1 research outputs found

    MODIS and VIIRS On-Orbit Calibration and Characterization Using Observations from Spacecraft Pitch Maneuvers

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    Two MODIS instruments (Terra and Aqua) and two VIIRS instruments (S-NPP and JPSS-1) are currently operated inspace, continuously making global earth observations in the spectral range from visible (VIS) to long-wave infrared(LWIR). These observations have enabled a broad range of environmental data records to be generated and distributed insupport of both operational and scientific community. Despite extensive pre-launch calibration and characterizationperformed for both MODIS and VIIRS instruments and routine on-orbit calibration activities carried out using their onboardcalibrators (OBC), various spacecraft maneuvers have also been designed and implemented to further enhance thesensor on-orbit calibration and data quality. This paper focuses on the use of observations made during spacecraft pitchmaneuvers of MODIS and VIIRS in support of their on-orbit characterization of thermal emissive bands (TEB) responseversus scan-angle (RVS). In the case of Terra MODIS, lunar observations made from instrument nadir view duringspacecraft pitch maneuvers are used to compare with that made regularly through instrument space view (SV) port toevaluate on-orbit changes in RVS and band-to-band registration (BBR) for the reflective solar bands (RSB). In additionto results derived from spacecraft pitch maneuvers performed for MODIS and VIIRS, discussion is provided on theadvantages, challenges, and lessons for future considerations and improvements