15,880 research outputs found

    A Complete Characterization of all Magic Constants Arising from Distance Magic Graphs

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    A positive integer kk is called a magic constant if there is a graph GG along with a bijective function ff from V(G)V(G) to first V(G)|V(G)| natural numbers such that the weight of the vertex w(v)=uvEf(v)=kw(v) = \sum_{uv \in E}f(v) =k for all vVv \in V. It is known that all odd positive integers greater equal 33 and the integer powers of 22, 2t2^{t}, t6t \ge 6 are magic constants. In this paper we characterise all positive integers which are magic constants

    Permanents, Pfaffian orientations, and even directed circuits

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    Given a 0-1 square matrix A, when can some of the 1's be changed to -1's in such a way that the permanent of A equals the determinant of the modified matrix? When does a real square matrix have the property that every real matrix with the same sign pattern (that is, the corresponding entries either have the same sign or are both zero) is nonsingular? When is a hypergraph with n vertices and n hyperedges minimally nonbipartite? When does a bipartite graph have a "Pfaffian orientation"? Given a digraph, does it have no directed circuit of even length? Given a digraph, does it have a subdivision with no even directed circuit? It is known that all of the above problems are equivalent. We prove a structural characterization of the feasible instances, which implies a polynomial-time algorithm to solve all of the above problems. The structural characterization says, roughly speaking, that a bipartite graph has a Pfaffian orientation if and only if it can be obtained by piecing together (in a specified way) planar bipartite graphs and one sporadic nonplanar bipartite graph.Comment: 47 pages, published versio

    Rainbow eulerian multidigraphs and the product of cycles

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    An arc colored eulerian multidigraph with ll colors is rainbow eulerian if there is an eulerian circuit in which a sequence of ll colors repeats. The digraph product that refers the title was introduced by Figueroa-Centeno et al. as follows: let DD be a digraph and let Γ\Gamma be a family of digraphs such that V(F)=VV(F)=V for every FΓF\in \Gamma. Consider any function h:E(D)Γh:E(D)\longrightarrow\Gamma . Then the product DhΓD\otimes_{h} \Gamma is the digraph with vertex set V(D)×VV(D)\times V and ((a,x),(b,y))E(DhΓ)((a,x),(b,y))\in E(D\otimes_{h}\Gamma) if and only if (a,b)E(D) (a,b)\in E(D) and (x,y)E(h(a,b)) (x,y)\in E(h (a,b)). In this paper we use rainbow eulerian multidigraphs and permutations as a way to characterize the h\otimes_h-product of oriented cycles. We study the behavior of the h\otimes_h-product when applied to digraphs with unicyclic components. The results obtained allow us to get edge-magic labelings of graphs formed by the union of unicyclic components and with different magic sums.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Combinatorics and Geometry of Transportation Polytopes: An Update

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    A transportation polytope consists of all multidimensional arrays or tables of non-negative real numbers that satisfy certain sum conditions on subsets of the entries. They arise naturally in optimization and statistics, and also have interest for discrete mathematics because permutation matrices, latin squares, and magic squares appear naturally as lattice points of these polytopes. In this paper we survey advances on the understanding of the combinatorics and geometry of these polyhedra and include some recent unpublished results on the diameter of graphs of these polytopes. In particular, this is a thirty-year update on the status of a list of open questions last visited in the 1984 book by Yemelichev, Kovalev and Kravtsov and the 1986 survey paper of Vlach.Comment: 35 pages, 13 figure

    Nonlocal Games and Quantum Permutation Groups

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    We present a strong connection between quantum information and quantum permutation groups. Specifically, we define a notion of quantum isomorphisms of graphs based on quantum automorphisms from the theory of quantum groups, and then show that this is equivalent to the previously defined notion of quantum isomorphism corresponding to perfect quantum strategies to the isomorphism game. Moreover, we show that two connected graphs XX and YY are quantum isomorphic if and only if there exists xV(X)x \in V(X) and yV(Y)y \in V(Y) that are in the same orbit of the quantum automorphism group of the disjoint union of XX and YY. This connection links quantum groups to the more concrete notion of nonlocal games and physically observable quantum behaviours. We exploit this link by using ideas and results from quantum information in order to prove new results about quantum automorphism groups, and about quantum permutation groups more generally. In particular, we show that asymptotically almost surely all graphs have trivial quantum automorphism group. Furthermore, we use examples of quantum isomorphic graphs from previous work to construct an infinite family of graphs which are quantum vertex transitive but fail to be vertex transitive, answering a question from the quantum group literature. Our main tool for proving these results is the introduction of orbits and orbitals (orbits on ordered pairs) of quantum permutation groups. We show that the orbitals of a quantum permutation group form a coherent configuration/algebra, a notion from the field of algebraic graph theory. We then prove that the elements of this quantum orbital algebra are exactly the matrices that commute with the magic unitary defining the quantum group. We furthermore show that quantum isomorphic graphs admit an isomorphism of their quantum orbital algebras which maps the adjacency matrix of one graph to that of the other.Comment: 39 page