8 research outputs found

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThis dissertation explores the design and use of an electromagnetic manipulation system that has been optimized for the dipole-eld model. This system can be used for noncontact manipulation of adjacent magnetic tools and combines the eld strength control of current electromagnetic systems with the analytical modeling of permanent-magnet systems. To design such a system, it is rst necessary to characterize how the shape of the eld source aects the shape of the magnetic eld. The magnetic eld generated by permanent magnets and electromagnets can be modeled, far from the source, using a multipole expansion. The error associated with the multipole expansion is quantied, and it is shown that, as long as the point of interest is 1.5 radii of the smallest sphere that can fully contain the magnetic source, the full expansion will have less than 1% error. If only the dipole term, the rst term in the expansion, is used, then the error is minimized for cylindrical shapes with a diameter-to-length ratio of 4=3 and for rectangular-bars with a cube. Applying the multipole expansion to electromagnets, an omnidirectional electromagnet, comprising three orthogonal solenoids and a spherical core, is designed that has minimal dipole-eld error and equal strength in all directions. Although this magnet can be constructed with any size core, the optimal design contains a spherical core with a diameter that is 60% of the outer dimension of the magnet. The resulting magnet's ability to dextrously control the eld at a point is demonstrated by rotating an endoscopic-pill mockup to drive it though a lumen and roll a permanent-magnet ball though several trajectories. Dipole elds also apply forces on adjacent magnetized objects. The ability to control these forces is demonstrated by performing position control on an orientation-constrained magnetic oat and nally by steering a permanent magnet, which is aligned with the applied dipole eld, around a rose curve

    sCAM: An Untethered Insertable Laparoscopic Surgical Camera Robot

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    Fully insertable robotic imaging devices represent a promising future of minimally invasive laparoscopic vision. Emerging research efforts in this field have resulted in several proof-of-concept prototypes. One common drawback of these designs derives from their clumsy tethering wires which not only cause operational interference but also reduce camera mobility. Meanwhile, these insertable laparoscopic cameras are manipulated without any pose information or haptic feedback, which results in open loop motion control and raises concerns about surgical safety caused by inappropriate use of force.This dissertation proposes, implements, and validates an untethered insertable laparoscopic surgical camera (sCAM) robot. Contributions presented in this work include: (1) feasibility of an untethered fully insertable laparoscopic surgical camera, (2) camera-tissue interaction characterization and force sensing, (3) pose estimation, visualization, and feedback with sCAM, and (4) robotic-assisted closed-loop laparoscopic camera control. Borrowing the principle of spherical motors, camera anchoring and actuation are achieved through transabdominal magnetic coupling in a stator-rotor manner. To avoid the tethering wires, laparoscopic vision and control communication are realized with dedicated wireless links based on onboard power. A non-invasive indirect approach is proposed to provide real-time camera-tissue interaction force measurement, which, assisted by camera-tissue interaction modeling, predicts stress distribution over the tissue surface. Meanwhile, the camera pose is remotely estimated and visualized using complementary filtering based on onboard motion sensing. Facilitated by the force measurement and pose estimation, robotic-assisted closed-loop control has been realized in a double-loop control scheme with shared autonomy between surgeons and the robotic controller.The sCAM has brought robotic laparoscopic imaging one step further toward less invasiveness and more dexterity. Initial ex vivo test results have verified functions of the implemented sCAM design and the proposed force measurement and pose estimation approaches, demonstrating the technical feasibility of a tetherless insertable laparoscopic camera. Robotic-assisted control has shown its potential to free surgeons from low-level intricate camera manipulation workload and improve precision and intuitiveness in laparoscopic imaging

    Development of A Soft Robotic Approach for An Intra-abdominal Wireless Laparoscopic Camera

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    In Single-Incision Laparoscopic Surgery (SILS), the Magnetic Anchoring and Guidance System (MAGS) arises as a promising technique to provide larger workspaces and field of vision for the laparoscopes, relief space for other instruments, and require fewer incisions. Inspired by MAGS, many concept designs related to fully insertable magnetically driven laparoscopes are developed and tested on the transabdominal operation. However, ignoring the tissue interaction and insertion procedure, most of the designs adopt rigid structures, which not only damage the patients\u27 tissue with excess stress concentration and sliding motion but also require complicated operation for the insertion. Meanwhile, lacking state tracking of the insertable camera including pose and contact force, the camera systems operate in open-loop control. This provides mediocre locomotion precision and limited robustness to uncertainties in the environment. This dissertation proposes, develops, and validates a soft robotic approach for an intra-abdominal wireless laparoscopic camera. Contributions presented in this work include (1) feasibility of a soft intra-abdominal laparoscopic camera with friendly tissue interaction and convenient insertion, (2) six degrees of freedom (DOF) real-time localization, (3) Closed-loop control for a robotic-assisted laparoscopic system and (4) untethering solution for wireless communication and high-quality video transmission. Embedding magnet pairs into the camera and external actuator, the camera can be steered and anchored along the abdominal wall through transabdominal magnetic coupling. To avoid the tissue rapture by the sliding motion and dry friction, a wheel structure is applied to achieve rolling motion. Borrowing the ideas from soft robotic research, the main body of the camera implements silicone material, which grants it the bendability to passively attach along the curved abdominal wall and the deformability for easier insertion. The six-DOF pose is estimated in real-time with internal multi-sensor fusion and Newton-Raphson iteration. Combining the pose tracking and force-torque sensor measurement, an interaction model between the deformable camera and tissue is established to evaluate the interaction force over the tissue surface. Moreover, the proposed laparoscopic system is integrated with a multi-DOF manipulator into a robotic-assisted surgical system, where a closed-loop control is realized based on a feedback controller and online optimization. Finally, the wireless control and video streaming are accomplished with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and Analog Video (AV) transmission. Experimental assessments have been implemented to evaluate the performance of the laparoscopic system

