11,330 research outputs found

    Filling-in the Forms: Surface and Boundary Interactions in Visual Cortex

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    Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Office of Naval Research (NOOOI4-95-l-0409); Office of Naval Research (NOOO14-95-1-0657)

    Intraneuronal information processing, directional selectivity and memory for spatio-temporal sequences.

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    Interacting intracellular signalling pathways can perform computations on a scale that is slower, but more fine-grained, than the interactions between neurons upon which we normally build our computational models of the brain (Bray D 1995 Nature 376 307-12). What computations might these potentially powerful intraneuronal mechanisms be performing? The answer suggested here is: storage of spatio-temporal trajectories; thus, neurons have some of the capacities required to perform such a task. In the retina, it is suggested that calcium-induced calcium release (CICR) may provide the basis for directional selectivity. In the cortex, if activation mechanisms with different delays could be separately reinforced at individual synapses then each such Hebbian super-synapse would store a memory trace of the delay between pre- and post-synaptic activity, forming an ideal basis for the memory and response to phase sequences

    A Neural Model of How the Brain Computes Heading from Optic Flow in Realistic Scenes

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    Animals avoid obstacles and approach goals in novel cluttered environments using visual information, notably optic flow, to compute heading, or direction of travel, with respect to objects in the environment. We present a neural model of how heading is computed that describes interactions among neurons in several visual areas of the primate magnocellular pathway, from retina through V1, MT+, and MSTd. The model produces outputs which are qualitatively and quantitatively similar to human heading estimation data in response to complex natural scenes. The model estimates heading to within 1.5° in random dot or photo-realistically rendered scenes and within 3° in video streams from driving in real-world environments. Simulated rotations of less than 1 degree per second do not affect model performance, but faster simulated rotation rates deteriorate performance, as in humans. The model is part of a larger navigational system that identifies and tracks objects while navigating in cluttered environments.National Science Foundation (SBE-0354378, BCS-0235398); Office of Naval Research (N00014-01-1-0624); National-Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NMA201-01-1-2016

    The Laminar Architecture of Visual Cortex and Image Processing Technology

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    The mammalian neocortex is organized into layers which include circuits that form functional columns in cortical maps. A major unsolved problem concerns how bottom-up, top-down, and horizontal interactions are organized within cortical layers to generate adaptive behaviors. This article summarizes a model, called the LAMINART model, of how these interactions help visual cortex to realize: (1) the binding process whereby cortex groups distributed data into coherent object representations; (2) the attentional process whereby cortex selectively processes important events; and (3) the developmental and learning processes whereby cortex stably grows and tunes its circuits to match environmental constraints. Such Laminar Computing completes perceptual groupings that realize the property of Analog Coherence, whereby winning groupings bind together their inducing features without losing their ability to represent analog values of these features. Laminar Computing also efficiently unifies the computational requirements of preattentive filtering and grouping with those of attentional selection. It hereby shows how Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) principles may be realized within the laminar circuits of neocortex. Applications include boundary segmentation and surface filling-in algorithms for processing Synthetic Aperture Radar images.Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0409); Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0657

    A half century of progress towards a unified neural theory of mind and brain with applications to autonomous adaptive agents and mental disorders

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    Invited article for the book Artificial Intelligence in the Age of Neural Networks and Brain Computing R. Kozma, C. Alippi, Y. Choe, and F. C. Morabito, Eds. Cambridge, MA: Academic PressThis article surveys some of the main design principles, mechanisms, circuits, and architectures that have been discovered during a half century of systematic research aimed at developing a unified theory that links mind and brain, and shows how psychological functions arise as emergent properties of brain mechanisms. The article describes a theoretical method that has enabled such a theory to be developed in stages by carrying out a kind of conceptual evolution. It also describes revolutionary computational paradigms like Complementary Computing and Laminar Computing that constrain the kind of unified theory that can describe the autonomous adaptive intelligence that emerges from advanced brains. Adaptive Resonance Theory, or ART, is one of the core models that has been discovered in this way. ART proposes how advanced brains learn to attend, recognize, and predict objects and events in a changing world that is filled with unexpected events. ART is not, however, a “theory of everything” if only because, due to Complementary Computing, different matching and learning laws tend to support perception and cognition on the one hand, and spatial representation and action on the other. The article mentions why a theory of this kind may be useful in the design of autonomous adaptive agents in engineering and technology. It also notes how the theory has led to new mechanistic insights about mental disorders such as autism, medial temporal amnesia, Alzheimer’s disease, and schizophrenia, along with mechanistically informed proposals about how their symptoms may be ameliorated

    Perception of Motion and Architectural Form: Computational Relationships between Optical Flow and Perspective

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    Perceptual geometry refers to the interdisciplinary research whose objectives focuses on study of geometry from the perspective of visual perception, and in turn, applies such geometric findings to the ecological study of vision. Perceptual geometry attempts to answer fundamental questions in perception of form and representation of space through synthesis of cognitive and biological theories of visual perception with geometric theories of the physical world. Perception of form, space and motion are among fundamental problems in vision science. In cognitive and computational models of human perception, the theories for modeling motion are treated separately from models for perception of form.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures, submitted and accepted in DoCEIS'2012 Conference: http://www.uninova.pt/doceis/doceis12/home/home.ph
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