jobspercompanyintheUnitedStates.Thecollectivevalueofthe44immigrant−foundedcompaniesis1 billion dollars or more and are key members of management or product development teams in over 70 percent (62 of 87) of these companies. The research finds that among the billion dollar startup companies, immigrant founders have created an average of approximately 760 jobs per company in the United States. The collective value of the 44 immigrant-founded companies is 168 billion, which is close to half the value of the stock markets of Russia or Mexico.The research involved conducting interviews and gathering information on the 87 U.S. startup companies valued at over 1billion(asofJanuary1,2016)thathaveyettobecomepubliclytradedontheU.S.stockmarketandaretrackedbyTheWallStreetJournalandDowJonesVentureSource.Thecompanies,allprivately−heldandwiththepotentialtobecomepubliclytradedonthestockmarket,aretodayeachvaluedat1 billion (as of January 1, 2016) that have yet to become publicly traded on the U.S. stock market and are tracked by The Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones VentureSource. The companies, all privately-held and with the potential to become publicly traded on the stock market, are today each valued at 1 billion or more and have received venture capital (equity) financing

    Debt Financing of High-growth Startups

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    We study the business model of venture debt firms, specialized institutions that provide loans to high-growth startups. Venture debt represents an apparent contradiction with traditional debt theory since startups have negative cash flows and lack tangible assets to secure the loan. Yet, we estimate that the U.S. venture debt industry provides at least one venture debt dollar for every seven venture capital dollars invested. We aim to provide the first empirical evidence on the determinants of the lending decision. Building on existing field interviews and case studies, we design a choice experiment of the lending decision and conduct experiments with 55 senior venture lenders. We find support for the hypothesis that backing by venture capital firms substitutes for startups’ cash flow. Furthermore, we illustrate the signaling effect of patents and their role as collateral to facilitate the lending decision.Venture capital; startups; patents

    How to value a Startup? : A share price assessment of bumble

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    This paper examines the typical attributes of startups, extensively studying their main characteristics. The analysis shows that most startups need more historical data and financial information to forecast future trends. Moreover, they stand out for companies with operating losses and high operational risk. Nevertheless, on the other hand, they are ventures with high potential growth and upside. Startups heavily rely on equity financing as opposed to traditional debt financing. This thesis also shows numerous examples and references, the shortcomings of some traditional valuation methods, and analyses the quality of alternative non-traditional methods. The case study extensively studies the company and industry of Bumble Inc., Showing that the Online Dating industry is very competitive and depends highly on marketing and selling expenditures. However, Bumble, the second most significant player worldwide, is well positioned in the market, using a disruptive methodology in its networking app. The main risks that the company faces are competitive risks, privacy and security risk, and reputational risk. Lastly, the case study also assesses Bumble Inc.'s share price using the valuation methods examined in the first part of the paper. While most valuation methods produce a range of values in line with the market, some non-traditional valuation methods could be more accurate due to the substantial size of Bumble Inc. compared to most startups. The outcome of the case study values Bumble Inc. between 20to20 to 25 per share, implying that the company may be undervalued at the moment, with a current share price of $17.
