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    Manufacturing Automation Network's Cooperative E-space

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    Associating people into cooperative networks can be beneficial for both the individual and the community. It can occur by sharing expertise, vision and talent of different participants. Manufacturing Automation Network - Manet - is a Brazilian academic and research network that pools together human and material resources of academic institutions and research centers active in the fields of manufacturing and automation. Currently, a logical and computing infrastructure is being developed to make the Manet operation feasible through the Internet. A distributed infrastructure, named Cooperative e-Space - CeS, is being designed offer to people that already participate in cooperative network, a new infrastructure for sharing information, taking into consideration the special characteristics of their community, in a way that can lead to knowledge sharing. © 2004 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc.149443450Bafoutsou, G., Mentzas, G., Review and functional classification of collaborative systems (2002) International Journal of Information Management, 22, pp. 281-305Rafaella, C., Vittorio, C., Manzini, Differences and similarities in managing technological collaborations in research, development and manufacturing: A case study (2000) In Journal of Engineering and Technological Management JET-M, 17, pp. 193-224Cutkosky, M.R., Engelmore, R.S., Fikes, R., Genesereth, M.R., Gruber, T.R., Mark, W.S., Tenenbaum, J.M., Weber, J.C., PACT: An experiment in Integrating Concurrent Engineering Systems (1993) IEEE Computer, 26 (1), pp. 28-37Cutkosky, M.R., Tenenbaum, J.M., Glicksman, J., Madefast: Collaborative Engineering over the Internet (1996) Commun. ACM, 39 (9), pp. 78-87Dieng, R., Acquisition des Connaissances pour 1' Assistance à la Conception par Interaction entre Agents, , http://www.inria.fr/rapportsactivite/RA2003/acacia/acacia_tf.htmlJarvenpaa, S., Staples, D.S., The use of collaborative electronic media for information sharing and explanatory study of determinants (2000) Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 9, pp. 129-154Jones, S., Paynter, G., An evaluation of document key-phrase sets (2003) Journal of Digital Information, 4, p. 1Koyama, M.F., (2001) Arquitetura De Supervisão E Controle De Chão De Fábrica Baseada Em Componentes Genéricos, p. 140. , PhD Thesis Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica, UNICAMP, Campinas, São PauloMolina-Espinosa, J.M., Modèle Et Services Pour La Coordination Des Sessions Cooperatives Multi-applications: Application À L'ingénierie Système Distribuée, , PhD Thesis Institut National Polytechnique, Toulouse, 1er July 2003, 175p. Rapport LAAS No03287Nabuco, O., Koyama, M.F., Drira, K., Ontology based sharing of engineering knowledge: Sheik Tool Proceedings of the 3rd IFIP I3E, , 21-24 September -Guarujá, São Paulo, BrazilPeña-Mora, F., Hussein, K., Vadhavkar, S., Benjamin, K., CAIRO: A concurrent engineering meeting environment for virtual design teams (2000) Artificial Intelligence In Engineering, 14, pp. 203-219Petrie, C., http://wwwcdr.stanford.edu/ProcessLink/papers/osaka/J-PLink.ps, ProcessLink Coordination of Distributed EngineeringRodriguez, L., (2003) Service De Gestion De Session Orienté Modèle Pour Des Groupes Collaboratifs Synchrones, , Ph.D. Thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, France, April 11t