202 research outputs found

    Discriminative ridge regression algorithm for adaptation in statistical machine translation

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    [EN] We present a simple and reliable method for estimating the log-linear weights of a state-of-the-art machine translation system, which takes advantage of the method known as discriminative ridge regression (DRR). Since inappropriate weight estimations lead to a wide variability of translation quality results, reaching a reliable estimate for such weights is critical for machine translation research. For this reason, a variety of methods have been proposed to reach reasonable estimates. In this paper, we present an algorithmic description and empirical results proving that DRR is able to provide comparable translation quality when compared to state-of-the-art estimation methods [i.e. MERT and MIRA], with a reduction in computational cost. Moreover, the empirical results reported are coherent across different corpora and language pairs.The research leading to these results were partially supported by projects CoMUN-HaT-TIN2015-70924-C2-1-R (MINECO/FEDER) and PROMETEO/2018/004. We also acknowledge NVIDIA for the donation of a GPU used in this work.Chinea-Ríos, M.; Sanchis-Trilles, G.; Casacuberta Nolla, F. (2019). Discriminative ridge regression algorithm for adaptation in statistical machine translation. Pattern Analysis and Applications. 22(4):1293-1305. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10044-018-0720-5S12931305224Barrachina S, Bender O, Casacuberta F, Civera J, Cubel E, Khadivi S, Lagarda A, Ney H, Tomás J, Vidal E et al (2009) Statistical approaches to computer-assisted translation. Comput Ling 35(1):3–28Bojar O, Buck C, Federmann C, Haddow B, Koehn P, Monz C, Post M, Specia L (eds) (2014) Proceedings of the ninth workshop on statistical machine translation. Association for Computational LinguisticsBrown PF, Pietra VJD, Pietra SAD, Mercer RL (1993) The mathematics of statistical machine translation: parameter estimation. Comput Ling 19:263–311Callison-Burch C, Koehn P, Monz C, Peterson K, Przybocki M, Zaidan OF (2010) Findings of the 2010 joint workshop on statistical machine translation and metrics for machine translation. In: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics, pp 17–53Chen B, Cherry C (2014) A systematic comparison of smoothing techniques for sentence-level bleu. In: Proceedings of the workshop on statistical machine translation, pp 362–367Cherry C, Foster G (2012) Batch tuning strategies for statistical machine translation. In: Proceedings of the North American chapter of the association for computational linguistics, pp 427–436Clark JH, Dyer C, Lavie A, Smith NA (2011) Better hypothesis testing for statistical machine translation: controlling for optimizer instability. In: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics, pp 176–181Crammer K, Dekel O, Keshet J, Shalev-Shwartz S, Singer Y (2006) Online passive-aggressive algorithms. J Mach Learn Res 7:551–585Hasler E, Haddow B, Koehn P (2011) Margin infused relaxed algorithm for moses. Prague Bull Math Ling 96:69–78Hopkins M, May J (2011) Tuning as ranking. In: Proceedings of the conference on empirical methods in natural language processing, pp 1352–1362Kneser R, Ney H (1995) Improved backing-off for m-gram language modeling. In: Proceedings of the international conference on acoustics, speech and signal processing, pp 181–184Koehn P (2005) Europarl: a parallel corpus for statistical machine translation. In: Proceedings of the machine translation summit, pp 79–86Koehn P (2010) Statistical machine translation. Cambridge University Press, CambridgeKoehn P, Hoang H, Birch A, Callison-Burch C, Federico M, Bertoldi N, Cowan B, Shen W, Moran C, Zens R, Dyer C, Bojar O, Constantin A, Herbst E (2007) Moses: open source toolkit for statistical machine translation. In: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics, pp 177–180Lavie MDA (2014) Meteor universal: language specific translation evaluation for any target language. In: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics, pp 376–387Marie B, Max A (2015) Multi-pass decoding with complex feature guidance for statistical machine translation. In: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics, pp 554–559Martínez-Gómez P, Sanchis-Trilles G, Casacuberta F (2012) Online adaptation strategies for statistical machine translation in post-editing scenarios. Pattern Recogn 45(9):3193–3203Nakov P, Vogel S (2017) Robust tuning datasets for statistical machine translation. arXiv:1710.00346Neubig G, Watanabe T (2016) Optimization for statistical machine translation: a survey. Comput Ling 42(1):1–54Och FJ (2003) Minimum error rate training in statistical machine translation. In: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics, pp 160–167Och FJ, Ney H (2003) A systematic comparison of various statistical alignment models. Comput Ling 29:19–51Papineni K, Roukos S, Ward T, Zhu WJ (2002) Bleu: a method for automatic evaluation of machine translation. In: Proceedings of the international conference on acoustics, speech and signal processing, pp 311–318Sanchis-Trilles G, Casacuberta F (2010) Log-linear weight optimisation via Bayesian adaptation in statistical machine translation. In: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics, pp 1077–1085Sanchis-Trilles G, Casacuberta F (2015) Improving translation quality stability using Bayesian predictive adaptation. Comput Speech Lang 34(1):1–17Snover M, Dorr B, Schwartz R, Micciulla L, Makhoul J (2006) A study of translation edit rate with targeted human annotation. In: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the association for machine translation in the Americas, pp 223–231Sokolov A, Yvon F (2011) Minimum error rate training semiring. In: Proceedings of the annual conference of the European association for machine translation, pp 241–248Stauffer C, Grimson WEL (2000) Learning patterns of activity using real-time tracking. Pattern Anal Mach Intell 22(8):747–757Stolcke A (2002) Srilm—an extensible language modeling toolkit. In: Proceedings of the international conference on spoken language processing, pp 901–904Tiedemann J (2009) News from opus—a collection of multilingual parallel corpora with tools and interfaces. In: Proceedings of the recent advances in natural language processing, pp 237–248Tiedemann J (2012) Parallel data, tools and interfaces in opus. In: Proceedings of the language resources and evaluation conference, pp 2214–221

