163 research outputs found

    Supply Chain Quality Management by Contract Design

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    The Development and Prospect of Chinese Grassland Economic System

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    China is a country with an old agriculture civilization of the world. The arrangement of the crop and pasture area had developed from Han and Tang dynasty. (From A.C 206.to AD 907). Chinese livestock economic had undergone the winding development for a thousand years of feudal society, however, It still belong to a phase of the loose private ownership. From 1949 when The People\u27s Republic of China was founded, the pasture was nationalized and collective management. Since 1980s, the planned economic changed into the market economic gradually. The pasture was public ownership, but management by contract, paid utilization and unchanged a long term. This pattern was affirmed through legislation. The economic system at present caused the change of range management. It also combined the pasture managing and building with the farmer\u27s gain. The results showed: The management by contract improved the livestock economic benefit, prevented the pasture degrade. It could result in the sustainable development of the livestock economic. This would be a deep revolution of Chinese range area in 21 century. It would not only benefit to the countries and areas around China, but also a new probing and contribution to the range management of the world

    An Examination of Time Related Issues under the Principle ‘Traditional’ Irish Forms of Contract

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    Timely delivery of construction projects is an important priority for most building clients, particularly for those operating in the private sector. Construction projects, however, rarely run like clockwork and schedule overruns are commonplace. This study reviews various issues regarding time-management by contract administrators and quantity surveyors on ‘traditionally’ procured building contracts, with specific reference to the Irish RIAI and PW-CF-1 Contracts. The review examines commencement, progress and completion issues related to these contracts. These included the setting of programme durations, the consequences of delays caused by events beyond the control of the contracting parties, and delays for which either the contractor or employer are responsible. The study then examines various grounds which may entitle a contractor to seek an extension of time, and the procedures governing this process. A discussion addresses the question as to whether the RIAI and PW-CF1 contract terms are effective in securing the timely completion of building contracts and reports industry concerns regarding various time-related terms incorporated in these contracts. The study is intended as a resource for Irish students undertaking undergraduate and conversion masters courses in quantity surveying and construction management related disciplines

    Public management and essential public health functions

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    The authors provide an overview of how different approaches to improving public sector management relate to so-called core or essential public health functions, such as disease surveillance, health education, monitoring and evaluation, workforce development, enforcement of public health laws and regulations, public health research, and health policy development. The authors summarize key themes in the public management literature and draw lessons for their application to these core functions.Decentralization,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Health Systems Development&Reform,Public Health Promotion,Enterprise Development&Reform,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,National Governance,Agricultural Knowledge&Information Systems,Banks&Banking Reform,Health Economics&Finance

    Выбор стратегии выхода на международный рынок в гостиничной отрасли

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    В статті досліджено процес формування стратегії виходу на зарубіжний ринок та фактори, які впливають на її розроблення, систематизовано стратегічні альтернативи виходу на зарубіжний ринок (непрямий експорт, прямий експорт, ліцензування, спільне підприємництво, пряме інвестування). Проаналізовано інструментарій для вибору конкретним підприємством стратегічної альтернативи, яку доцільно застосувати для виходу на ринок конкретної країни. Виявлено, що наявні інструменти є більш придатними для виробничих компаній та не враховують специфіку сфери послуг. Зокрема, такі особливості послуг, як їх невідчутність та незбережуваність, обмежують використання стратегічних альтернатив, пов’язаних з експортом. Запропоновано можливості адаптації матриці вибору стратегії виходу на зарубіжний ринок для сфери послуг, зокрема для готельної галузі. Проілюстровано можливості застосування матриці вибору стратегії виходу на зарубіжний ринок мережею готелів з Об’єднаних Арабських Еміратів.The article contains analysis of the process of forming the foreign market entry strategy, the factors that influence its development, and the systematization of strategic alternatives for entry strategy (indirect export, direct exports, licensing, joint ventures, ownership, direct investment). The complex of existing instruments of choosing the best strategic alternative for a particular company was researched. It was found out that the available tools are more suitable for manufacturing companies and do not take into account the specificity of services. In particular, such characteristics of services as intangibility and inability of their storage limit the use of strategic alternatives related to exporting. A possibility of adaptation the matrix for selection the strategy of entering the foreign market for service industries, especially for the hotel industry, was proposed. The application of the matrix for selection the entry strategy for a specific company from the UAE was illustrated.В статье исследован процесс формирования стратегии выхода на зарубежный рынок и факторы, влияющие на ее разработку, систематизированы стратегические альтернативы выхода на зарубежный рынок (косвенный экспорт, прямой экспорт, лицензирование, совместное предпринимательство, прямое инвестирование). Проанализирован инструментарий для выбора конкретным предприятием стратегической альтернативы, которую целесообразно применить для выхода на рынок конкретной страны. Выявлено, что имеющиеся инструменты являются более подходящими для производственных компаний и не учитывают специфику сферы услуг. В частности, такие особенности услуг, как их неосязаемость и невозможность складирования, ограничивающие использование стратегий, связанных с экспортом. Предложены возможности адаптации матрицы выбора стратегии выхода на зарубежный рынок для сферы услуг, в частности для гостиничной отрасли. Проиллюстрированы возможности применения матрицы выбора стратегии выхода на зарубежный рынок конкретной компанией из ОАЭ

