340,616 research outputs found

    Corpus-Driven Knowledge Acquisition for Discourse Analysis

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    The availability of large on-line text corpora provides a natural and promising bridge between the worlds of natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML). In recent years, the NLP community has been aggressively investigating statistical techniques to drive part-of-speech taggers, but application-specific text corpora can be used to drive knowledge acquisition at much higher levels as well. In this paper we will show how ML techniques can be used to support knowledge acquisition for information extraction systems. It is often very difficult to specify an explicit domain model for many information extraction applications, and it is always labor intensive to implement hand-coded heuristics for each new domain. We have discovered that it is nevertheless possible to use ML algorithms in order to capture knowledge that is only implicitly present in a representative text corpus. Our work addresses issues traditionally associated with discourse analysis and intersentential inference generation, and demonstrates the utility of ML algorithms at this higher level of language analysis. The benefits of our work address the portability and scalability of information extraction (IE) technologies. When hand-coded heuristics are used to manage discourse analysis in an information extraction system, months of programming effort are easily needed to port a successful IE system to a new domain. We will show how ML algorithms can reduce thisComment: 6 pages, AAAI-9

    Machine Learning Models that Remember Too Much

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    Machine learning (ML) is becoming a commodity. Numerous ML frameworks and services are available to data holders who are not ML experts but want to train predictive models on their data. It is important that ML models trained on sensitive inputs (e.g., personal images or documents) not leak too much information about the training data. We consider a malicious ML provider who supplies model-training code to the data holder, does not observe the training, but then obtains white- or black-box access to the resulting model. In this setting, we design and implement practical algorithms, some of them very similar to standard ML techniques such as regularization and data augmentation, that "memorize" information about the training dataset in the model yet the model is as accurate and predictive as a conventionally trained model. We then explain how the adversary can extract memorized information from the model. We evaluate our techniques on standard ML tasks for image classification (CIFAR10), face recognition (LFW and FaceScrub), and text analysis (20 Newsgroups and IMDB). In all cases, we show how our algorithms create models that have high predictive power yet allow accurate extraction of subsets of their training data

    Customer sentiment analysis for Arabic social media using a novel ensemble machine learning approach

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    Arabic’s complex morphology, orthography, and dialects make sentiment analysis difficult. This activity makes it harder to extract text attributes from short conversations to evaluate tone. Analyzing and judging a person’s emotional state is complex. Due to these issues, interpreting sentiments accurately and identifying polarity may take much work. Sentiment analysis extracts subjective information from text. This research evaluates machine learning (ML) techniques for understanding Arabic emotions. Sentiment analysis (SA) uses a support vector machine (SVM), Adaboost classifier (AC), maximum entropy (ME), k-nearest neighbors (KNN), decision tree (DT), random forest (RF), logistic regression (LR), and naive Bayes (NB). A model for the ensemble-based sentiment was developed. Ensemble classifiers (ECs) with 10-fold cross-validation out-performed other machine learning classifiers in accuracy (A), specificity (S), precision (P), F1 score (FS), and sensitivity (S).

    Natural Language Processing in Electronic Health Records in Relation to Healthcare Decision-making: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Natural Language Processing (NLP) is widely used to extract clinical insights from Electronic Health Records (EHRs). However, the lack of annotated data, automated tools, and other challenges hinder the full utilisation of NLP for EHRs. Various Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL) and NLP techniques are studied and compared to understand the limitations and opportunities in this space comprehensively. Methodology: After screening 261 articles from 11 databases, we included 127 papers for full-text review covering seven categories of articles: 1) medical note classification, 2) clinical entity recognition, 3) text summarisation, 4) deep learning (DL) and transfer learning architecture, 5) information extraction, 6) Medical language translation and 7) other NLP applications. This study follows the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Result and Discussion: EHR was the most commonly used data type among the selected articles, and the datasets were primarily unstructured. Various ML and DL methods were used, with prediction or classification being the most common application of ML or DL. The most common use cases were: the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD-9) classification, clinical note analysis, and named entity recognition (NER) for clinical descriptions and research on psychiatric disorders. Conclusion: We find that the adopted ML models were not adequately assessed. In addition, the data imbalance problem is quite important, yet we must find techniques to address this underlining problem. Future studies should address key limitations in studies, primarily identifying Lupus Nephritis, Suicide Attempts, perinatal self-harmed and ICD-9 classification

