408 research outputs found

    Manifold-valued Image Generation with Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Nets

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    Generative modeling over natural images is one of the most fundamental machine learning problems. However, few modern generative models, including Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Nets (WGANs), are studied on manifold-valued images that are frequently encountered in real-world applications. To fill the gap, this paper first formulates the problem of generating manifold-valued images and exploits three typical instances: hue-saturation-value (HSV) color image generation, chromaticity-brightness (CB) color image generation, and diffusion-tensor (DT) image generation. For the proposed generative modeling problem, we then introduce a theorem of optimal transport to derive a new Wasserstein distance of data distributions on complete manifolds, enabling us to achieve a tractable objective under the WGAN framework. In addition, we recommend three benchmark datasets that are CIFAR-10 HSV/CB color images, ImageNet HSV/CB color images, UCL DT image datasets. On the three datasets, we experimentally demonstrate the proposed manifold-aware WGAN model can generate more plausible manifold-valued images than its competitors.Comment: Accepted by AAAI 201

    Dynamic Facial Expression Generation on Hilbert Hypersphere with Conditional Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Nets

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    In this work, we propose a novel approach for generating videos of the six basic facial expressions given a neutral face image. We propose to exploit the face geometry by modeling the facial landmarks motion as curves encoded as points on a hypersphere. By proposing a conditional version of manifold-valued Wasserstein generative adversarial network (GAN) for motion generation on the hypersphere, we learn the distribution of facial expression dynamics of different classes, from which we synthesize new facial expression motions. The resulting motions can be transformed to sequences of landmarks and then to images sequences by editing the texture information using another conditional Generative Adversarial Network. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that explores manifold-valued representations with GAN to address the problem of dynamic facial expression generation. We evaluate our proposed approach both quantitatively and qualitatively on two public datasets; Oulu-CASIA and MUG Facial Expression. Our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in generating realistic videos with continuous motion, realistic appearance and identity preservation. We also show the efficiency of our framework for dynamic facial expressions generation, dynamic facial expression transfer and data augmentation for training improved emotion recognition models

    Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): Challenges, Solutions, and Future Directions

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    Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) is a novel class of deep generative models which has recently gained significant attention. GANs learns complex and high-dimensional distributions implicitly over images, audio, and data. However, there exists major challenges in training of GANs, i.e., mode collapse, non-convergence and instability, due to inappropriate design of network architecture, use of objective function and selection of optimization algorithm. Recently, to address these challenges, several solutions for better design and optimization of GANs have been investigated based on techniques of re-engineered network architectures, new objective functions and alternative optimization algorithms. To the best of our knowledge, there is no existing survey that has particularly focused on broad and systematic developments of these solutions. In this study, we perform a comprehensive survey of the advancements in GANs design and optimization solutions proposed to handle GANs challenges. We first identify key research issues within each design and optimization technique and then propose a new taxonomy to structure solutions by key research issues. In accordance with the taxonomy, we provide a detailed discussion on different GANs variants proposed within each solution and their relationships. Finally, based on the insights gained, we present the promising research directions in this rapidly growing field.Comment: 42 pages, Figure 13, Table

    Manifold-Aware CycleGAN for High-Resolution Structural-to-DTI Synthesis

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    Unpaired image-to-image translation has been applied successfully to natural images but has received very little attention for manifold-valued data such as in diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). The non-Euclidean nature of DTI prevents current generative adversarial networks (GANs) from generating plausible images and has mainly limited their application to diffusion MRI scalar maps, such as fractional anisotropy (FA) or mean diffusivity (MD). Even if these scalar maps are clinically useful, they mostly ignore fiber orientations and therefore have limited applications for analyzing brain fibers. Here, we propose a manifold-aware CycleGAN that learns the generation of high-resolution DTI from unpaired T1w images. We formulate the objective as a Wasserstein distance minimization problem of data distributions on a Riemannian manifold of symmetric positive definite 3x3 matrices SPD(3), using adversarial and cycle-consistency losses. To ensure that the generated diffusion tensors lie on the SPD(3) manifold, we exploit the theoretical properties of the exponential and logarithm maps of the Log-Euclidean metric. We demonstrate that, unlike standard GANs, our method is able to generate realistic high-resolution DTI that can be used to compute diffusion-based metrics and potentially run fiber tractography algorithms. To evaluate our model's performance, we compute the cosine similarity between the generated tensors principal orientation and their ground-truth orientation, the mean squared error (MSE) of their derived FA values and the Log-Euclidean distance between the tensors. We demonstrate that our method produces 2.5 times better FA MSE than a standard CycleGAN and up to 30% better cosine similarity than a manifold-aware Wasserstein GAN while synthesizing sharp high-resolution DTI.Comment: Accepted at MICCAI 2020 International Workshop on Computational Diffusion MR

    Graph-Regularized Manifold-Aware Conditional Wasserstein GAN for Brain Functional Connectivity Generation

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    Common measures of brain functional connectivity (FC) including covariance and correlation matrices are semi-positive definite (SPD) matrices residing on a cone-shape Riemannian manifold. Despite its remarkable success for Euclidean-valued data generation, use of standard generative adversarial networks (GANs) to generate manifold-valued FC data neglects its inherent SPD structure and hence the inter-relatedness of edges in real FC. We propose a novel graph-regularized manifold-aware conditional Wasserstein GAN (GR-SPD-GAN) for FC data generation on the SPD manifold that can preserve the global FC structure. Specifically, we optimize a generalized Wasserstein distance between the real and generated SPD data under an adversarial training, conditioned on the class labels. The resulting generator can synthesize new SPD-valued FC matrices associated with different classes of brain networks, e.g., brain disorder or healthy control. Furthermore, we introduce additional population graph-based regularization terms on both the SPD manifold and its tangent space to encourage the generator to respect the inter-subject similarity of FC patterns in the real data. This also helps in avoiding mode collapse and produces more stable GAN training. Evaluated on resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data of major depressive disorder (MDD), qualitative and quantitative results show that the proposed GR-SPD-GAN clearly outperforms several state-of-the-art GANs in generating more realistic fMRI-based FC samples. When applied to FC data augmentation for MDD identification, classification models trained on augmented data generated by our approach achieved the largest margin of improvement in classification accuracy among the competing GANs over baselines without data augmentation.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    PHom-GeM: Persistent Homology for Generative Models

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    Generative neural network models, including Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) and Auto-Encoders (AE), are among the most popular neural network models to generate adversarial data. The GAN model is composed of a generator that produces synthetic data and of a discriminator that discriminates between the generator's output and the true data. AE consist of an encoder which maps the model distribution to a latent manifold and of a decoder which maps the latent manifold to a reconstructed distribution. However, generative models are known to provoke chaotically scattered reconstructed distribution during their training, and consequently, incomplete generated adversarial distributions. Current distance measures fail to address this problem because they are not able to acknowledge the shape of the data manifold, i.e. its topological features, and the scale at which the manifold should be analyzed. We propose Persistent Homology for Generative Models, PHom-GeM, a new methodology to assess and measure the distribution of a generative model. PHom-GeM minimizes an objective function between the true and the reconstructed distributions and uses persistent homology, the study of the topological features of a space at different spatial resolutions, to compare the nature of the true and the generated distributions. Our experiments underline the potential of persistent homology for Wasserstein GAN in comparison to Wasserstein AE and Variational AE. The experiments are conducted on a real-world data set particularly challenging for traditional distance measures and generative neural network models. PHom-GeM is the first methodology to propose a topological distance measure, the bottleneck distance, for generative models used to compare adversarial samples in the context of credit card transactions