166 research outputs found

    Making Sense of Audio Vibration for Liquid Height Estimation in Robotic Pouring

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    In this paper, we focus on the challenging perception problem in robotic pouring. Most of the existing approaches either leverage visual or haptic information. However, these techniques may suffer from poor generalization performances on opaque containers or concerning measuring precision. To tackle these drawbacks, we propose to make use of audio vibration sensing and design a deep neural network PouringNet to predict the liquid height from the audio fragment during the robotic pouring task. PouringNet is trained on our collected real-world pouring dataset with multimodal sensing data, which contains more than 3000 recordings of audio, force feedback, video and trajectory data of the human hand that performs the pouring task. Each record represents a complete pouring procedure. We conduct several evaluations on PouringNet with our dataset and robotic hardware. The results demonstrate that our PouringNet generalizes well across different liquid containers, positions of the audio receiver, initial liquid heights and types of liquid, and facilitates a more robust and accurate audio-based perception for robotic pouring.Comment: Checkout project page for video, code and dataset: https://lianghongzhuo.github.io/AudioPourin

    PourIt!: Weakly-supervised Liquid Perception from a Single Image for Visual Closed-Loop Robotic Pouring

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    Liquid perception is critical for robotic pouring tasks. It usually requires the robust visual detection of flowing liquid. However, while recent works have shown promising results in liquid perception, they typically require labeled data for model training, a process that is both time-consuming and reliant on human labor. To this end, this paper proposes a simple yet effective framework PourIt!, to serve as a tool for robotic pouring tasks. We design a simple data collection pipeline that only needs image-level labels to reduce the reliance on tedious pixel-wise annotations. Then, a binary classification model is trained to generate Class Activation Map (CAM) that focuses on the visual difference between these two kinds of collected data, i.e., the existence of liquid drop or not. We also devise a feature contrast strategy to improve the quality of the CAM, thus entirely and tightly covering the actual liquid regions. Then, the container pose is further utilized to facilitate the 3D point cloud recovery of the detected liquid region. Finally, the liquid-to-container distance is calculated for visual closed-loop control of the physical robot. To validate the effectiveness of our proposed method, we also contribute a novel dataset for our task and name it PourIt! dataset. Extensive results on this dataset and physical Franka robot have shown the utility and effectiveness of our method in the robotic pouring tasks. Our dataset, code and pre-trained models will be available on the project page.Comment: ICCV202

    Estimating Properties of Solid Particles Inside Container Using Touch Sensing

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    Solid particles, such as rice and coffee beans, are commonly stored in containers and are ubiquitous in our daily lives. Understanding those particles' properties could help us make later decisions or perform later manipulation tasks such as pouring. Humans typically interact with the containers to get an understanding of the particles inside them, but it is still a challenge for robots to achieve that. This work utilizes tactile sensing to estimate multiple properties of solid particles enclosed in the container, specifically, content mass, content volume, particle size, and particle shape. We design a sequence of robot actions to interact with the container. Based on physical understanding, we extract static force/torque value from the F/T sensor, vibration-related features and topple-related features from the newly designed high-speed GelSight tactile sensor to estimate those four particle properties. We test our method on 3737 very different daily particles, including powder, rice, beans, tablets, etc. Experiments show that our approach is able to estimate content mass with an error of 1.81.8 g, content volume with an error of 6.16.1 ml, particle size with an error of 1.11.1 mm, and achieves an accuracy of 75.675.6% for particle shape estimation. In addition, our method can generalize to unseen particles with unknown volumes. By estimating these particle properties, our method can help robots to better perceive the granular media and help with different manipulation tasks in daily life and industry.Comment: 8 pages, 14 figure

    Top-1 CORSMAL Challenge 2020 Submission: Filling Mass Estimation Using Multi-modal Observations of Human-robot Handovers

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    Human-robot object handover is a key skill for the future of human-robot collaboration. CORSMAL 2020 Challenge focuses on the perception part of this problem: the robot needs to estimate the filling mass of a container held by a human. Although there are powerful methods in image processing and audio processing individually, answering such a problem requires processing data from multiple sensors together. The appearance of the container, the sound of the filling, and the depth data provide essential information. We propose a multi-modal method to predict three key indicators of the filling mass: filling type, filling level, and container capacity. These indicators are then combined to estimate the filling mass of a container. Our method obtained Top-1 overall performance among all submissions to CORSMAL 2020 Challenge on both public and private subsets while showing no evidence of overfitting. Our source code is publicly available: https://github.com/v-iashin/CORSMALComment: Code: https://github.com/v-iashin/CORSMAL Docker: https://hub.docker.com/r/iashin/corsma
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