    On the Integration of Similarity Measures with Machine Learning Models to Enhance Text Classification Performance

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    Several techniques have long been proposed to enhance text classification performance, such as: classifier ensembles, feature selection, the integration of similarity measures with classifiers, and meta-heuristic algorithms. The integration of similarity measures with machine learning models (ML), however, has not yet received thorough analysis for text classification. As a result, in an effort to thoroughly investigate the impact of similarity measures integration with ML models, this work makes three major contributions: (1) proposing newly-integrated models and presenting benchmarking studies for integration methodology over balanced/imbalanced datasets; (2) offering detailed analysis for dozens of integrated models that are established, and experimentally proven, to significantly outperform state-of-the-art performance. The models\u27 construction used fourteen similarity measures, three knowledge representations (BoW, TFIDF, and Word embedding), and five models (Support Vector Machine, N-Centroid-based Classifier, Multinomial NaĂŻve Bayesian, Convolutional Neural Network, and Artificial Neural Network); and (3) introducing significantly-effective and highly-efficient variations of these five models. The evaluation study has been conducted internally for integrated models against their baselines, and externally against the state-of-the-art models. While the internal evaluation constantly showed a total enhancement rate of 49.3% and 59% over the balanced and imbalanced datasets, respectively, the external evaluation attested to the superiority of the integrated models

    Towards the Optimal Use of Machine Learning Algorithms in Text Mining: A Quick Review

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    This paper aims to provide a quick review to jump-start the research in the field of text mining where Machine Learning (ML) algorithms have been used and several accomplishments have been reported by the research community. There are different categories of text mining, and the implementation of ML algorithms and techniques have been supported in the literature to give promising results. However, in this area of study, most of the research activities in terms of time and efforts are consumed during the initial stages where implementations and experiments are carried out to evaluate various combinations. The accomplishments in this field can be further advanced by presenting early investigations concisely and analytically. Thus, the benefits of this paper are threefold: first, it will provide a platform for the new researchers to start quickly with a shorter literature review and knowing more precisely about the combinations of text mining and ML; secondly, clear analysis has been presented about the text mining categories where the performance of ML algorithms have been reported successful; and lastly, the problems have been identified for which the algorithms were used in various studies. This will enable the new researchers to directly target the problem instead of implementing the existing techniques. With the help of well-structured questions, the results are more analytical and present multidimensional views to this research issue. Main findings include that ML has been widely used in document classification and Support Vector Machine (SVM) is the most successful algorithm reported

    Application of Machine Learning Methods for Asset Management on Power Distribution Networks

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    This study aims to study the different kinds of Machine Learning (ML) models and their working principles for asset management in power networks. Also, it investigates the challenges behind asset management and its maintenance activities. In this review article, Machine Learning (ML) models are analyzed to improve the lifespan of the electrical components based on the maintenance management and assessment planning policies. The articles are categorized according to their purpose: 1) classification, 2) machine learning, and 3) artificial intelligence mechanisms. Moreover, the importance of using ML models for proper decision making based on the asset management plan is illustrated in a detailed manner. In addition to this, a comparative analysis between the ML models is performed, identifying the advantages and disadvantages of these techniques. Then, the challenges and managing operations of the asset management strategies are discussed based on the technical and economic factors. The proper functioning, maintenance and controlling operations of the electric components are key challenging and demanding tasks in the power distribution systems. Typically, asset management plays an essential role in determining the quality and profitability of the elements in the power network. Based on this investigation, the most suitable and optimal machine learning technique can be identified and used for future work. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-06-04-017 Full Text: PD

    Towards explainable data-to-text generation

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    In recent years there has been a renewed burst of interest in systems able to textually summarize data, producing natural language text as a description of input data series. Many of the recently proposed approaches to solve the data-to-text task are based on Machine Learning (ML) and ultimately rely on Deep Learning (DL) techniques. This technological choice often prevents the system from enjoying explainability properties. In this paper we outline our ongoing research and present a framework that is ML/DL free and is conceived to be compliant with xAI requirements. In particular we design ASP/Python programs that enable explicit control of the abstraction process, descriptions' accuracy and relevance handling, and amount of synthesis. We provide a critical analysis of the xAI features that should be implemented and a working proof of concept that addresses crucial aspects in the abstraction of data. In particular we discuss: how to model and output the abstraction accuracy of a concept w.r.t. data; how to identify what to say with controlled synthesis level: i.e., the key descriptive elements to be addressed in the data; how to represent abstracted information by means of visual annotation to charts. The main advantages of such approach are a trustworthy and reliable description, a transparent methodology, logically provable output, and measured accuracy that can control natural language modulation of descriptions

