22,270 research outputs found

    Mathematics as the role model for neoclassical economics (Blanqui Lecture)

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    Born out of the conscious effort to imitate mechanical physics, neoclassical economics ended up in the mid 20th century embracing a purely mathematical notion of rigor as embodied by the axiomatic method. This lecture tries to explain how this could happen, or, why and when the economists’ role model became the mathematician rather than the physicist. According to the standard interpretation, the triumph of axiomatics in modern neoclassical economics can be explained in terms of the discipline’s increasing awareness of its lack of good experimental and observational data, and thus of its intrinsic inability to fully abide by the paradigm of mechanics. Yet this story fails to properly account for the transformation that the word “rigor” itself underwent first and foremost in mathematics as well as for the existence of a specific motivation behind the economists’ decision to pursue the axiomatic route. While the full argument is developed in Giocoli 2003, these pages offer a taste of a (partially) alternative story which begins with the so-called formalist revolution in mathematics, then crosses the economists’ almost innate urge to bring their discipline to the highest possible level of generality and conceptual integrity, and ends with the advent and consolidation of that very core set of methods, tools and ideas that constitute the contemporary image of economics.Axiomatic method, formalism, rationality, neoclassical economics

    Pathways to Improvement: Using Psychological Strategies to Help College Students Master Developmental Math

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    Some 60 percent of the nation's 13 million community college students are unprepared for college-level courses and must enroll in at least one developmental course....[and] less than a quarter of students in developmental math courses earn a degree or credential within eight years.Faced with a long sequence of pre-college-level, non-credit courses, often repeating math material they've failed before, half of them quit within the first few weeks of enrolling in the courses. They quit because they believe they aren't smart enough to do math, that the class itself has little relevance to their personal or academic goals, and that they don't really belong in the course or in college at all. And because such students cannot get to graduation if they cannot get past mathematics, the result is not just a dropped class, but the end of college and the economic insecurity that often results from not earning a degree. This report examines the success of the Pathways programs created by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching which is currently being taught in 28 different community colleges nationwide. The Pathways program differs from traditional developmental math courses in that it is a yearlong class for academic credit with fewer students dropping out, most earning college credit toward graduation, and some even discovering a predilection for mathematics

    Thomas Robert Malthus: The Economist

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    As Robert Heilbroner has so aptly observed, economics has produced a handful of men whose contributions to mankind have been more decisive for history than many acts of statesman who basked in brighter glory, often more profoundly disturbing then the shuttling of armies back and forth across frontiers, and more powerful for good and bad than the edicts of kings and legislatures. One such person cited by Heilbroner is Thomas Robert Malthus

    The Knowledge Application and Utilization Framework Applied to Defense COTS: A Research Synthesis for Outsourced Innovation

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    Purpose -- Militaries of developing nations face increasing budget pressures, high operations tempo, a blitzing pace of technology, and adversaries that often meet or beat government capabilities using commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) technologies. The adoption of COTS products into defense acquisitions has been offered to help meet these challenges by essentially outsourcing new product development and innovation. This research summarizes extant research to develop a framework for managing the innovative and knowledge flows. Design/Methodology/Approach – A literature review of 62 sources was conducted with the objectives of identifying antecedents (barriers and facilitators) and consequences of COTS adoption. Findings – The DoD COTS literature predominantly consists of industry case studies, and there’s a strong need for further academically rigorous study. Extant rigorous research implicates the importance of the role of knowledge management to government innovative thinking that relies heavily on commercial suppliers. Research Limitations/Implications – Extant academically rigorous studies tend to depend on measures derived from work in information systems research, relying on user satisfaction as the outcome. Our findings indicate that user satisfaction has no relationship to COTS success; technically complex governmental purchases may be too distant from users or may have socio-economic goals that supersede user satisfaction. The knowledge acquisition and utilization framework worked well to explain the innovative process in COTS. Practical Implications – Where past research in the commercial context found technological knowledge to outweigh market knowledge in terms of importance, our research found the opposite. Managers either in government or marketing to government should be aware of the importance of market knowledge for defense COTS innovation, especially for commercial companies that work as system integrators. Originality/Value – From the literature emerged a framework of COTS product usage and a scale to measure COTS product appropriateness that should help to guide COTS product adoption decisions and to help manage COTS product implementations ex post