    A Magnetic Actuated Fully Insertable Robotic Camera System for Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery

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    Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) is a common surgical procedure which makes tiny incisions in the patients anatomy, inserting surgical instruments and using laparoscopic cameras to guide the procedure. Compared with traditional open surgery, MIS allows surgeons to perform complex surgeries with reduced trauma to the muscles and soft tissues, less intraoperative hemorrhaging and postoperative pain, and faster recovery time. Surgeons rely heavily on laparoscopic cameras for hand-eye coordination and control during a procedure. However, the use of a standard laparoscopic camera, achieved by pushing long sticks into a dedicated small opening, involves multiple incisions for the surgical instruments. Recently, single incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) and natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) have been introduced to reduce or even eliminate the number of incisions. However, the shared use of a single incision or a natural orifice for both surgical instruments and laparoscopic cameras further reduces dexterity in manipulating instruments and laparoscopic cameras with low efficient visual feedback. In this dissertation, an innovative actuation mechanism design is proposed for laparoscopic cameras that can be navigated, anchored and orientated wirelessly with a single rigid body to improve surgical procedures, especially for SILS. This design eliminates the need for an articulated design and the integrated motors to significantly reduce the size of the camera. The design features a unified mechanism for anchoring, navigating, and rotating a fully insertable camera by externally generated rotational magnetic field. The key component and innovation of the robotic camera is the magnetic driving unit, which is referred to as a rotor, driven externally by a specially designed magnetic stator. The rotor, with permanent magnets (PMs) embedded in a capsulated camera, can be magnetically coupled to a stator placed externally against or close to a dermal surface. The external stator, which consists of PMs and coils, generates 3D rotational magnetic field that thereby produces torque to rotate the rotor for desired camera orientation, and force to serve as an anchoring system that keeps the camera steady during a surgical procedure. Experimental assessments have been implemented to evaluate the performance of the camera system

    Development of An In Vivo Robotic Camera for Dexterous Manipulation and Clear Imaging

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    Minimally invasive surgeriy (MIS) techniques are becoming more popular as replacements for traditional open surgeries. These methods benefit patients with lowering blood loss and post-operative pain, reducing recovery period and hospital stay time, decreasing surgical area scarring and cosmetic issues, and lessening the treatment costs, hence greater patient satisfaction would be earned. Manipulating surgical instruments from outside of abdomen and performing surgery needs precise hand-eye coordination which is provided by insertable cameras. The traditional MIS insertable cameras suffer from port complexity and reduced manipulation dexterity, which leads to defection in Hand-eye coordination and surgical flow. Fully insertable robotic camera systems emerged as a promising solution in MIS. Implementing robotic camera systems faces multiple challenges in fixation, manipulation, orientation control, tool-tissue interaction, in vivo illumination and clear imaging.In this dissertation a novel actuation and control mechanism is developed and validated for an insertable laparoscopic camera. This design uses permanent magnets and coils as force/torque generators in an external control unit to manipulate an in vivo camera capsule. The motorless design of this capsule reduces the, wight, size and power consumption of the driven unit. In order to guarantee the smooth motion of the camera inside the abdominal cavity, an interaction force control method was proposed and validated.Optimizing the system\u27s design, through minimizing the control unit size and power consumption and extending maneuverability of insertable camera, was achieved by a novel transformable design, which uses a single permanent magnet in the control unit. The camera robot uses a permanent magnet as fixation and translation unit, and two embedded motor for tilt motion actuation, as well as illumination actuation. Transformable design provides superior imaging quality through an optimized illumination unit and a cleaning module. The illumination module uses freeform optical lenses to control light beams from the LEDs to achieve optimized illumination over surgical zone. The cleaning module prevents lens contamination through a pump actuated debris prevention system, while mechanically wipes the lens in case of contamination. The performance of transformable design and its modules have been assessed experimentally

    Endoscopic and magnetic actuation for miniature lifesaving devices

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