32 research outputs found

    Active Discovery of Network Roles for Predicting the Classes of Network Nodes

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    Nodes in real world networks often have class labels, or underlying attributes, that are related to the way in which they connect to other nodes. Sometimes this relationship is simple, for instance nodes of the same class are may be more likely to be connected. In other cases, however, this is not true, and the way that nodes link in a network exhibits a different, more complex relationship to their attributes. Here, we consider networks in which we know how the nodes are connected, but we do not know the class labels of the nodes or how class labels relate to the network links. We wish to identify the best subset of nodes to label in order to learn this relationship between node attributes and network links. We can then use this discovered relationship to accurately predict the class labels of the rest of the network nodes. We present a model that identifies groups of nodes with similar link patterns, which we call network roles, using a generative blockmodel. The model then predicts labels by learning the mapping from network roles to class labels using a maximum margin classifier. We choose a subset of nodes to label according to an iterative margin-based active learning strategy. By integrating the discovery of network roles with the classifier optimisation, the active learning process can adapt the network roles to better represent the network for node classification. We demonstrate the model by exploring a selection of real world networks, including a marine food web and a network of English words. We show that, in contrast to other network classifiers, this model achieves good classification accuracy for a range of networks with different relationships between class labels and network links

    Active-Learning-as-a-Service: An Efficient MLOps System for Data-Centric AI

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    The success of today's AI applications requires not only model training (Model-centric) but also data engineering (Data-centric). In data-centric AI, active learning (AL) plays a vital role, but current AL tools can not perform AL tasks efficiently. To this end, this paper presents an efficient MLOps system for AL, named ALaaS (Active-Learning-as-a-Service). Specifically, ALaaS adopts a server-client architecture to support an AL pipeline and implements stage-level parallelism for high efficiency. Meanwhile, caching and batching techniques are employed to further accelerate the AL process. In addition to efficiency, ALaaS ensures accessibility with the help of the design philosophy of configuration-as-a-service. It also abstracts an AL process to several components and provides rich APIs for advanced users to extend the system to new scenarios. Extensive experiments show that ALaaS outperforms all other baselines in terms of latency and throughput. Further ablation studies demonstrate the effectiveness of our design as well as ALaaS's ease to use. Our code is available at \url{https://github.com/MLSysOps/alaas}.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    More data means less inference: A pseudo-max approach to structured learning

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    The problem of learning to predict structured labels is of key importance in many applications. However, for general graph structure both learning and inference in this setting are intractable. Here we show that it is possible to circumvent this difficulty when the input distribution is rich enough via a method similar in spirit to pseudo-likelihood. We show how our new method achieves consistency, and illustrate empirically that it indeed performs as well as exact methods when sufficiently large training sets are used.United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation (Grant 2008303)Google (Firm) (Research Grant)Google (Firm) (PhD Fellowship

    Consistency-based Semi-supervised Active Learning: Towards Minimizing Labeling Cost

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    Active learning (AL) combines data labeling and model training to minimize the labeling cost by prioritizing the selection of high value data that can best improve model performance. In pool-based active learning, accessible unlabeled data are not used for model training in most conventional methods. Here, we propose to unify unlabeled sample selection and model training towards minimizing labeling cost, and make two contributions towards that end. First, we exploit both labeled and unlabeled data using semi-supervised learning (SSL) to distill information from unlabeled data during the training stage. Second, we propose a consistency-based sample selection metric that is coherent with the training objective such that the selected samples are effective at improving model performance. We conduct extensive experiments on image classification tasks. The experimental results on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and ImageNet demonstrate the superior performance of our proposed method with limited labeled data, compared to the existing methods and the alternative AL and SSL combinations. Additionally, we study an important yet under-explored problem -- "When can we start learning-based AL selection?". We propose a measure that is empirically correlated with the AL target loss and is potentially useful for determining the proper starting point of learning-based AL methods.Comment: Accepted by ECCV202

    Active Learning to Classify Macromolecular Structures in situ for Less Supervision in Cryo-Electron Tomography

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    Motivation: Cryo-Electron Tomography (cryo-ET) is a 3D bioimaging tool that visualizes the structural and spatial organization of macromolecules at a near-native state in single cells, which has broad applications in life science. However, the systematic structural recognition and recovery of macromolecules captured by cryo-ET are difficult due to high structural complexity and imaging limits. Deep learning based subtomogram classification have played critical roles for such tasks. As supervised approaches, however, their performance relies on sufficient and laborious annotation on a large training dataset. Results: To alleviate this major labeling burden, we proposed a Hybrid Active Learning (HAL) framework for querying subtomograms for labelling from a large unlabeled subtomogram pool. Firstly, HAL adopts uncertainty sampling to select the subtomograms that have the most uncertain predictions. Moreover, to mitigate the sampling bias caused by such strategy, a discriminator is introduced to judge if a certain subtomogram is labeled or unlabeled and subsequently the model queries the subtomogram that have higher probabilities to be unlabeled. Additionally, HAL introduces a subset sampling strategy to improve the diversity of the query set, so that the information overlap is decreased between the queried batches and the algorithmic efficiency is improved. Our experiments on subtomogram classification tasks using both simulated and real data demonstrate that we can achieve comparable testing performance (on average only 3% accuracy drop) by using less than 30% of the labeled subtomograms, which shows a very promising result for subtomogram classification task with limited labeling resources.Comment: Statement on authorship changes: Dr. Eric Xing was an academic advisor of Mr. Haohan Wang. Dr. Xing was not directly involved in this work and has no direct interaction or collaboration with any other authors on this work. Therefore, Dr. Xing is removed from the author list according to his request. Mr. Zhenxi Zhu's affiliation is updated to his current affiliatio

    Stochastic Adversarial Gradient Embedding for Active Domain Adaptation

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    Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) aims to bridge the gap between a source domain, where labelled data are available, and a target domain only represented with unlabelled data. If domain invariant representations have dramatically improved the adaptability of models, to guarantee their good transferability remains a challenging problem. This paper addresses this problem by using active learning to annotate a small budget of target data. Although this setup, called Active Domain Adaptation (ADA), deviates from UDA's standard setup, a wide range of practical applications are faced with this situation. To this purpose, we introduce \textit{Stochastic Adversarial Gradient Embedding} (SAGE), a framework that makes a triple contribution to ADA. First, we select for annotation target samples that are likely to improve the representations' transferability by measuring the variation, before and after annotation, of the transferability loss gradient. Second, we increase sampling diversity by promoting different gradient directions. Third, we introduce a novel training procedure for actively incorporating target samples when learning invariant representations. SAGE is based on solid theoretical ground and validated on various UDA benchmarks against several baselines. Our empirical investigation demonstrates that SAGE takes the best of uncertainty \textit{vs} diversity samplings and improves representations transferability substantially

    Fine-Tuning Language Models via Epistemic Neural Networks

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    Large language models are now part of a powerful new paradigm in machine learning. These models learn a wide range of capabilities from training on large unsupervised text corpora. In many applications, these capabilities are then fine-tuned through additional training on specialized data to improve performance in that setting. In this paper, we augment these models with an epinet: a small additional network architecture that helps to estimate model uncertainty and form an epistemic neural network (ENN). ENNs are neural networks that can know what they don't know. We show that, using an epinet to prioritize uncertain data, we can fine-tune BERT on GLUE tasks to the same performance while using 2x less data. We also investigate performance in synthetic neural network generative models designed to build understanding. In each setting, using an epinet outperforms heuristic active learning schemes