    Robust Tuning Datasets for Statistical Machine Translation

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    We explore the idea of automatically crafting a tuning dataset for Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) that makes the hyper-parameters of the SMT system more robust with respect to some specific deficiencies of the parameter tuning algorithms. This is an under-explored research direction, which can allow better parameter tuning. In this paper, we achieve this goal by selecting a subset of the available sentence pairs, which are more suitable for specific combinations of optimizers, objective functions, and evaluation measures. We demonstrate the potential of the idea with the pairwise ranking optimization (PRO) optimizer, which is known to yield too short translations. We show that the learning problem can be alleviated by tuning on a subset of the development set, selected based on sentence length. In particular, using the longest 50% of the tuning sentences, we achieve two-fold tuning speedup, and improvements in BLEU score that rival those of alternatives, which fix BLEU+1's smoothing instead.Comment: RANLP-201

    Online learning approaches in Computer Assisted Translation

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    open3We present a novel online learning approach for statistical machine translation tailored to the computer assisted translation scenario. With the introduction of a simple online feature, we are able to adapt the translation model on the fly to the corrections made by the translators. Additionally, we do online adaption of the feature weights with a large margin algorithm. Our results show that our online adaptation technique outperforms the static phrase based statistical machine translation system by 6 BLEU points absolute, and a standard incremental adaptation approach by 2 BLEU points absolute.Prashant M.; Cettolo M.; Federico M.Prashant, M.; Cettolo, Mauro; Federico, Marcell

    Log-Linear Weight Optimization Using Discriminative Ridge Regression Method in Statistical Machine Translation

