6 research outputs found

    MPC-based humanoid pursuit-evasion in the presence of obstacles

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    We consider a pursuit-evasion problem between humanoids in the presence of obstacles. In our scenario, the pursuer enters the safety area of the evader headed for collision, while the latter executes a fast evasive motion. Control schemes are designed for both the pursuer and the evader. They are structurally identical, although the objectives are different: the pursuer tries to align its direction of motion with the line- of-sight to the evader, whereas the evader tries to move in a direction orthogonal to the line-of-sight to the pursuer. At the core of the control architecture is a Model Predictive Control scheme for generating a stable gait. This allows for the inclusion of workspace obstacles, which we take into account at two levels: during the determination of the footsteps orientation and as an explicit MPC constraint. We illustrate the results with simulations on NAO humanoids

    Humanoid gait generation for walk-to locomotion using single-stage MPC

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    We consider the problem of gait generation for a humanoid robot that must walk to an assigned Cartesian goal. As a first solution, we consider a rather straightforward adaptation of our previous work: An external block produces high-level velocities, which are then tracked by a double-stage intrinsically stable MPC scheme where the orientation of the footsteps is chosen before determining their location and the CoM trajectory. The second solution, which represents the main contribution of the paper, is conceptually different: no high-level velocity is generated, and footstep orientations are chosen at the same time of the other decision variables in a singlestage MPC. This is made possible by carefully redesigning the motion constraints so as to preserve linearity. Preliminary results on a simulated NAO confirm that the single-stage method outperforms the conventional double-stage scheme

    Gait generation via intrinsically stable MPC for a multi-mass humanoid model

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    We consider the problem of generating a gait with no a priori assigned footsteps while taking into account the contribution of the swinging leg to the total Zero Moment Point (ZMP). This is achieved by considering a multi-mass model of the humanoid and distinguishing between secondary masses with known pre-defined motion and the remaining, primary, masses. In the case of a single primary mass with constant height, it is possible to transform the original gait generation problem for the multi-mass system into a single LIP-like problem. We can then take full advantage of an intrinsically stable MPC framework to generate a gait that takes into account the swinging leg motion

    A framework for safe human-humanoid coexistence

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    This work is focused on the development of a safety framework for Human-Humanoid coexistence, with emphasis on humanoid locomotion. After a brief introduction to the fundamental concepts of humanoid locomotion, the two most common approaches for gait generation are presented, and are extended with the inclusion of a stability condition to guarantee the boundedness of the generated trajectories. Then the safety framework is presented, with the introduction of different safety behaviors. These behaviors are meant to enhance the overall level of safety during any robot operation. Proactive behaviors will enhance or adapt the current robot operations to reduce the risk of danger, while override behaviors will stop the current robot activity in order to take action against a particularly dangerous situation. A state machine is defined to control the transitions between the behaviors. The behaviors that are strictly related to locomotion are subsequently detailed, and an implementation is proposed and validated. A possible implementation of the remaining behaviors is proposed through the review of related works that can be found in literature

    Learning-based methods for planning and control of humanoid robots

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    Nowadays, humans and robots are more and more likely to coexist as time goes by. The anthropomorphic nature of humanoid robots facilitates physical human-robot interaction, and makes social human-robot interaction more natural. Moreover, it makes humanoids ideal candidates for many applications related to tasks and environments designed for humans. No matter the application, an ubiquitous requirement for the humanoid is to possess proper locomotion skills. Despite long-lasting research, humanoid locomotion is still far from being a trivial task. A common approach to address humanoid locomotion consists in decomposing its complexity by means of a model-based hierarchical control architecture. To cope with computational constraints, simplified models for the humanoid are employed in some of the architectural layers. At the same time, the redundancy of the humanoid with respect to the locomotion task as well as the closeness of such a task to human locomotion suggest a data-driven approach to learn it directly from experience. This thesis investigates the application of learning-based techniques to planning and control of humanoid locomotion. In particular, both deep reinforcement learning and deep supervised learning are considered to address humanoid locomotion tasks in a crescendo of complexity. First, we employ deep reinforcement learning to study the spontaneous emergence of balancing and push recovery strategies for the humanoid, which represent essential prerequisites for more complex locomotion tasks. Then, by making use of motion capture data collected from human subjects, we employ deep supervised learning to shape the robot walking trajectories towards an improved human-likeness. The proposed approaches are validated on real and simulated humanoid robots. Specifically, on two versions of the iCub humanoid: iCub v2.7 and iCub v3

    From walking to running: robust and 3D humanoid gait generation via MPC

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    Humanoid robots are platforms that can succeed in tasks conceived for humans. From locomotion in unstructured environments, to driving cars, or working in industrial plants, these robots have a potential that is yet to be disclosed in systematic every-day-life applications. Such a perspective, however, is opposed by the need of solving complex engineering problems under the hardware and software point of view. In this thesis, we focus on the software side of the problem, and in particular on locomotion control. The operativity of a legged humanoid is subordinate to its capability of realizing a reliable locomotion. In many settings, perturbations may undermine the balance and make the robot fall. Moreover, complex and dynamic motions might be required by the context, as for instance it could be needed to start running or climbing stairs to achieve a certain location in the shortest time. We present gait generation schemes based on Model Predictive Control (MPC) that tackle both the problem of robustness and tridimensional dynamic motions. The proposed control schemes adopt the typical paradigm of centroidal MPC for reference motion generation, enforcing dynamic balance through the Zero Moment Point condition, plus a whole-body controller that maps the generated trajectories to joint commands. Each of the described predictive controllers also feature a so-called stability constraint, preventing the generation of diverging Center of Mass trajectories with respect to the Zero Moment Point. Robustness is addressed by modeling the humanoid as a Linear Inverted Pendulum and devising two types of strategies. For persistent perturbations, a way to use a disturbance observer and a technique for constraint tightening (to ensure robust constraint satisfaction) are presented. In the case of impulsive pushes instead, techniques for footstep and timing adaptation are introduced. The underlying approach is to interpret robustness as a MPC feasibility problem, thus aiming at ensuring the existence of a solution for the constrained optimization problem to be solved at each iteration in spite of the perturbations. This perspective allows to devise simple solutions to complex problems, favoring a reliable real-time implementation. For the tridimensional locomotion, on the other hand, the humanoid is modeled as a Variable Height Inverted Pendulum. Based on it, a two stage MPC is introduced with particular emphasis on the implementation of the stability constraint. The overall result is a gait generation scheme that allows the robot to overcome relatively complex environments constituted by a non-flat terrain, with also the capability of realizing running gaits. The proposed methods are validated in different settings: from conceptual simulations in Matlab to validations in the DART dynamic environment, up to experimental tests on the NAO and the OP3 platforms