6 research outputs found

    General Position Subsets and Independent Hyperplanes in d-Space

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    Erd\H{o}s asked what is the maximum number α(n)\alpha(n) such that every set of nn points in the plane with no four on a line contains α(n)\alpha(n) points in general position. We consider variants of this question for dd-dimensional point sets and generalize previously known bounds. In particular, we prove the following two results for fixed dd: - Every set HH of nn hyperplanes in Rd\mathbb{R}^d contains a subset SHS\subseteq H of size at least c(nlogn)1/dc \left(n \log n\right)^{1/d}, for some constant c=c(d)>0c=c(d)>0, such that no cell of the arrangement of HH is bounded by hyperplanes of SS only. - Every set of cqdlogqcq^d\log q points in Rd\mathbb{R}^d, for some constant c=c(d)>0c=c(d)>0, contains a subset of qq cohyperplanar points or qq points in general position. Two-dimensional versions of the above results were respectively proved by Ackerman et al. [Electronic J. Combinatorics, 2014] and by Payne and Wood [SIAM J. Discrete Math., 2013].Comment: 8 page

    Bisector energy and few distinct distances

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    We introduce the bisector energy of an nn-point set PP in R2\mathbb{R}^2, defined as the number of quadruples (a,b,c,d)(a,b,c,d) from PP such that aa and bb determine the same perpendicular bisector as cc and dd. If no line or circle contains M(n)M(n) points of PP, then we prove that the bisector energy is O(M(n)25n125+ϵ+M(n)n2).O(M(n)^{\frac{2}{5}}n^{\frac{12}{5}+\epsilon} + M(n)n^2).. We also prove the lower bound Ω(M(n)n2)\Omega(M(n)n^2), which matches our upper bound when M(n)M(n) is large. We use our upper bound on the bisector energy to obtain two rather different results: (i) If PP determines O(n/logn)O(n/\sqrt{\log n}) distinct distances, then for any 0<α1/40<\alpha\le 1/4, either there exists a line or circle that contains nαn^\alpha points of PP, or there exist Ω(n8/512α/5ϵ)\Omega(n^{8/5-12\alpha/5-\epsilon}) distinct lines that contain Ω(logn)\Omega(\sqrt{\log n}) points of PP. This result provides new information on a conjecture of Erd\H{o}s regarding the structure of point sets with few distinct distances. (ii) If no line or circle contains M(n)M(n) points of PP, then the number of distinct perpendicular bisectors determined by PP is Ω(min{M(n)2/5n8/5ϵ,M(n)1n2})\Omega(\min\{M(n)^{-2/5}n^{8/5-\epsilon}, M(n)^{-1} n^2\}). This appears to be the first higher-dimensional example in a framework for studying the expansion properties of polynomials and rational functions over R\mathbb{R}, initiated by Elekes and R\'onyai.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    On the structure of pointsets with many collinear triples

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    It is conjectured that if a finite set of points in the plane contains many collinear triples then there is some structure in the set. We are going to show that under some combinatorial conditions such pointsets contain special configurations of triples, proving a case of Elekes' conjecture. Using the techniques applied in the proof we show a density version of Jamison's theorem. If the number of distinct directions between many pairs of points of a pointset in convex position is small, then many points are on a conic