7 research outputs found

    Supervised detection of bomb craters in historical aerial images using convolutional neural networks

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    The aftermath of the air strikes during World War II is still present today. Numerous bombs dropped by planes did not explode, still exist in the ground and pose a considerable explosion hazard. Tracking down these duds can be tackled by detecting bomb craters. The existence of a dud can be inferred from the existence of a crater. This work proposes a method for the automatic detection of bomb craters in aerial wartime images. First of all, crater candidates are extracted from an image using a blob detector. Based on given crater references, for every candidate it is checked whether it, in fact, represents a crater or not. Candidates from various aerial images are used to train, validate and test Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) in the context of a two-class classification problem. A loss function (controlling what the CNNs are learning) is adapted to the given task. The trained CNNs are then used for the classification of crater candidates. Our work focuses on the classification of crater candidates and we investigate if combining data from related domains is beneficial for the classification. We achieve a F1-score of up to 65.4% when classifying crater candidates with a realistic class distribution. © Authors 2019. CC BY 4.0 License

    Marked point processes for the automatic detection of bomb craters in aerial wartime images

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    Many countries were the target of air strikes during the Second World War. The aftermath of such attacks is felt until today, as numerous unexploded bombs or duds still exist in the ground. Typically, such areas are documented in so-called impact maps, which are based on detected bomb craters. This paper proposes a stochastic approach to automatically detect bomb craters in aerial wartime images that were taken during World War II. In this work, one aspect we investigate is the type of object model for the crater: we compare circles with ellipses. The respective models are embedded in the probabilistic framework of marked point processes. By means of stochastic sampling the most likely configuration of objects within the scene is determined. Each configuration is evaluated using an energy function which describes the conformity with a predefined model. High gradient magnitudes along the border of the object are favoured and overlapping objects are penalized. In addition, a term that requires the grey values inside the object to be homogeneous is investigated. Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling in combination with simulated annealing provides the global optimum of the energy function. Afterwards, a probability map is generated from the automatic detections via kernel density estimation. By setting a threshold, areas around the detections are classified as contaminated or uncontaminated sites, respectively, which results in an impact map. Our results, based on 22 aerial wartime images, show the general potential of the method for the automated detection of bomb craters and the subsequent automatic generation of an impact map. © Authors 2019

    Using redundant information from multiple aerial images for the detection of bomb craters based on marked point processes

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    Many countries were the target of air strikes during World War II. Numerous unexploded bombs still exist in the ground. These duds can be tracked down with the help of bomb craters, indicating areas where unexploded bombs may be located. Such areas are documented in so-called impact maps based on detected bomb craters. In this paper, a stochastic approach based on marked point processes (MPPs) for the automatic detection of bomb craters in aerial images taken during World War II is presented. As most areas are covered by multiple images, the influence of redundant image information on the object detection result is investigated: We compare the results generated based on single images with those obtained by our new approach that combines the individual detection results of multiple images covering the same location. The object model for the bomb craters is represented by circles. Our MPP approach determines the most likely configuration of objects within the scene. The goal is reached by minimizing an energy function that describes the conformity with a predefined model by Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling in combination with simulated annealing. Afterwards, a probability map is generated from the automatic detections via kernel density estimation. By setting a threshold, areas around the detections are classified as contaminated or uncontaminated sites, respectively, which results in an impact map. Our results show a significant improvement with respect to its quality when redundant image information is used. © 2020 Copernicus GmbH. All rights reserved

    Remote Sensing of World War II Era Unexploded Bombs Using Object-Based Image Analysis and Multi-Temporal Datasets: A Case Study of the Fort Myers Bombing and Gunnery Range

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    During World War II, United States Army and Navy pilots trained on several hundred bombing ranges encompassing more than 12 million acres of land, leaving behind crater-scarred landscapes across the country. Post-war estimates suggest that 10-15% of aerial bombs used failed to detonate as intended, so these areas today are contaminated by a large number of dangerous unexploded bombs (UXB) which remain under the surface. Until recently, detecting UXB has been a tedious and expensive process done in three stages: (1) identifying and mapping general areas of concentrated bomb craters using historical air photos and records; (2) intensely searching these areas at a larger scale for much smaller UXB entry holes; and (3) confirming the presence of individual UXB using magnetometry or ground-penetrating radar. This research aims to streamline the workflow for stage 1 and 2 using semi-automated object-based image analysis (OBIA) methods with multi-source high spatial-resolution imagery. Using the Fort Myers Bombing and Gunnery Range in Florida as a study area, this thesis determines what OBIA software and Imagery is best at locating UXB in this environment. I assess the use of LiDAR-derived DEMs, historical air photos and high-resolution color digital orthophotos in Feature Analyst and Imagine Objective, and discuss optimal inputs and configurations for UXB searches in karst wetlands. This methodology might be applied by the detection and clearance industry in former war zones, and aid in restoring former training ranges to safe land uses in the U.S

    Machine learning on historic air photographs for mapping risk of unexploded bombs

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    In this paper we describe an automatic procedure for building risk maps of unexploded bombs based on historic air photographs. The system is based on a cost-sestitive version of the Adaboost algorithm integrated with tools of spatial analysis. The final result is a map of the spatial density of craters