18 research outputs found

    Learning Signal Representations for EEG Cross-Subject Channel Selection and Trial Classification

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    EEG technology finds applications in several domains. Currently, most EEG systems require subjects to wear several electrodes on the scalp to be effective. However, several channels might include noisy information, redundant signals, induce longer preparation times and increase computational times of any automated system for EEG decoding. One way to reduce the signal-to-noise ratio and improve classification accuracy is to combine channel selection with feature extraction, but EEG signals are known to present high inter-subject variability. In this work we introduce a novel algorithm for subject-independent channel selection of EEG recordings. Considering multi-channel trial recordings as statistical units and the EEG decoding task as the class of reference, the algorithm (i) exploits channel-specific 1D-Convolutional Neural Networks (1D-CNNs) as feature extractors in a supervised fashion to maximize class separability; (ii) it reduces a high dimensional multi-channel trial representation into a unique trial vector by concatenating the channels' embeddings and (iii) recovers the complex inter-channel relationships during channel selection, by exploiting an ensemble of AutoEncoders (AE) to identify from these vectors the most relevant channels to perform classification. After training, the algorithm can be exploited by transferring only the parametrized subgroup of selected channel-specific 1D-CNNs to new signals from new subjects and obtain low-dimensional and highly informative trial vectors to be fed to any classifier

    The two decades brainclinics research archive for insights in neurophysiology (TDBRAIN) database

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    In neuroscience, electroencephalography (EEG) data is often used to extract features (biomarkers) to identify neurological or psychiatric dysfunction or to predict treatment response. At the same time neuroscience is becoming more data-driven, made possible by computational advances. In support of biomarker development and methodologies such as training Artificial Intelligent (AI) networks we present the extensive Two Decades-Brainclinics Research Archive for Insights in Neurophysiology (TDBRAIN) EEG database. This clinical lifespan database (5–89 years) contains resting-state, raw EEG-data complemented with relevant clinical and demographic data of a heterogenous collection of 1274 psychiatric patients collected between 2001 to 2021. Main indications included are Major Depressive Disorder (MDD; N = 426), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD; N = 271), Subjective Memory Complaints (SMC: N = 119) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD; N = 75). Demographic-, personality- and day of measurement data are included in the database. Thirty percent of clinical and treatment outcome data will remain blinded for prospective validation and replication purposes. The TDBRAIN database and code are available on the Brainclinics Foundation website at www.brainclinics.com/resources and on Synapse at www.synapse.org/TDBRAIN

    Amplifying Pathological Detection in EEG Signaling Pathways through Cross-Dataset Transfer Learning

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    Pathology diagnosis based on EEG signals and decoding brain activity holds immense importance in understanding neurological disorders. With the advancement of artificial intelligence methods and machine learning techniques, the potential for accurate data-driven diagnoses and effective treatments has grown significantly. However, applying machine learning algorithms to real-world datasets presents diverse challenges at multiple levels. The scarcity of labelled data, especially in low regime scenarios with limited availability of real patient cohorts due to high costs of recruitment, underscores the vital deployment of scaling and transfer learning techniques. In this study, we explore a real-world pathology classification task to highlight the effectiveness of data and model scaling and cross-dataset knowledge transfer. As such, we observe varying performance improvements through data scaling, indicating the need for careful evaluation and labelling. Additionally, we identify the challenges of possible negative transfer and emphasize the significance of some key components to overcome distribution shifts and potential spurious correlations and achieve positive transfer. We see improvement in the performance of the target model on the target (NMT) datasets by using the knowledge from the source dataset (TUAB) when a low amount of labelled data was available. Our findings indicate a small and generic model (e.g. ShallowNet) performs well on a single dataset, however, a larger model (e.g. TCN) performs better on transfer and learning from a larger and diverse dataset

    EEG classifier cross-task transfer to avoid training sessions in robot-assisted rehabilitation

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    Background: For an individualized support of patients during rehabilitation, learning of individual machine learning models from the human electroencephalogram (EEG) is required. Our approach allows labeled training data to be recorded without the need for a specific training session. For this, the planned exoskeleton-assisted rehabilitation enables bilateral mirror therapy, in which movement intentions can be inferred from the activity of the unaffected arm. During this therapy, labeled EEG data can be collected to enable movement predictions of only the affected arm of a patient. Methods: A study was conducted with 8 healthy subjects and the performance of the classifier transfer approach was evaluated. Each subject performed 3 runs of 40 self-intended unilateral and bilateral reaching movements toward a target while EEG data was recorded from 64 channels. A support vector machine (SVM) classifier was trained under both movement conditions to make predictions for the same type of movement. Furthermore, the classifier was evaluated to predict unilateral movements by only beeing trained on the data of the bilateral movement condition. Results: The results show that the performance of the classifier trained on selected EEG channels evoked by bilateral movement intentions is not significantly reduced compared to a classifier trained directly on EEG data including unilateral movement intentions. Moreover, the results show that our approach also works with only 8 or even 4 channels. Conclusion: It was shown that the proposed classifier transfer approach enables motion prediction without explicit collection of training data. Since the approach can be applied even with a small number of EEG channels, this speaks for the feasibility of the approach in real therapy sessions with patients and motivates further investigations with stroke patients.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Diagnostic and prognostic EEG analysis of critically ill patients: A deep learning study.

