231 research outputs found

    Assessing the Structure of Non-Routine Decision Processes in Airline Operations Control

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    Unfamiliar severe disruptions challenge airline operations control professionals most, as their expertise is stretched to its limits. This study has elicited the structure of airline operations control professionals’ decision process during unfamiliar disruptions by mapping three macrocognitive activities on the decision ladder: sensemaking, option evaluation, and action planning. The relationship between this structure and decision quality was measured. A simulated task was staged, based on which think aloud protocols were obtained. Results show that the general decision process structure resembles the structure of experts working under routine conditions, in terms of the general structure of the macrocognitive activities, and the rule-based approach used to identify options and actions. Surprisingly, high quality of decision outcomes was found to relate to the use of rule-based strategies. This implies that successful professionals are capable of dealing with unfamiliar problems by reframing them into familiar ones, rather than to engage in knowledge-based processing. We examined the macrocognitive structure of airline operations control professionals’ decision process during a simulated unfamiliar disruption in relation to decision quality. Results suggest that successful professionals are capable of dealing with unfamiliar problems by reframing them into familiar ones, rather than to engage in knowledge-based processing

    Bridging the Gap Between Micro- and Macrocognition: Testing the Multifunction Mental Model Hypothesis

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    Unique benefits can be gained by combining advantages of both micro- and macrocognitive methods that would otherwise be impossible to gather from either of these methods separately. The proposed research examines several cognitive functions within one systematic study that combines some empirical investigation with post-hoc qualitative assessment to gather knowledge of strategies and computations. Thereby, analyzing a larger cognitive system in a standardized way. By analyzing several cognitive functions the multifunction mental model hypothesis (MMM) is explored. This hypothesis states that performance of one sensemaking operation is predictive of performance of other related sensemaking operations. Three additional hypotheses were also explored. (2) Through brief instruction and feedback, mental models are developed that involve understanding the relational structure between inter-correlated and independent feature(s). (3) Understanding of the relational structure of the features can be used to make error correction decisions. (4) The strategies that utilize the inter-correlated nature of the features can be recognized and verbalized by users. Four Experiments used a multi-cue probabilistic weather forecasting task. Evidence from Experiments 1-4 supported the MMM hypothesis. Systematic variability in probability estimation by using differentially weighted features and inter-correlated features were related to evacuation decisions, error detection, and error correction. Results also supported hypotheses 2-4. The present research provides evidence which supports the integration of micro- and macrocognitive methods for a richer understanding of cognitive function in complex sociotechnical systems

    Looking for fraud in digital footprints: sensemaking with chronologies in a large corporate investigation

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    During extended sensemaking tasks people typically create external representations that integrate information and support their thinking. Understanding the variety, role and use of these is important for understanding sensemaking and how to support it effectively. We report a case-study of a large, document-based fraud investigation undertaken by a law firm. We focus on the construction and use of integrated representations in the form of chronologies. We show how these supported conjecture recording, focussing on time-periods, identifying gaps, identifying connections and reviewing interpretations. We use our findings to highlight limitations of a previous analysis of representations in sensemaking which regards this as schema definition and population. The findings also argue for search tools designed to identify date references in documents, for the support of ad-hoc event selections, and the support of linking between integrating representations and source documents

    Macrocognition in the Health Care Built Environment (m-HCBE): A Focused Ethnographic Study of \u27Neighborhoods\u27 in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: A Dissertation

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    Objectives: The objectives of this research were to describe the interactions (formal and informal) in which macrocognitive functions occur and their location on a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU); describe challenges and facilitators of macrocognition using three constructs of space syntax (openness, connectivity, and visibility); and analyze the health care built environment (HCBE) using those constructs to explicate influences on macrocognition. Background: In high reliability, complex industries, macrocognition is an approach to develop new knowledge among interprofessional team members. Although macrocognitive functions have been analyzed in multiple health care settings, the effect of the HCBE on those functions has not been directly studied. The theoretical framework, “Macrocognition in the Health Care Built Environment” (m-HCBE) addresses this relationship. Methods: A focused ethnographic study was conducted, including observation and focus groups. Architectural drawing files used to create distance matrices and isovist field view analyses were compared to panoramic photographs and ethnographic data. Results: Neighborhoods comprised of corner configurations with maximized visibility enhanced team interactions as well as observation of patients, offering the greatest opportunity for informal situated macrocognitive interactions (SMIs). Conclusions: Results from this study support the intricate link between macrocognitive interactions and space syntax constructs within the HCBE. These findings help to advance the m-HCBE theory for improving physical space by designing new spaces or refining existing spaces, or for adapting IPT practices to maximize formal and informal SMI opportunities; this lays the groundwork for future research to improve safety and quality for patient and family care

    The Tracer Method: Don\u27t Blink or You Might Miss it. A Novel Methodology Combining Cognitive Task Analysis and Eye Tracking

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    This thesis describes the development and first demonstration of a new Human Factors method, The Tracer Method, which is a combination of Cognitive Task Analysis (CTA) and Eye Tracking. The study evaluated whether the two methods together produce new and different information than either method alone could provide. The method was tested using a video game, Overwatch, a dynamic, complex, and multiplayer game. The evaluation included: 1. Examining both in the same context (game), 2. Establishing unique contributions of each method alone, and 3. Evaluating overlapping information. Results identified some overlap between the two methods that provided some cross-validation of the data. Cognitive Task Analysis provided higher level strategies and course of actions that players implement during their games, while eye tracking provided visual patterns of search (order of eye movements). However, when combined, the two methods provide strategy information in context that neither method alone can provide. CTA elicits insight into how individuals make decisions and apply previous knowledge, experience, and environmental information. Eye tracking can support this through predictive models of individual’s eye tracking, to understand which elements are utilized in making predictions and situational assessments. We provide a tutorial and insight into best practices for implementation of The Tracer Method. This is the initial development of the new method, and on-going research is validating it in different environments. The Tracer Method is the first combined and documented systematic methodology that utilizes a changing and complicated environment and tests the interaction and output of Critical Decision Method and Eye Tracking

    Adaptive Skill as The<i> Conditio Sine Qua Non</i> of Expertise

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    This critical interpretive research synthesis is on the topic of adaptation and skill. After an initial identification of 1995 abstracts we identified and collated a database of 140 publications that explicitly reference expertise and adaptation. We found that empirical data on adaptive skill are sparse and the literature base is largely conceptual. We differentiate the adaptive nature of expertise from routine or every day skill, and we redress the balance between what constitutes expertise and when expertise matters. We present an overview of current models of expertise including a project that we completed for the UK Ministry of Defence on the nature of adaptive skill. We discuss implications for future training by presenting empirically based training principles designed to develop adaptive skill. We assert that adaptive skill is the conditio sine qua non of expertise and conclude with suggestions for further research.</p
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