    The Economic Loss Rule

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    Marketization Revisited

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    Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to introduce theIJPSMspecial issue on marketization to clarify the conceptual foundations of marketization as a phenomenon within the public sector and gauge current marketization trends based on the special issue’s seven papers.Design/methodology/approach– Conceptual clarification and cross-cutting review of seven papers analysing marketization in six countries in three policy areas at the level of local government.Findings– Four ideal-types models are deduced: quasi-markets involving both provider competition and free choice for users; classical contracting out; benchmarking and yardstick competition; and public-private collaboration. Based on the review of the seven papers, it is found that all elements in all marketization models are firmly embedded but also under dynamic change within public service delivery systems. The review also identifies limitations and modifications of the four ideal-type models. A key trend is a move towards public-private collaboration and cross-sectorial and inter-organizational governance arrangements.Research limitations/implications– Continued research on marketization would benefit from development of more fine-tuned theoretical models which are sensitive to the realm of the dynamics within particular policy and institutional contexts.Practical implications– Policy-makers should balance normative objectives against the experiences gained at the level of implementation.Originality/value– The special issue shows that marketization still is a concurrent phenomenon which is driving substantial change in public service delivery systems as well as is under dynamic change itself.</jats:sec

    A novel architecture for utility driven management

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    In this paper, we specify and implement a framework for utility driven generation and scheduling of management actions based on Business context and Service Level Agreements (SLAs). SLAs are compiled into low level management policies; as well as sets of performance metrics and utility functions. These are subsequently used to drive the scheduling of the low level policy actions. Each action is associated with a utility participation value based on parameters relevant to the contract(s) it is related to; as well as the run-time context of its triggering and execution times. A Web hosting company case study is used to illustrate the benefit of taking into account business level implications when scheduling the execution of management tasks. We measure the overall business profitability as a pondered linear function of other business metrics such as overall raw financial profit and overall customer satisfaction. Finally, we discuss the difficulties and challenges related to the correct estimation of utility costs associated with the low level management/control actions5th IFIP International Conference on Network Control & Engineering for QoS, Security and MobilityRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Foreign investment liberalization and incentives in selected Asia-Pacific Developing Countries:Implications for the health service sector in Nepal

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    The prime objective and main research questions of the study are: 1) What are the practices of service sector investment liberalization and incentives from selected developing countries, and 2) How those experiences can be applied to the investment liberalization and provision of incentives in the Nepalese services sector, with focus on the health service sector? It should be pointed out that a country’s liberalizing strategy refers to a dynamic policy process through a flow in time; however since this study is presently limited to focus on a point in time (e.g. 2003), attention is given to FDI incentives in selected developing countries to tease out lessons of a broad service related investment (health) liberalization strategy.AFTA,RTA,CEPT