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    Visual interpretation of electroencephalography (EEG) is time consuming, may lack objectivity, and is restricted to features detectable by a human. Computer-based approaches, especially deep learning, could potentially overcome these limitations. However, most deep learning studies focus on a specific question or a single pathology. Here we explore the potential of deep learning for EEG-based diagnostic and prognostic assessment of patients with acute consciousness impairment (ACI) of various etiologies. EEGs from 358 adults from a randomized controlled trial (CERTA, NCT03129438) were retrospectively analyzed. A convolutional neural network was used to predict the clinical outcome (based either on survival or on best cerebral performance category) and to determine the etiology (four diagnostic categories). The largest probability output served as marker for the confidence of the network in its prediction ("certainty factor"); we also systematically compared the predictions with raw EEG data, and used a visualization algorithm (Grad-CAM) to highlight discriminative patterns. When all patients were considered, the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) was 0.721 for predicting survival and 0.703 for predicting the outcome based on best CPC; for patients with certainty factor ≄ 60 % the AUCs increased to 0.776 and 0.755 respectively; and for certainty factor ≄ 75 % to 0.852 and 0.879. The accuracy for predicting the etiology was 54.5 %; the accuracy increased to 67.7 %, 70.3 % and 84.1 % for patients with certainty factor of 50 %, 60 % and 75 % respectively. Visual analysis showed that the network learnt EEG patterns typically recognized by human experts, and suggested new criteria. This work demonstrates for the first time the potential of deep learning-based EEG analysis in critically ill patients with various etiologies of ACI. Certainty factor and post-hoc correlation of input data with prediction help to better characterize the method and pave the route for future implementations in clinical routine

    MP-SeizNet: A Multi-Path CNN Bi-LSTM Network for Seizure-Type Classification Using EEG

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    Seizure type identification is essential for the treatment and management of epileptic patients. However, it is a difficult process known to be time consuming and labor intensive. Automated diagnosis systems, with the advancement of machine learning algorithms, have the potential to accelerate the classification process, alert patients, and support physicians in making quick and accurate decisions. In this paper, we present a novel multi-path seizure-type classification deep learning network (MP-SeizNet), consisting of a convolutional neural network (CNN) and a bidirectional long short-term memory neural network (Bi-LSTM) with an attention mechanism. The objective of this study was to classify specific types of seizures, including complex partial, simple partial, absence, tonic, and tonic-clonic seizures, using only electroencephalogram (EEG) data. The EEG data is fed to our proposed model in two different representations. The CNN was fed with wavelet-based features extracted from the EEG signals, while the Bi-LSTM was fed with raw EEG signals to let our MP-SeizNet jointly learns from different representations of seizure data for more accurate information learning. The proposed MP-SeizNet was evaluated using the largest available EEG epilepsy database, the Temple University Hospital EEG Seizure Corpus, TUSZ v1.5.2. We evaluated our proposed model across different patient data using three-fold cross-validation and across seizure data using five-fold cross-validation, achieving F1 scores of 87.6% and 98.1%, respectively

    Application of Machine Learning to Electroencephalography for the Diagnosis of Primary Progressive Aphasia: A Pilot Study

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    Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is a neurodegenerative syndrome in which diagnosis is usually challenging. Biomarkers are needed for diagnosis and monitoring. In this study, we aimed to evaluate Electroencephalography (EEG) as a biomarker for the diagnosis of PPA. Methods. We conducted a cross-sectional study with 40 PPA patients categorized as non-fluent, semantic, and logopenic variants, and 20 controls. Resting-state EEG with 32 channels was acquired and preprocessed using several procedures (quantitative EEG, wavelet transformation, autoencoders, and graph theory analysis). Seven machine learning algorithms were evaluated (Decision Tree, Elastic Net, Support Vector Machines, Random Forest, K-Nearest Neighbors, Gaussian Naive Bayes, and Multinomial Naive Bayes). Results. Diagnostic capacity to distinguish between PPA and controls was high (accuracy 75%, F1-score 83% for kNN algorithm). The most important features in the classification were derived from network analysis based on graph theory. Conversely, discrimination between PPA variants was lower (Accuracy 58% and F1-score 60% for kNN). Conclusions. The application of ML to resting-state EEG may have a role in the diagnosis of PPA, especially in the differentiation from controls. Future studies with high-density EEG should explore the capacity to distinguish between PPA variants