248 research outputs found

    Robust Adaptive Congestion Control for Next Generation Networks

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    This paper deals with the problem of congestion control in a next-generation heterogeneous network scenario. The algorithm runs in the 'edge' routers (the routers collecting the traffic between two different networks) with the aim of avoiding congestion in both the network and the edge routers. The proposed algorithm extends congestion control algorithms based on the Smith's principle: i) the controller, by exploiting on-line estimates via probe packets, adapts to the delay and rate variations; ii) the controller assures robust stability in the presence of time-varying delays

    Hippocampal predictive maps of an uncertain world

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    Humans and other animals can solve a wide variety of decision-making problems with remarkable flexibility. This flexibility is thought to derive from an internal model of the world, or ‘cognitive map’, used to predict the future and plan actions accordingly. A recent theoretical proposal suggests that the hippocampus houses a representation of long-run state expectancies. These “successor representations” (SRs) occupy a middle ground between model-free and model-based reinforcement learning strategies. However, it is not clear whether SRs can explain hippocampal contributions to spatial and model-based behaviour, nor how a putative hippocampal SR might interface with striatal learning mechanisms. More generally, it is not clear how the predictive map should encode uncertainty, and how an uncertainty-augmented predictive map modifies our experimental predictions for animal behaviour. In the first part of this thesis, I investigated whether viewing the hippocampus as an SR can explain experiments contrasting hippocampal and dorsolateral striatal contributions to behaviour in spatial and non-spatial tasks. To do this, I modelled the hippocampus as an SR and DLS as model-free reinforcement learning, combining their outputs via their relative reliability as a proxy for uncertainty. Current SR models do not formally address uncertainty. Therefore I extended the learning of SRs by temporal differences to include managing uncertainty in new observations versus existing knowledge. I generalise this approach to a multi-task setting using a Bayesian nonparametric switching Kalman Filter, allowing the model to learn and maintain multiple task-specific SR maps and infer which one to use at any moment based on the observations. I show that this Bayesian SR model captures animal behaviour in tasks which require contextual memory and generalisation. In conclusion, I consider how the hippocampal contribution to behaviour can be considered as a predictive map when adapted to take account of uncertainty and combined with other behavioural controllers

    Information in the Context of Philosophy and Cognitive Sciences

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    This textbook briefly maps as many as possible areas and contexts in which information plays an important role. It attempts an approach that also seeks to explore areas of research that are not commonly associated, such as informatics, information and library science, information physics, or information ethics. Given that the text is intended especially for students of the Master's Degree in Cognitive Studies, emphasis is placed on a humane, philosophical and interdisciplinary approach. It offers rather directions of thought, questions, and contexts than a complete theory developed into mathematical and technical details

    Analytical methods for parameter-space delimination and application to shallow-lake phytoplankton-dynamics modeling

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    The first step in parameter estimation is to reduce the dimensionality of the problem by deriving estimates from independent experimentation and from the literature. In addition, insensitive parameters are either removed or fixed. In the remaining lower-dimensional problem, parameter-space delimitation is possible by analytical means. Three conjunctive methods are derived: period-average analysis, extremum analysis, and quasisteady-state analysis. The basic idea is to find conditions for the parameters that must be fulfilled in order to comply with average and extreme values in the observations. The approach is applied to the modeling of the phytoplankton dynamics of Lake Balaton. The analytical techniques prove to supply valuable insight into parameter interrelationships and model adequacy, and can serve as satisfactory substitutes for formal parameter-estimation techniques in the early stages of model development

