571,531 research outputs found

    Managing Knowledge, Creating Networks andTriggering Innovations for Sustainable Agriculture

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    Conventional agricultural extension approaches have ceased to be of much effect in transforming agricultural productivity and meeting the goals of sustainable natural resource management. Multi agency approach using multimedia, multi language and multi channel is imperative. Ministry of Agriculture has realized the need for transition but the models for the purpose remain to be developed. In this paper, I discuss the major knowledge gaps, stress the importance of peer learning and building upon farmers. own innovations and suggest new initiatives for transforming extension strategies. I have also argued that focus only on primary production in agricultural will not be viable in the long run. Value addition is necessary and extension for the purpose requires lot of action research. Village Knowledge Management Systems (VKMS) need to be developed for which a proposal has already been submitted to the Department of Science and Technology. An outline of the same is given in the paper to trigger further discussion. Farmers suicides in many states should have warranted a review of extension strategies much earlier. The proposed model aims to develop and monitor early warning signals of the socio ecological stress and recommend real time solutions.

    Role of Tranormational Leadership In Effective Knowledge Management

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    Role of leadership for knowledge management is highlighted very clearly by Cleveland (1985).He stressed on role of leadership for using teams, communities and other networks for managing Knowledge and information. The Role leadership for managing knowledge and information through two sources like social networks and technology. The role of leaders for managing internal customers and sharing information with them and getting information from them is an important study that is observed by Wetlaufer (1999). The purpose of the research is to find the relationship between Transformational leadership behaviors to manage the knowledge in organizations. Key word: Transformational Leadership, Transactional leadership, Knowledge Management

    HiTrust: building cross-organizational trust relationship based on a hybrid negotiation tree

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    Small-world phenomena have been observed in existing peer-to-peer (P2P) networks which has proved useful in the design of P2P file-sharing systems. Most studies of constructing small world behaviours on P2P are based on the concept of clustering peer nodes into groups, communities, or clusters. However, managing additional multilayer topology increases maintenance overhead, especially in highly dynamic environments. In this paper, we present Social-like P2P systems (Social-P2Ps) for object discovery by self-managing P2P topology with human tactics in social networks. In Social-P2Ps, queries are routed intelligently even with limited cached knowledge and node connections. Unlike community-based P2P file-sharing systems, we do not intend to create and maintain peer groups or communities consciously. In contrast, each node connects to other peer nodes with the same interests spontaneously by the result of daily searches


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    Knowledge assets are a critical resource that can generate a competitive advantage for organizations. Generally, knowledge can be divided in explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge. Organizations focus on managing the explicit knowledge and also on capturing the tacit knowledge embedded in the individuals’ experiences. Knowledge development represents the main purpose of the knowledge management domain, in both research and applications. Through the interactions in social networks, community-based knowledge development and sharing have become very effective tools. In this context, more and more organizations are developing communities of practice as strategic tools for knowledge development and sharing within the organization and across organizational boundaries.communities of practice, knowledge development, knowledge sharing, organizational learning

    Argumentation-based fault diagnosis for home networks

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    Home networks are a fast growing market but managing them is a difficult task, and diagnosing faults is even more challenging. Current fault management tools provide comprehensive information about the network and the devices but it is left to the user to interpret and reason about the data and experiment in order to find the cause of a problem. Home users may not have motivation or time to learn the required skills. Furthermore current tools adopt a closed approach which hardcodes a knowledge base, making them hard to update and extend. This paper proposes an open fault management framework for home networks, whose goal is to simplify network troubleshooting for non-expert users. The framework is based on assumption-based argumentation that is an AI technique for knowledge representation and reasoning. With the underlying argumentation theory, we can easily capture and model the diagnosis procedures of network administrators. The framework is rule-based and extensible, allowing new rules to be added into the knowledge base and diagnostic strategies to be updated on the fly.The framework can also utilise external knowledge and make distributed diagnosi

    Machine-assisted Cyber Threat Analysis using Conceptual Knowledge Discovery

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    Over the last years, computer networks have evolved into highly dynamic and interconnected environments, involving multiple heterogeneous devices and providing a myriad of services on top of them. This complex landscape has made it extremely difficult for security administrators to keep accurate and be effective in protecting their systems against cyber threats. In this paper, we describe our vision and scientific posture on how artificial intelligence techniques and a smart use of security knowledge may assist system administrators in better defending their networks. To that end, we put forward a research roadmap involving three complimentary axes, namely, (I) the use of FCA-based mechanisms for managing configuration vulnerabilities, (II) the exploitation of knowledge representation techniques for automated security reasoning, and (III) the design of a cyber threat intelligence mechanism as a CKDD process. Then, we describe a machine-assisted process for cyber threat analysis which provides a holistic perspective of how these three research axes are integrated together

