38 research outputs found

    The Impact of Debiasing on the Performance of Language Models in Downstream Tasks is Underestimated

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    Pre-trained language models trained on large-scale data have learned serious levels of social biases. Consequently, various methods have been proposed to debias pre-trained models. Debiasing methods need to mitigate only discriminatory bias information from the pre-trained models, while retaining information that is useful for the downstream tasks. In previous research, whether useful information is retained has been confirmed by the performance of downstream tasks in debiased pre-trained models. On the other hand, it is not clear whether these benchmarks consist of data pertaining to social biases and are appropriate for investigating the impact of debiasing. For example in gender-related social biases, data containing female words (e.g. ``she, female, woman''), male words (e.g. ``he, male, man''), and stereotypical words (e.g. ``nurse, doctor, professor'') are considered to be the most affected by debiasing. If there is not much data containing these words in a benchmark dataset for a target task, there is the possibility of erroneously evaluating the effects of debiasing. In this study, we compare the impact of debiasing on performance across multiple downstream tasks using a wide-range of benchmark datasets that containing female, male, and stereotypical words. Experiments show that the effects of debiasing are consistently \emph{underestimated} across all tasks. Moreover, the effects of debiasing could be reliably evaluated by separately considering instances containing female, male, and stereotypical words than all of the instances in a benchmark dataset.Comment: IJCNLP-AACL 202

    Neural Natural Language Inference Models Enhanced with External Knowledge

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    Modeling natural language inference is a very challenging task. With the availability of large annotated data, it has recently become feasible to train complex models such as neural-network-based inference models, which have shown to achieve the state-of-the-art performance. Although there exist relatively large annotated data, can machines learn all knowledge needed to perform natural language inference (NLI) from these data? If not, how can neural-network-based NLI models benefit from external knowledge and how to build NLI models to leverage it? In this paper, we enrich the state-of-the-art neural natural language inference models with external knowledge. We demonstrate that the proposed models improve neural NLI models to achieve the state-of-the-art performance on the SNLI and MultiNLI datasets.Comment: Accepted by ACL 201

    Task-oriented Memory-efficient Pruning-Adapter

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    The Outstanding performance and growing size of Large Language Models has led to increased attention in parameter efficient learning. The two predominant approaches are Adapters and Pruning. Adapters are to freeze the model and give it a new weight matrix on the side, which can significantly reduce the time and memory of training, but the cost is that the evaluation and testing will increase the time and memory consumption. Pruning is to cut off some weight and re-distribute the remaining weight, which sacrifices the complexity of training at the cost of extremely high memory and training time, making the cost of evaluation and testing relatively low. So efficiency of training and inference can't be obtained in the same time. In this work, we propose a task-oriented Pruning-Adapter method that achieve a high memory efficiency of training and memory, and speeds up training time and ensures no significant decrease in accuracy in GLUE tasks, achieving training and inference efficiency at the same time

    Can Large Language Models Infer and Disagree Like Humans?

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    Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown stellar achievements in solving a broad range of tasks. When generating text, it is common to sample tokens from these models: whether LLMs closely align with the human disagreement distribution has not been well-studied, especially within the scope of Natural Language Inference (NLI). In this paper, we evaluate the performance and alignment of LLM distribution with humans using two different techniques: Monte Carlo Reconstruction (MCR) and Log Probability Reconstruction (LPR). As a result, we show LLMs exhibit limited ability in solving NLI tasks and simultaneously fail to capture human disagreement distribution, raising concerns about their natural language understanding (NLU) ability and their representativeness of human users

    Improving Input-label Mapping with Demonstration Replay for In-context Learning

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    In-context learning (ICL) is an emerging capability of large autoregressive language models where a few input-label demonstrations are appended to the input to enhance the model's understanding of downstream NLP tasks, without directly adjusting the model parameters. The effectiveness of ICL can be attributed to the strong language modeling capabilities of large language models (LLMs), which enable them to learn the mapping between input and labels based on in-context demonstrations. Despite achieving promising results, the causal nature of language modeling in ICL restricts the attention to be backward only, i.e., a token only attends to its previous tokens, failing to capture the full input-label information and limiting the model's performance. In this paper, we propose a novel ICL method called Repeated Demonstration with Sliding Causal Attention, (RdSca). Specifically, we duplicate later demonstrations and concatenate them to the front, allowing the model to `observe' the later information even under the causal restriction. Besides, we introduce sliding causal attention, which customizes causal attention to avoid information leakage. Experimental results show that our method significantly improves the input-label mapping in ICL demonstrations. We also conduct an in-depth analysis of how to customize the causal attention without training, which has been an unexplored area in previous research

