3 research outputs found

    MIRACLE at ImageCLEFannot 2008: Nearest Neighbour Classification of Image Feature Vectors for Medical Image Annotation

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    This paper describes the participation of MIRACLE research consortium at the ImageCLEF Medical Image Annotation task of ImageCLEF 2008. During the last year, our own image analysis system was developed, based on MATLAB. This system extracts a variety of global and local features including histogram, image statistics, Gabor features, fractal dimension, DCT and DWT coefficients, Tamura features and co-occurrence matrix statistics. A classifier based on the k-Nearest Neighbour algorithm is trained on the extracted image feature vectors to determine the IRMA code associated to a given image. The focus of our participation was mainly to test and evaluate this system in-depth and to compare among diverse configuration parameters such as number of images for the relevance feedback to use in the classification module..

    MIRACLE at ImageCLEFannot 2008: Classification of Image Features for Medical Image Annotation

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    This paper describes the participation of MIRACLE research consortium at the ImageCLEF Medical Image Annotation task of ImageCLEF 2008. A lot of effort was invested this year to develop our own image analysis system, based on MATLAB, to be used in our experiments. This system extracts a variety of global and local features including histogram, image statistics, Gabor features, fractal dimension, DCT and DWT coefficients, Tamura features and coocurrency matrix statistics. Then a k-Nearest Neighbour algorithm analyzes the extracted image feature vectors to determine the IRMA code associated to a given image. The focus of our experiments is mainly to test and evaluate this system in-depth and to make a comparison among diverse configuration parameters such as number of images for the relevance feedback to use in the classification module

    MIRACLE at NTCIR-7 MOAT: First experiments on multilingual opinion analysis

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    This paper describes the participation of MIRACLE research consortium at NTCIR-7 Multilingual Opinion Analysis Task, our first attempt on sentiment analysis and second on East Asian languages. We took part in the main mandatory opinionated sentence judgment subtask (to decide whether each sentence expresses an opinion or not) and the optional relevance and polarity judgment subtasks (to decide whether a given sentence is relevant to the given topic and also the polarity of the expressed opinion). Our approach combines a semantic languagedependent tagging of the terms of the sentence and the topic and three different ad-hoc classifiers that provide the specific annotation for each subtask, run in cascade. These models have been trained with the corpus provided in NTCIR-6 Opinion Analysis pilot task