3,841 research outputs found

    Feature extraction and classification of spam emails

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    Using online linear classifiers to filter spam Emails

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    The performance of two online linear classifiers - the Perceptron and Littlestone’s Winnow – is explored for two anti-spam filtering benchmark corpora - PU1 and Ling-Spam. We study the performance for varying numbers of features, along with three different feature selection methods: Information Gain (IG), Document Frequency (DF) and Odds Ratio. The size of the training set and the number of training iterations are also investigated for both classifiers. The experimental results show that both the Perceptron and Winnow perform much better when using IG or DF than using Odds Ratio. It is further demonstrated that when using IG or DF, the classifiers are insensitive to the number of features and the number of training iterations, and not greatly sensitive to the size of training set. Winnow is shown to slightly outperform the Perceptron. It is also demonstrated that both of these online classifiers perform much better than a standard Naïve Bayes method. The theoretical and implementation computational complexity of these two classifiers are very low, and they are very easily adaptively updated. They outperform most of the published results, while being significantly easier to train and adapt. The analysis and promising experimental results indicate that the Perceptron and Winnow are two very competitive classifiers for anti-spam filtering

    Improving spam filtering by combining Naive Bayes with simple k-nearest neighbor searches

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    Using naive Bayes for email classification has become very popular within the last few months. They are quite easy to implement and very efficient. In this paper we want to present empirical results of email classification using a combination of naive Bayes and k-nearest neighbor searches. Using this technique we show that the accuracy of a Bayes filter can be improved slightly for a high number of features and significantly for a small number of features

    "May I borrow Your Filter?" Exchanging Filters to Combat Spam in a Community

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    Leveraging social networks in computer systems can be effective in dealing with a number of trust and security issues. Spam is one such issue where the "wisdom of crowds" can be harnessed by mining the collective knowledge of ordinary individuals. In this paper, we present a mechanism through which members of a virtual community can exchange information to combat spam. Previous attempts at collaborative spam filtering have concentrated on digest-based indexing techniques to share digests or fingerprints of emails that are known to be spam. We take a different approach and allow users to share their spam filters instead, thus dramatically reducing the amount of traffic generated in the network. The resultant diversity in the filters and cooperation in a community allows it to respond to spam in an autonomic fashion. As a test case for exchanging filters we use the popular SpamAssassin spam filtering software and show that exchanging spam filters provides an alternative method to improve spam filtering performance