    Placing the Networks on the Web: Challenges and Opportunities for Managing in Developing Asia

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    Placing the networks on the Web poses a fundamental challenge, but also provides new opportunities for managing in Developing Asia. There is a huge efficiency gap between the region's manufacturing systems and the management of complementary, knowledge-intensive support services. The challenge is to reduce this gap as quickly as possible by embracing the Internet as a core business function, despite a weak base of accumulated knowledge of how to manage IT-based information systems. Asian companies, even the best, lag substantially behind their American and European counterparts. There is a potential vicious circle that needs to be broken: a belated transition to IT-based information systems has prevented the accumulation of knowledge, through trial-and-error, of how to design and implement an appropriate IT organization that reflects the peculiar strengths and weaknesses of diverse Asian management systems. Limited resources prevent any attempt to address these problems in a big leap forward. This implies that in-house efforts need to be supplemented with outsourcing of IT services. There is also a need for strategic partnering with major suppliers of Internet software and networking equipment. The opportunity is that the Internet provides almost unlimited opportunities for the outsourcing of mission-critical support services, such as ERP (enterprise resource planning), HRM (human resource management). Furthermore, fierce competition among major producers of Internet software and networking equipment has created a buyers' market - placing Asian firms in a reasonably strong bargaining position. These developments are generally not well covered by existing studies, which are primarily focused on developments in the U.S. and Europe. The paper tries to fill this gap, and explores how placing global production networks on the Web affects managing in Developing Asia. A conceptual framework is introduced in parts 1 to 3. That framework is then applied to one of the role models of managing in Asia, Taiwan's Acer Group. Part 1 introduces a taxonomy of expected benefits from Internet-enabled transformations of business organization. In part 2, we argue that the real issue is to analyze how the Internet reshapes the organization of global production networks. In part3, we access conflicting claims on how an increased use of the Internet to manage global production networks affects international knowledge diffusion. In part 4, the example of Taiwan's Acer Group is used to describe the challenge for Asian firms to embrace the Internet as a key management function. And in part 5, we ask what Acer's experience tells us about Developing Asia's opportunities.

    A Typology of Knowledge Co-creation in Social Networks

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    Creating new knowledge is a core process in managing and enabling knowledge especially though socialisation in social networks. The social nature of social technologies and knowledge creation attracts research on knowledge creation in social networks. Social technologies a less costly but yet collaborative and diverse platforms for social networking, creating new knowledge and leveraging personal and collective knowledge. Building a knowing organisation may extend beyond knowledge sharing into creation of new knowledge. This paper explores existing aspects regarding joint creation of knowledge “knowledge co-creation” in social networks. The paper demonstrates how the empirical ideas on co-creation can be useful in exploring knowledge co-creation. This discussion explores and introduces the scope of knowledge co-creation in online social networks. We derive a typology of knowledge co-creation that suggests pathways and hypothetical propositions into exploring knowledge co-creation of in social networks

    Boundaryless Management - Creating, transforming and using knowledge in inter-organizational collaboration. A literature review

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    Current literature on organizations often argues that firms are becoming increasingly dependent on knowledge residing outside their own boundaries requiring organizations to increase their entrepreneurial abilities and make their boundaries more flexible and permeable. This paper reviews the literature on what might be called interorganizational knowledge work. Implied in this focus is an assumption of clear organizaitonal boundaries. Rather than taking these boundaries and their importance for granted, the current review, however, aims at relativizing these boundaries. By focusing the empirical phenomenon of collaboration between individuals in different organizations, four different streams of literature with different constructions of the organizational boundary and its importance were identified: the literature on learning in alliances and joint ventures, the literature on collaboration in industrial networks, the literature on social networks and communities of practice and finally the literature on geographical clusters and innovation systems. The above four streams of the literature are reviewed with a special focus on the following three questions: 1. What is the role of (organizational) boundaries in interorganizational knowledge work? 2. What do we know about how these boundaries can be overcome? 3. What are the implications for managing interorganizational knowledge work spelled out in the literature?Interorganizational collaboration; Knowledge Management; Literature review
