3 research outputs found

    Broadband modified-circle-shape patch antenna with H-aperture feeding for a passive radar array

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    In this paper, the design of a broadband modified-circle-shape patch antenna with H-aperture feeding is presented, to be used as single radiating element in the array of the surveillance channel of an UHF passive radar. Different techniques are proposed to achieve a relative bandwidth of more than 30%, and challenging radiation pattern characteristics for the defined application. The achievement of these requirements is proved through measurements in anechoic chamber. A NULA is designed using optimization techniques and considering coupling effects between elements. The NULA was integrated in IDEPAR, the passive radar demonstrator developed in the University of Alcalá, and validated through measurement campaigns. Results prove a significant improvement of the passive radar target detection and bearing estimation capabilities

    Técnicas de estimación de dirección de llegada aplicadas a un sistema radar pasivo basado en la TDT

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    En este TFG se centra en el estudio de técnicas de estimación de dirección de llegada basadas en un array de antenas lineal uniforme. Se han considerado técnicas de estimación basadas en la maximización de probabilidad (AML y CML, Asymptotic and Conditional Maximum Likelihood) y la maximización de funciones cuadráticas calculadas a partir de los subespacios de señal y ruido (MUSIC, Multiple Signal Classification). Los métodos se han evaluado para determinar la mínima relación señal a ruido necesaria para estimar ángulos de llegada con precisión y se han aplicado a datos reales adquiridos por un sistema radar pasivo.The study of the different directions of arrivals estimated techniques based on a uniform linear array was carried out in this TFG. In order to achieve this, it was took into account different estimated techniques based on the maximization of probability (AML y CML, Asymptotic and Conditional Maximum Likelihood) and the maximization of quadratic functions calculated from the subspaces of signal and noise (MUSIC, Multiple Signal Classification). The methods have been evaluated to determine the minimum signal-to-noise ratio necessary to accurately estimate arrival angles and have been applied to real data acquired by a passive radar system.Grado en Ingeniería en Tecnologías de Telecomunicació