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    [EN] We present a simple and reliable method for estimating the log-linear weights of a state-of-the-art machine translation system, which takes advantage of the method known as discriminative ridge regression (DRR). Since inappropriate weight estimations lead to a wide variability of translation quality results, reaching a reliable estimate for such weights is critical for machine translation research. For this reason, a variety of methods have been proposed to reach reasonable estimates. In this paper, we present an algorithmic description and empirical results proving that DRR, as applied in a pseudo-batch scenario, is able to provide comparable translation quality when compared to state-of-the-art estimation methods (i.e., MERT [1] and MIRA [2]). Moreover, the empirical results reported are coherent across different corpora and language pairs.The research leading to these results has received funding fromthe Generalitat Valenciana under grant PROMETEOII/2014/030 and the FPI (2014) grant by Universitat Politècnica de València.Chinea-Ríos, M.; Sanchis Trilles, G.; Casacuberta Nolla, F. (2017). Log-Linear Weight Optimization Using Discriminative Ridge Regression Method in Statistical Machine Translation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 10255:32-41. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-58838-4_4S324110255Och, F.J.: Minimum error rate training in statistical machine translation. In: Proceedings of ACL, pp. 160–167 (2003)Crammer, K., Dekel, O., Keshet, J., Shalev-Shwartz, S., Singer, Y.: Online passive-aggressive algorithms. J. Mach. Learn. Res. 7, 551–585 (2006)Och, F.J., Ney, H.: A systematic comparison of various statistical alignment models. Comput. Linguist. 29, 19–51 (2003)Koehn, P.: Statistical Machine Translation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2010)Martínez-Gómez, P., Sanchis-Trilles, G., Casacuberta, F.: Online adaptation strategies for statistical machine translation in post-editing scenarios. Pattern Recogn. 45(9), 3193–3203 (2012)Cherry, C., Foster, G.: Batch tuning strategies for statistical machine translation. In: Proceedings of NAACL, pp. 427–436 (2012)Sanchis-Trilles, G., Casacuberta, F.: Log-linear weight optimisation via Bayesian adaptation in statistical machine translation. In: Proceedings of ACL, pp. 1077–1085 (2010)Marie, B., Max, A.: Multi-pass decoding with complex feature guidance for statistical machine translation. In: Proceedings of ACL, pp. 554–559 (2015)Hopkins, M., May, J.: Tuning as ranking. In: Proceedings of EMNLP, pp. 1352–1362 (2011)Stauffer, C., Grimson, W.E.L.: Learning patterns of activity using real-time tracking. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 22(8), 747–757 (2000)Koehn, P., Hoang, H., Birch, A., Callison-Burch, C., Federico, M., Bertoldi, N., Cowan, B., Shen, W., Moran, C., Zens, R., Dyer, C., Bojar, O., Constantin, A., Herbst, E.: Moses: open source toolkit for statistical machine translation. In: Proceedings of ACL, pp. 177–180 (2007)Kneser, R., Ney, H.: Improved backing-off for m-gram language modeling. In: Proceedings of ICASSP, pp. 181–184 (1995)Stolcke, A.: Srilm-an extensible language modeling toolkit. In: Proceedings of ICSLP, pp. 901–904 (2002)Papineni, K., Roukos, S., Ward, T., Zhu, W.-J.: BLEU: a method for automatic evaluation of machine translation. In: Proceedings of ACL, pp. 311–318 (2002)Chen, B., Cherry, C.: A systematic comparison of smoothing techniques for sentence-level BLEU. In: Proceedings of WMT, pp. 362–367 (2014)Snover, M., Dorr, B.J., Schwartz, R., Micciulla, L., Makhoul, J.: A study of translation edit rate with targeted human annotation. In: Proceedings of AMTA, pp. 223–231 (2006)Tiedemann, J.: News from opus-a collection of multilingual parallel corpora with tools and interfaces. In: Proceedings of RANLP, pp. 237–248 (2009)Tiedemann, J.: Parallel data, tools and interfaces in opus. In: Proceedings of LREC, pp. 2214–2218 (2012

    Accuracy-based scoring for phrase-based statistical machine translation

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    Although the scoring features of state-of-the-art Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation (PB-SMT) models are weighted so as to optimise an objective function measuring translation quality, the estimation of the features themselves does not have any relation to such quality metrics. In this paper, we introduce a translation quality-based feature to PBSMT in a bid to improve the translation quality of the system. Our feature is estimated by averaging the edit-distance between phrase pairs involved in the translation of oracle sentences, chosen by automatic evaluation metrics from the N-best outputs of a baseline system, and phrase pairs occurring in the N-best list. Using our method, we report a statistically significant 2.11% relative improvement in BLEU score for the WMT 2009 Spanish-to-English translation task. We also report that using our method we can achieve statistically significant improvements over the baseline using many other MT evaluation metrics, and a substantial increase in speed and reduction in memory use (due to a reduction in phrase-table size of 87%) while maintaining significant gains in translation quality

    Integrating a Discriminative Classifier into Phrase-based and Hierarchical Decoding

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    Current state-of-the-art statistical machine translation (SMT) relies on simple feature functions which make independence assumptions at the level of phrases or CFG rules. However, it is well-known that discriminative models can benefit from rich features extracted from the source sentence context outside of the applied phrase or CFG rule, which is available at decoding time. We present a framework for the open-source decoder Moses that allows discriminative models over source context to easily be trained on a large number of examples and then be included as feature functions in decoding

    Phrase-Based Language Model in Statistical Machine Translation

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    La date de publication ne nous a pas encore été communiquéeInternational audienceAs one of the most important modules in statistical machine translation (SMT), language model measures whether one translation hypothesis is more grammatically correct than other hypotheses. Currently the state-of-the-art SMT systems use standard word n-gram models, whereas the translation model is phrase-based. In this paper, the idea is to use a phrase-based language model. For that, target portion of the translation table are retrieved and used to rewrite the training corpus and to calculate a phrase n-gram language model. In this work, weperform experiments with two language models word-based (WBLM) and phrase-based (PBLM). The different SMT are trained with threeoptimization algorithms MERT, MIRA and PRO. Thus, the PBLM systems are compared to the baseline system in terms of BLUE and TER.The experimental results show that the use of a phrase-based language model in SMT can improve results and is especially able to reduce theerror rate