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    Han Fei was one of the main proponents of Legalism in Qin-era China. Although his works are mostly read from a historic perspective, the aim of this paper is to advance an interpretation of Han Fei as a social scientist. The social sciences are the fields of academic scholarship that study society and its institutions as a consequence of human behavior. Methodologically, social sciences combine abstract approaches in model-building with empiric investigations, seeking to prove the functioning of the models. In a third step, social sciences also aim at providing policy advice. Han Fei can be read as operating similarly. First, he builds a model of the nature of men, the state, and its interconnections, and then he uses history as empiric ground to prove his models. Again, after studying society as a raw fact, Han Fei develops models on how to deal with society. This article examines the social scientific inclinations of Han Fei by re-reading Chapter 49 of his book and applying an analysis in historical correspondence. This article serves as a case-study in this new type of analysis that can prove fruitful for the advancement of comparative philosophy

    To use or not to use software? An exploration of the use of software for qualitative data analysis

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    This paper discusses the potential of specialist software to enhance qualitative data analysis and to substantiate the researchers’ conclusions. An example from an enquiry on using music education as an inclusion tool in a post-conflict context is considered. A number of suggestions on how to support the researchers’ claims are made. It is argued that the use of specialist software can enhance knowledge generation and, ultimately, if analyses processes are fully disclosed, improve the perception of educational research

    Persuasive evidence:Improving customer service through evidenced based librarianship

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    Objective - To demonstrate how evidence based practice has contributed to informing decisions and resolving issues of concern in service delivery at Bond University Library. &#x0D; &#x0D; Methods - The paper critically analyses three evidence based research projects conducted at Bond University Library. Each project combined a range of research methods including surveys, literature reviews and the analysis of internal performance data to find solutions to problems in Library service delivery. The first research project investigated library opening hours and the feasibility of twenty-four hour opening. Another project researched questions about the management of a collection of feature films on DVD and video. The third project investigated issues surrounding the teaching of EndNote to undergraduate students. &#x0D; &#x0D; Results - Despite some deficiencies in the methodologies used, each evidence based research project had positive outcomes. One of the highlights and an essential feature of the process at Bond University Library was the involvement of stakeholders. The ability to build consensus and agree action plans with stakeholders was an important outcome of that process.&#x0D; &#x0D; Conclusion - Drawing on the experience of these research projects, the paper illustrates the benefits of evidence based information practice to stimulate innovation and improve library services. Librarians, like most professionals, need to continue to develop the skills and a culture to effectively carry out evidence based practice.</jats:p

    Participatory development : myths and dilemmas

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    The recent evolution of development thinking has highlighted popular involvement in decision making. Yet policy gridlock and stop-and-go implementation have been associated with excessive responsiveness to interest groups. This paper aims to pull together seemingly disparate strands of development thinking and experience. After debunking some popular myths, the development antecedents of participation are identified and a definition of participation is offered. Next, a stylized theory is presented at the micro level. Some implications are then drawn for organizational design and for development policy planning. The focus on participatory development signifies an opening of development economics to disciplines other than macroeconomics. In particular, microeconomics and business administration must join forces under the umbrella of institutional economics, political economists, and development practice should be shaped by all the social science disciplines.Health Economics&Finance,Economic Theory&Research,ICT Policy and Strategies,TF054599-PHRD-KYRGYZ REPUBLIC: WATER MANAGEMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT,Governance Indicators


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    What is critical thinking, especially in the context of higher education? How have research and scholarship on the matter developed over recent past decades? What is the current state of the art here? How might the potential of critical thinking be enhanced? What kinds of teaching are necessary in order to realize that potential? And just why is this topic important now? These are the key questions motivating this volume. We hesitate to use terms such as “comprehensive” or “complete” or “definitive,” but we believe that, taken in the round, the chapters in this volume together offer a fair insight into the contemporary understandings of higher education worldwide. We also believe that this volume is much needed, and we shall try to justify that claim in this introduction

    Traditional Economic Models of Fishing Vessels: A Review with Discussion

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    Environmental Economics and Policy, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,
