14 research outputs found

    A theory-grounded framework of Open Source Software adoption in SMEs

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in European Journal of Information Systems. The definitive publisher-authenticated version Macredie, RD and Mijinyawa, K (2011), "A theory-grounded framework of Open Source Software adoption in SMEs", European Journal of Informations Systems, 20(2), 237-250 is available online at: http://www.palgrave-journals.com/ejis/journal/v20/n2/abs/ejis201060a.html.The increasing popularity and use of Open Source Software (OSS) has led to significant interest from research communities and enterprise practitioners, notably in the small business sector where this type of software offers particular benefits given the financial and human capital constraints faced. However, there has been little focus on developing valid frameworks that enable critical evaluation and common understanding of factors influencing OSS adoption. This paper seeks to address this shortcoming by presenting a theory-grounded framework for exploring these factors and explaining their influence on OSS adoption, with the context of study being small- to medium-sized Information Technology (IT) businesses in the U.K. The framework has implications for this type of business – and, we will suggest, more widely – as a frame of reference for understanding, and as tool for evaluating benefits and challenges in, OSS adoption. It also offers researchers a structured way of investigating adoption issues and a base from which to develop models of OSS adoption. The study reported in this paper used the Decomposed Theory of Planned Behaviour (DTPB) as a basis for the research propositions, with the aim of: (i) developing a framework of empirical factors that influence OSS adoption; and (ii) appraising it through case study evaluation with 10 U.K. Small- to medium-sized enterprises in the IT sector. The demonstration of the capabilities of the framework suggests that it is able to provide a reliable explanation of the complex and subjective factors that influence attitudes, subjective norms and control over the use of OSS. The paper further argues that the DTPB proved useful in this research area and that it can provide a variety of situation-specific insights related to factors that influence the adoption of OSS

    A Systematic Mapping Study on Off-The-Shelf-based Software Acquisition

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    Acquiring software from external suppliers and developing less software in-house can help software-developing organizations improve operational efficiency by reducing costs, time and reusing current technologies. Software projects increasingly use Off-The-Shelf (OTS) products. From the acquirer perspective, there is a need to understand in more detail OTS-based software acquisition processes, because they are different to and less well-understood than those for the acquisition of custom software. In this paper we have undertaken a systematic mapping study on OTS-based software acquisition. The study compares and contrasts OTS-based software acquisition and non-OTS-based software acquisition, and identifies factors influencing decision making in OTS-based software acquisition. We find that the main difference is that there is a relationship between determining the software requirements and OTS selection in OTS-based software acquisition. For commercial OTS software, the major factors are functionality and quality of the software, but for open-source OTS software, cost was the most important factor

    Developer-Led Adoption of Open Source Software Libraries: A Conceptual Model

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    Researchers have historically viewed Open Source Software (OSS) as a homogenous group of technologies and assumed adoption behaviors are uniform among OSS types. Focus on specific OSS types is rare and OSS libraries, in particular, have been underrepresented. This paper recognizes the unique characteristics of OSS libraries and notes that their adoption may receive less organizational scrutiny than other software packages. A conceptual model based on an augmented theory of Task Technology Fit (TTF) is offered to provide insight into OSS library adoption. If supported, this model represents not only a theoretical contribution to the OSS literature, but a source of actionable information for practitioners engaged in software development

    Barriers to Open-Source Software Adoption: Review and Synthesis

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    Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) has had a profound impact on the field of Information Technology. While the adoption rates of FLOSS have been growing, extant research reports various significant barriers that inhibit widespread adoption. To develop a comprehensive overview of FLOSS adoption barriers, this study reviewed and synthesized 44 relevant articles published between 2003 and 2016. Based on the organizing logic of the Technology, Organization, Environment and Individual (TOEI) framework, we categorized the challenges and identified major adoption barriers in each dimension. Technology barriers include vendor lock-in, lack of maturity, and lack of external support. At the organizational level, companies often lack financial and human resources, as well as adequate managerial support. Environmental aspects include culture, policies, and legal frameworks. Individual factors, such as employees’ resistance to change and risk-averse leadership may also negatively influence the adoption process

    Enablers of open source software adoption: A case study of APS organisations

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    Despite a considerable body of literature investigating factors involved in the Open Source Software (OSS) adoption process, there is little research into adoption of OSS by public sector organisations. So it was important to reassess the factors enabling OSS adoption in order to enhance OSS utilization within public sector organisations. This study explored various factors that may enable OSS adoption within Australian Public Sector (APS) organisations by interviewing those involved in software procurement. The findings were analysed through the lens of administrative complexity associated with OSS adoption. Success of OSS in government agencies was found to be contingent on critical aspects such as availability of support and maintainability of OSS products, ability to meet organisational business needs in a cost effective manner, economic value associated with OSS such as maintenance and training costs, and attitude of staff toward OSS. The findings suggested that value for money and fit for purpose criteria described in Commonwealth Procurement Guidelines were the major enablers of OSS adoption

    An MADM risk-based evaluation-selection model of free-libre open source software tools

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    Free-Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) tools are free-cost license highly attractive to be implemented by organizations. However, not of all the FLOSS tools are mature, and failed implementations can occur. Thus, FLOSS evaluation-selection frameworks and FLOSS success-failure implementation factors studies have been conducted. In this research, we advance on such studies through an integrated FLOSS evaluation-selection model with a risk-based decision making approach. Our model was built upon the other two literatures, and it was structured as a Multi-Attribute Decision Making (MADM) model which contains 12 variables grouped in four risk categories: financial, organizational, end-user and technical ones. We illustrated its utilization in the domain of Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) FLOSS tools. Hence, our model contributes to the FLOSS literature with the inclusion of the risk management approach and to the FLOSS evaluation-selection praxis with the provision of an innovative and essential risk-based model

    Software Evolution for Industrial Automation Systems. Literature Overview

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