    Towards Informative Few-Shot Prompt with Maximum Information Gain for In-Context Learning

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    Large Language models (LLMs) possess the capability to engage In-context Learning (ICL) by leveraging a few demonstrations pertaining to a new downstream task as conditions. However, this particular learning paradigm suffers from high instability stemming from substantial variances induced by factors such as the input distribution of selected examples, their ordering, and prompt formats. In this work, we demonstrate that even when all these factors are held constant, the random selection of examples still results in high variance. Consequently, we aim to explore the informative ability of data examples by quantifying the Information Gain (IG) obtained in prediction after observing a given example candidate. Then we propose to sample those with maximum IG. Additionally, we identify the presence of template bias, which can lead to unfair evaluations of IG during the sampling process. To mitigate this bias, we introduce Calibration Before Sampling strategy. The experimental results illustrate that our proposed method can yield an average relative improvement of 14.3% across six classification tasks using three LLMs.Comment: Accepted to the Findings of EMNLP 202

    Transformers with Learnable Activation Functions

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    Activation functions can have a significant impact on reducing the topological complexity of input data and therefore improve the performance of the model. Selecting a suitable activation function is an essential step in neural model design. However, the choice of activation function is seldom discussed or explored in Transformer-based language models. Their activation functions are chosen beforehand and then remain fixed from pre-training to fine-tuning. As a result, the inductive biases they imposed on models cannot be adjusted during this long life cycle. Moreover, subsequently developed models (e.g., RoBERTa, BART, and GPT-3) often follow up prior work (e.g., BERT) to use the same activation function without justification. In this paper, we investigate the effectiveness of using Rational Activation Function (RAF), a learnable activation function, in the Transformer architecture. In contrast to conventional, predefined activation functions, RAFs can adaptively learn optimal activation functions during training according to input data. Our experiments show the RAF-based Transformer (RAFT) achieves a lower validation perplexity than a vanilla BERT with the GELU function. We further evaluate RAFT on downstream tasks in low- and full-data settings. Our results show that RAFT outperforms the counterpart model across the majority of tasks and settings. For instance, RAFT outperforms vanilla BERT on the GLUE benchmark by 5.71 points on average in low-data scenario (where 100 training examples are available) and by 2.05 points on SQuAD in full-data setting. Analysis of the shapes of learned RAFs further unveils that they substantially vary between different layers of the pre-trained model and mostly look very different from conventional activation functions. RAFT opens a new research direction for analyzing and interpreting pre-trained models according to the learned activation functions.Comment: Accepted by EACL2023 finding

    Tree Prompting: Efficient Task Adaptation without Fine-Tuning

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    Prompting language models (LMs) is the main interface for applying them to new tasks. However, for smaller LMs, prompting provides low accuracy compared to gradient-based finetuning. Tree Prompting is an approach to prompting which builds a decision tree of prompts, linking multiple LM calls together to solve a task. At inference time, each call to the LM is determined by efficiently routing the outcome of the previous call using the tree. Experiments on classification datasets show that Tree Prompting improves accuracy over competing methods and is competitive with fine-tuning. We also show that variants of Tree Prompting allow inspection of a model's decision-making process.Comment: Both first authors contributed equally; accepted to EMNLP 202

    Can Large Language Models Infer Causation from Correlation?

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    Causal inference is one of the hallmarks of human intelligence. While the field of CausalNLP has attracted much interest in the recent years, existing causal inference datasets in NLP primarily rely on discovering causality from empirical knowledge (e.g., commonsense knowledge). In this work, we propose the first benchmark dataset to test the pure causal inference skills of large language models (LLMs). Specifically, we formulate a novel task Corr2Cause, which takes a set of correlational statements and determines the causal relationship between the variables. We curate a large-scale dataset of more than 400K samples, on which we evaluate seventeen existing LLMs. Through our experiments, we identify a key shortcoming of LLMs in terms of their causal inference skills, and show that these models achieve almost close to random performance on the task. This shortcoming is somewhat mitigated when we try to re-purpose LLMs for this skill via finetuning, but we find that these models still fail to generalize -- they can only perform causal inference in in-distribution settings when variable names and textual expressions used in the queries are similar to those in the training set, but fail in out-of-distribution settings generated by perturbing these queries. Corr2Cause is a challenging task for LLMs, and would be helpful in guiding future research on improving LLMs' pure reasoning skills and generalizability. Our data is at https://huggingface.co/datasets/causalnlp/corr2cause. Our code is at https://github.com/causalNLP/corr2cause