    Modelling of biological systems using multidimensional population balances

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    Biological systems are intrinsically heterogeneous and, consequently, their mathematical descriptions should account for this heterogeneity as it often influences the dynamic behaviour of the individual cells. For example, in the cell cycle dependent production ofproteins, it is necessary to account for the distribution of the individual cells with respect to their position in the cell cycle as this has a strong influence on protein production. A second notable example is the formation of cancerous cells. In this case, the failure of regulatory mechanisms results in the transition of somatic cells to their cancerous state. Therefore, in developing the corresponding mathematical model, it is necessary to consider both the different states of the cells as well as their regulation. In this regard, the population balance equation is the ideal mathematical framework to capture cell population heterogeneity as it elegantly takes into account the distribution of cell populations with respect to their intracellular state together with the phenomena of cell birth, division, differentiation and recombination. Recent developments in solution algorithms together with the exponential increase in computational abilities now permit the efficient solution of one-dimensional population balance models which attribute the heterogeneity of cell populations to differences in the age or mass of individual cells. The inherent complexity of biological systems implies that the differentiation of cells based on a single characteristic alone may not be sufficient to capture the underlying biological phenomena. Therefore, current research is focussing on the development of multi-dimensional population balances that consider the differentiation of cells based on multiple characteristics, most notably, the state of cells with respect to key intracellular metabolites. However, conventional numerical techniques are inefficient for the solution of the formulated population balance models and this warrants the development of novel, tailor-made algorithms. This thesis presents one such solution algorithm and demonstrates its application to the study of several biological systems. The algorithm developed herein employs a finite-volume technique to convert the partial-differential equation comprising the population balance model into a set of ordinary differential equations. A two-tier technique based on the solution technique for inhomogeneous differential equations is then developed to solve the system of ordinary differential equations. This approach has two main advantages: (a) the decomposition technique considerably reduces the stiffness of the system of equations enabling more efficient solution, and (b) semianalytical solutions for the integrals employed in the modelling of cell division and differentiation can be obtained further reducing computation times. Further improvements in solution efficiency are obtained by the formulation of a two-level discretisation algorithm. In this approach, processes such as cell growth which are more sensitive to the discretisation are solved using a fine grid whereas less sensitive processes such as cell' division - which are usually more computationally expensive - are solved using a coarse grid at a higher level. Thus, further improvements are obtained in the efficiency of the technique. The solution algorithm is applied to various multi-dimensional population balance models of biological systems. The technique is first demonstrated on models of oscillatory dynamics in yeast glycolysis, cell-cycle related oscillations in eukaryotes, and circadian oscillations in crayfish. A model of cell division and proliferation control in eukaryotes is an example of a second class of problems where extracellular phenomena influence the behaviour of cells. As a third case for demonstration, a hybrid model of biopolymer accumulation in bacteria is formulated. In this case, cybernetic modelling principles are used to account for intracellular competitions while the population balance framework takes into consideration the heterogeneity of the cell population. Another important aspect in the formulation ofmulti-dimensional population balances is the development of the intracellular models themselves. While research in the biological sciences is permitting the formulation of detailed dynamic models of various bioprocesses, the accurate estimation of the kinetic parameters in these models can be difficult due to the unavailability of sufficient experimental data. This can result in considerable parametric uncertainty as is demonstrated on a simple cybernetic' model of biopolymer accumulation in bacteria. However, it is shown that, via the use of systems engineering tools, experiments can be designed that permit the accurate estimation of all model parameters even when measurements pertaining to all modelled quantities are unavailable.Imperial Users onl

    Bayesian network structure learning using characteristic properties of permutation representations with applications to prostate cancer treatment.

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    Over the last decades, Bayesian Networks (BNs) have become an increasingly popular technique to model data under presence of uncertainty. BNs are probabilistic models that represent relationships between variables by means of a node structure and a set of parameters. Learning efficiently the structure that models a particular dataset is a NP-hard task that requires substantial computational efforts to be successful. Although there exist many families of techniques for this purpose, this thesis focuses on the study and improvement of search and score methods such as Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs). In the domain of BN structure learning, previous work has investigated the use of permutations to represent variable orderings within EAs. In this thesis, the characteristic properties of permutation representations are analysed and used in order to enhance BN structure learning. The thesis assesses well-established algorithms to provide a detailed analysis of the difficulty of learning BN structures using permutation representations. Using selected benchmarks, rugged and plateaued fitness landscapes are identified that result in a loss of population diversity throughout the search. The thesis proposes two approaches to handle the loss of diversity. First, the benefits of introducing the Island Model (IM) paradigm are studied, showing that diversity loss can be significantly reduced. Second, a novel agent-based metaheuristic is presented in which evolution is based on the use of several mutation operators and the definition of a distance metric in permutation spaces. The latter approach shows that diversity can be maintained throughout the search while exploring efficiently the solution space. In addition, the use of IM is investigated in the context of distributed data, a common property of real-world problems. Experiments prove that privacy can be preserved while learning BNs of high quality. Finally, using UK-wide data related to prostate cancer patients, the thesis assesses the general suitability of BNs alongside the proposed learning approaches for medical data modeling. Following comparisons with tools currently used in clinical settings and with alternative classifiers, it is shown that BNs can improve the predictive power of prostate cancer staging tools, a major concern in the field of urology

    A Critical Look at Professional Tennis Under Antitrust Law

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