4 research outputs found

    Algoritmo para criação de rotas de compras econômicas

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade UnB Gama, Curso de Engenharia de Software, 2015.Economizar ao realizar compras não é uma tarefa fácil, pois os preços dos estabelecimento comerciais são de difícil acesso. Mas, a partir do momento em que existe o acesso aos preços, é possível saber a maneira em que mais se economiza, realizando compras em locais diferentes. Esse é o problema que este trabalho busca solucionar, realizando comparações e estimando o custo da rota que deverá ser realizada. É proposta uma solução que utiliza algoritmo de Dijkstra e Backtracking, e é realizado um estudo sobre custo computacional e monetário para a execução do algoritmo.Saving money when shopping is not an easy task, because the products princes in stores is not easy to reach.Butm since there is access to prices, it is possible to find the best way to save money, shopping in different places.This paper looks foward to solve this problem, doing comparasions and estimating the cost of the result route. It is proposed a solution using Dijkstra‘s algorithm and backtracking, and a study of computational and monetary cost to run the algorithm was made

    An Investigation of the Idea Generation and Protection Process in Academia

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    The Bayh-Dole Act of 1980 enabled U.S. universities to patent inventions developed through federally funded research programs. This provided an opportunity for academia to develop technologies from the research conducted by faculty. Over 25 years have passed and 39,671 patents have been granted to academic inventors. Unfortunately, this accounts for less than two percent of the total patents awarded in the U.S. during this time. To address this concern, the research presented here investigates the academic technology development process to determine factors that are critical to shaping ideas towards creating patentable technologies. While past research has been corporate-focused and conducted from the managerial perspective; this research examined the process from the inventor perspective and from the technology transfer office through two investigations that utilized a common framework. Study One, focused in the area of Radio Frequency Identification, explored the process from idea generation to protection of 11 successful patent inventors. The inventors created concept maps describing their development process. Five investigations were conducted on the maps: three quantitative and two qualitative. The participating corporate inventors focused more on financial issues and in regards to "challenges" found strategic issues to be more problematic and societal aspects to be more time-consuming and problematic than did the academic inventors. Part II of Study One involved an inventor questionnaire based on the information gathered in Part I. Unfortunately, the response rate was ineffectively poor resulting in inconclusive data. Study Two identified the critical duties being performed by technology transfer offices (TTOs). One qualitative and two quantitative analyses were conducted on the data collected from a TTO licensing manager survey. Analyses from this study provided insight on elements that influence TTO success factors. From these two studies, a model for academic technology development was created. If new and existing TTOs can facilitate academic inventors with respect to the elements identified in this model, the possibility exists to further stimulate the quality and quantity of the number of patents arising from academia

    Um modelo conceitual para apoiar atividades de corporate venture capital e geração de novos negócios inovadores por meio de programas de aceleração corporativa

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2017.A adoção de atividades de identificação e geração de novos negócios por empresas estabelecidas é algo recente e ainda relativamente limitado, mas a intensificação da competição global e a aceleração das mudanças tecnológicas permitem prever que esse é um movimento que tende a se intensificar. Corporate Venture Capital (CorpVC) e Programas de Aceleração Corporativa (PAC) são duas das diferentes estratégias que uma grande empresa tem para geração de novos negócios a partir do investimento, apoio e construção de parcerias com startups que possuam projetos alinhados com seus interesses financeiros ou estratégicos. Este documento apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa cujo objetivo foi a construção de um modelo conceitual para nortear concepção e execução de PAC, como forma de explorar sinergias e potencializar benefícios mútuos advindos da cooperação estreita entre corporações e startups; e facilitar a execução de estratégias de CorpVC. Apesar de PAC ser um fenômeno recente, possui crescente relevância econômica, o que, somado à ainda escassa literatura científica, justificou a escolha desse tema de pesquisa. A investigação foi conduzida em sintonia com as abordagens da Pesquisa-Ação e da Ground Theory, adotadas de forma combinada: a primeira como estratégia de condução geral e relação com o fenômeno investigado; e a segunda como referência para o processo de análise dos dados e construção do modelo conceitual. O modelo conceitual foi construído a partir de uma situação real, que concebeu, planejou e executou um PAC (InoveSenior) que atraiu e selecionou oito startups, que entre abril e dezembro de 2015 foram apoiadas por uma empresa madura (Senior Sistemas). Ao final do programa, a corporação investiu em três startups, e com outras três iniciou processo de análise e negociação para formação de parceria ou sociedade. Ou seja, o PAC mostrou-se capaz de cumprir com o objetivo de alimentar o ?funil? de CorpVC e de fato gerou novos negócios inovadores para a corporação. Dado o caráter transdisciplinar do problema e a escassez de literatura científica sobre o tema, o modelo conceitual incorpora conhecimentos científicos e não-científicos, análises e comparações entre boas práticas recomendadas pela literatura e os erros, acertos e lições aprendidas -- compilados durante a intervenção.Abstract : The adoption of activities for identifying and generating new businesses by established companies is recent and still relatively limited, but the intensification of global competition and the acceleration of technological changes allow us to predict that this is a movement that tends to intensify. Corporate Venture Capital (CorpVC) and Corporate Acceleration Programs (CAP) are two different strategies which a large company has for generating new business by investing, supporting, and building partnerships with startups that have projects aligned with their financial interests or strategies. This document presents the results of a research whose objective was the construction of a conceptual model to guide the conception and execution of CAP, as a way of exploring synergies and enhancing mutual benefits from close cooperation between corporations and startups; and facilitating the implementation of CorpVC strategies. Although CAP is a recent phenomenon, it has an increasing economic relevance. There is a scarce scientific literature about this theme, so the choice of this research theme is fully justified. The research was conducted in tune with the approaches of Action Research and Grounded Theory, adopted in combination: the first one as a general ?driving? strategy; and the second one as the guidance for the process of data analysis and construction of the conceptual model. The conceptual model was constructed from a real-world situation. From August 2014 to December 2015, the researcher has conceived, planned and executed a CAP that attracted and selected eight startups, which were supported by a mature company. At the end of the CAP, the corporation invested in three startups, and others three began a process of analysis and negotiation aiming partnerships. That is, CAP has proved to be able to meet the goal of feeding CorpVC's pipeline, and generated new innovative business for the corporation. Given the transdisciplinary nature of the problem and the scarcity of scientific literature, the conceptual model incorporates scientific and non-scientific knowledge, analyzes and comparisons between best practices recommended by the literature, and the mistakes, correctness and lessons learned - compiled during the intervention