    Use of Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing to Enhance Traffic Safety Analysis

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    Despite significant advances in vehicle technologies, safety data collection and analysis, and engineering advancements, tens of thousands of Americans die every year in motor vehicle crashes. Alarmingly, the trend of fatal and serious injury crashes appears to be heading in the wrong direction. In 2021, the actual rate of fatalities exceeded the predicted rate. This worrisome trend prompts and necessitates the development of advanced and holistic approaches to determining the causes of a crash (particularly fatal and major injuries). These approaches range from analyzing problems from multiple perspectives, utilizing available data sources, and employing the most suitable tools and technologies within and outside traffic safety domain.The primary source for traffic safety analysis is the structure (also called tabular) data collected from crash reports. However, structure data may be insufficient because of missing information, incomplete sequence of events, misclassified crash types, among many issues. Crash narratives, a form of free text recorded by police officers to describe the unique aspects and circumstances of a crash, are commonly used by safety professionals to supplement structure data fields. Due to its unstructured nature, engineers have to manually review every crash narrative. Thanks to the rapid development in natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) techniques, text mining and analytics has become a popular tool to accelerate information extraction and analysis for unstructured text data. The primary objective of this dissertation is to discover and develop necessary tools, techniques, and algorithms to facilitate traffic safety analysis using crash narratives. The objectives are accomplished in three areas: enhancing data quality by recovering missed crashes through text classification, uncovering complex characteristics of collision generation through information extraction and pattern recognition, and facilitating crash narrative analysis by developing a web-based tool. At first, a variety of NoisyOR classifiers were developed to identify and investigate work zone (WZ), distracted (DD), and inattentive (ID) crashes. In addition, various machine learning (ML) models, including multinomial naive bayes (MNB), logistic regression (LGR), support vector machine (SVM), k-nearest neighbor (K-NN), random forest (RF), and gated recurrent unit (GRU), were developed and compared with NoisyOR. The comparison shows that NoisyOR is simple, computationally efficient, theoretically sound, and has one of the best model performances. Furthermore, a novel neural network architecture named Sentence-based Hierarchical Attention Network (SHAN) was developed to classify crashes and its performance exceeds that of NoisyOR, GRU, Hierarchical Attention Network (HAN), and other ML models. SHAN handled noisy or irrelevant parts of narratives effectively and the model results can be visualized by attention weight. Because a crash often comprises a series of actions and events, breaking the chain of events could prevent a crash from reaching its most dangerous stage. With the objectives of creating crash sequences, discovering pattern of crash events, and finding missing events, the Part-of-Speech tagging (PT), Pattern Matching with POS Tagging (PMPT), Dependency Parser (DP), and Hybrid Generalized (HGEN) algorithms were developed and thoroughly tested using crash narratives. The top performer, HGEN, uses predefined events and event-related action words from crash narratives to find new events not captured in the data fields. Besides, the association analysis unravels the complex interrelations between events within a crash. Finally, the crash information extraction, analysis, and classification tool (CIEACT), a simple and flexible online web tool, was developed to analyze crash narratives using text mining techniques. The tool uses a Python-based Django Web Framework, HTML, and a relational database (PostgreSQL) that enables concurrent model development and analysis. The tool has built-in classifiers by default or can train a model in real time given the data. The interface is user friendly and the results can be displayed in a tabular format or on an interactive map. The tool also provides an option for users to download the word with their probability scores and the results in csv files. The advantages and limitations of each proposed methodology were discussed, and several future research directions were outlined. In summary, the methodologies and tools developed as part of the dissertation can assist transportation engineers and safety professionals in extracting valuable information from narratives, recovering missed crashes, classifying a new crash, and expediting their review process on a large scale. Thus, this research can be used by transportation agencies to analyze crash records, identify appropriate safety solutions, and inform policy making to improve highway safety of our transportation system
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