6 research outputs found

    Utilización de DEVS para evaluar arquitecturas de software

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    En el presente trabajo se propone un modelo para la simulación de productos de software en etapa temprana del desarrollo, empleando la arquitectura. El mismo se centra en la captura de la información necesaria relacionada al modelado arquitectónico y la transformación de los conceptos capturados a elementos de un modelo de simulación. Se propone el formalismo DEVS para incorporar las ventajas de la simulación en el contexto de diseño arquitectónico, ya que, a diferencia de otras herramientas de simulación, permite mantener el modelo desacoplado del simulador, y trabajar en forma modular y jerárquica. El modelo propuesto soporta la transformación de elementos arquitectónicos a elementos de un modelo de simulación, con el objetivo de obtener información cuantitativa para evaluar la calidad de un sistema en la etapa de diseño, permitiendo tomar decisiones tempranamente.Presentado en el VII Workshop Ingeniería de Software (WIS)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Utilización de DEVS para evaluar arquitecturas de software

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    En el presente trabajo se propone un modelo para la simulación de productos de software en etapa temprana del desarrollo, empleando la arquitectura. El mismo se centra en la captura de la información necesaria relacionada al modelado arquitectónico y la transformación de los conceptos capturados a elementos de un modelo de simulación. Se propone el formalismo DEVS para incorporar las ventajas de la simulación en el contexto de diseño arquitectónico, ya que, a diferencia de otras herramientas de simulación, permite mantener el modelo desacoplado del simulador, y trabajar en forma modular y jerárquica. El modelo propuesto soporta la transformación de elementos arquitectónicos a elementos de un modelo de simulación, con el objetivo de obtener información cuantitativa para evaluar la calidad de un sistema en la etapa de diseño, permitiendo tomar decisiones tempranamente.Presentado en el VII Workshop Ingeniería de Software (WIS)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Towards the formalisation of use case maps

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    Formal specification of software systems has been very promising. Critics against the end results of formal methods, that is, producing quality software products, is certainly rare. Instead, reasons have been formulated to justify why the adoption of the technique in industry remains limited. Some of the reasons are: • Steap learning curve; formal techniques are said to be hard to use. • Lack of a step-by-step construction mechanism and poor guidance. • Difficulty to integrate the technique into the existing software processes. Z is, arguably, one of the successful formal specification techniques that was extended to Object-Z to accommodate object-orientation. The Z notation is based on first-order logic and a strongly typed fragment of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory. Some attempts have been made to couple Z with semi-formal notations such as UML. However, the case of coupling Object-Z (and also Z) and the Use Case Maps (UCMs) notation is still to be explored. A Use Case Map (UCM) is a scenario-based visual notation facilitating the requirements definition of complex systems. A UCM may be generated either from a set of informal requirements, or from use cases normally expressed in natural language. UCMs have the potential to bring more clarity into the functional description of a system. It may furthermore eliminate possible errors in the user requirements. But UCMs are not suitable to reason formally about system behaviour. In this dissertation, we aim to demonstrate that a UCM can be transformed into Z and Object-Z, by providing a transformation framework. Through a case study, the impact of using UCM as an intermediate step in the process of producing a Z and Object-Z specification is explored. The aim is to improve on the constructivity of Z and Object-Z, provide more guidance, and address the issue of integrating them into the existing Software Requirements engineering process.Computer ScienceM. Sc. (Computer Science)D. Phil. (Computer Science

    Computer Science & Technology Series : XVI Argentine Congress of Computer Science - Selected papers

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    CACIC’10 was the sixteenth Congress in the CACIC series. It was organized by the School of Computer Science of the University of Moron. The Congress included 10 Workshops with 104 accepted papers, 1 main Conference, 4 invited tutorials, different meetings related with Computer Science Education (Professors, PhD students, Curricula) and an International School with 5 courses. (http://www.cacic2010.edu.ar/). CACIC 2010 was organized following the traditional Congress format, with 10 Workshops covering a diversity of dimensions of Computer Science Research. Each topic was supervised by a committee of three chairs of different Universities. The call for papers attracted a total of 195 submissions. An average of 2.6 review reports were collected for each paper, for a grand total of 507 review reports that involved about 300 different reviewers. A total of 104 full papers were accepted and 20 of them were selected for this book.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Making Behaviour a Concrete Architectural Concept

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    . A practical approach is presented to making behaviour a concrete, first-class architectural concept. The approach overcomes the forest-tree problem that results when the only way of understanding behaviour in relation to the organizational aspect of architecture is in terms of sequences of inter-component interactions that emerge at run time (calls, messages, etc). The approach centers around diagrams called Use Case Maps (UCMs) that superimpose sets of continuous wiggly lines (representing signatures of causal sequences) onto arrangements of boxes (representing organizational structure). A powerful feature of the approach is its ability to express large scale dynamic situations clearly. This paper does not present UCMs for the first time, but provides new insight into their essence in relation to architectural issues, alerts workers in the field of software architecture who have not encountered them before to their possibilities, and introduces for the first time a demonstration-of-..