585 research outputs found

    Biologically Inspired Sensing and MIMO Radar Array Processing

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    The contributions of this dissertation are in the fields of biologically inspired sensing and multi-input multi-output: MIMO) radar array processing. In our research on biologically inspired sensing, we focus on the mechanically coupled ears of the female Ormia ochracea. Despite the small distance between its ears, the Ormia has a remarkable localization ability. We statistically analyze the localization accuracy of the Ormia\u27s coupled ears, and illustrate the improvement in the localization performance due to the mechanical coupling. Inspired by the Ormia\u27s ears, we analytically design coupled small-sized antenna arrays with high localization accuracy and radiation performance. Such arrays are essential for sensing systems in military and civil applications, which are confined to small spaces. We quantitatively demonstrate the improvement in the antenna array\u27s radiation and localization performance due to the biologically inspired coupling. On MIMO radar, we first propose a statistical target detection method in the presence of realistic clutter. We use a compound-Gaussian distribution to model the heavy tailed characteristics of sea and foliage clutter. We show that MIMO radars are useful to discriminate a target from clutter using the spatial diversity of the illuminated area, and hence MIMO radar outperforms conventional phased-array radar in terms of target-detection capability. Next, we develop a robust target detector for MIMO radar in the presence of a phase synchronization mismatch between transmitter and receiver pairs. Such mismatch often occurs due to imperfect knowledge of the locations as well as local oscillator characteristics of the antennas, but this fact has been ignored by most researchers. Considering such errors, we demonstrate the degradation in detection performance. Finally, we analyze the sensitivity of MIMO radar target detection to changes in the cross-correlation levels: CCLs) of the received signals. Prior research about MIMO radar assumes orthogonality among the received signals for all delay and Doppler pairs. However, due to the use of antennas which are widely separated in space, it is impossible to maintain this orthogonality in practice. We develop a target-detection method considering the non-orthogonality of the received data. In contrast to the common assumption, we observe that the effect of non-orthogonality is significant on detection performance

    Target localization in MIMO radar systems

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    MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) radar systems employ multiple antennas to transmit multiple waveforms and engage in joint processing of the received echoes from the target. MIMO radar has been receiving increasing attention in recent years from researchers, practitioners, and funding agencies. Elements of MIMO radar have the ability to transmit diverse waveforms ranging from independent to fully correlated. MIMO radar offers a new paradigm for signal processing research. In this dissertation, target localization accuracy performance, attainable by the use of MIMO radar systems, configured with multiple transmit and receive sensors, widely distributed over an area, are studied. The Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) for target localization accuracy is developed for both coherent and noncoherent processing. The CRLB is shown to be inversely proportional to the signal effective bandwidth in the noncoherent case, but is approximately inversely proportional to the carrier frequency in the coherent case. It is shown that optimization over the sensors\u27 positions lowers the CRLB by a factor equal to the product of the number of transmitting and receiving sensors. The best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) is derived for the MIMO target localization problem. The BLUE\u27s utility is in providing a closed-form localization estimate that facilitates the analysis of the relations between sensors locations, target location, and localization accuracy. Geometric dilution of precision (GDOP) contours are used to map the relative performance accuracy for a given layout of radars over a given geographic area. Coherent processing advantage for target localization relies on time and phase synchronization between transmitting and receiving radars. An analysis of the sensitivity of the localization performance with respect to the variance of phase synchronization error is provided by deriving the hybrid CRLB. The single target case is extended to the evaluation of multiple target localization performance. Thus far, the analysis assumes a stationary target. Study of moving target tracking capabilities is offered through the use of the Bayesian CRLB for the estimation of both target location and velocity. Centralized and decentralized tracking algorithms, inherit to distributed MIMO radar architecture, are proposed and evaluated. It is shown that communication requirements and processing load may be reduced at a relatively low performance cost

    Robust Design of Transmit Waveform and Receive Filter For Colocated MIMO Radar

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    We consider the problem of angle-robust joint transmit waveform and receive filter design for colocated Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) radar, in the presence of signal-dependent interferences. The design problem is cast as a max-min optimization problem to maximize the worst-case output signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio (SINR) with respect to the unknown angle of the target of interest. Based on rank-one relaxation and semi-definite programming (SDP) representation of a nonnegative trigonometric polynomial, a cyclic optimization algorithm is proposed to tackle this problem. The effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated via numerical examples.Comment: 6 pages, 13 figures, part of this work was submitted to IEEE Signal Processing Letters; (short introduction; typos corrected; revised statement in section III-B and IV; revised figure labels

    Radar Waveform Generation and Optimization based on Rossler Chaotic System

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    The concept of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) radars has drawn considerable attention recently. Unlike the traditional Single-Input Multiple-Output (SIMO) radar which emits coherent waveforms to form a focused beam, the MIMO radar can transmit orthogonal (incoherent) waveforms. These waveforms can be used to increase the system spatial resolution. The challenge is on how to generate the large set of incoherent waveforms. Contemporary research has focused on using chaotic systems to generate these waveforms. With Chaotic waveforms obtained from a dynamical system, different radar waveforms can be generated from a single dynamical system; one only needs to change the control parameters and the initial conditions of the system. This scheme for radar waveform generation reduces the need for a comprehensive library of waveforms in a radar system and generates waveforms with good properties for both secure communications and high spatial resolution. This paper proposes the use of Rossler system– a type of a dynamical system to generate radar waveforms. Through Matlab/Simulink Simulations, it is shown that the Rossler waveforms, which are characterized by control variables and initial conditions are comparable to the Linear Frequency Modulated (LFM) waveforms, the most commonly used class of radar waveforms in terms of the ambiguity diagram and the frequency components and yet versatile enough to generate a large number of independent waveforms. An ambiguity diagram is a plot of an ambiguity function of a transmitted waveform and is a metric that characterizes the compromise between range and Doppler resolutions. It is a major tool for analyzing and studying radar waveforms. Impulsive synchronization theory is used to develop the ambiguity diagram. Keywords: Chaos, Rossler system, ambiguity function, impulsive synchronization theor

    Impairments in ground moving target indicator (GMTI) radar

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    Radars on multiple distributed airborne or ground based moving platforms are of increasing interest, since they can be deployed in close proximity to the event under investigation and thus offer remarkable sensing opportunities. Ground moving target indicator (GMTI) detects and localizes moving targets in the presence of ground clutter and other interference sources. Space-time adaptive processing (STAP) implemented with antenna arrays has been a classical approach to clutter cancellation in airborne radar. One of the challenges with STAP is that the minimum detectable velocity (MDV) of targets is a function of the baseline of the antenna array: the larger the baseline (i.e., the narrower the beam), the lower the MDV. Unfortunately, increasing the baseline of a uniform linear array (ULA) entails a commensurate increase in the number of elements. An alternative approach to increasing the resolution of a radar, is to use a large, but sparse, random array. The proliferation of relatively inexpensive autonomous sensing vehicles, such as unmanned airborne systems, raises the question whether is it possible to carry out GMTI by distributed airborne platforms. A major obstacle to implementing distributed GMTI is the synchronization of autonomous moving sensors. For range processing, GMTI processing relies on synchronized sampling of the signals received at the array, while STAP processing requires time, frequency and phase synchronization for beamforming and interference cancellation. Distributed sensors have independent oscillators, which are naturally not synchronized and are each subject to different stochastic phase drift. Each sensor has its own local oscillator, unlike a traditional array in which all sensors are connected to the same local oscillator. Even when tuned to the same frequency, phase errors between the sensors will develop over time, due to phase instabilities. These phase errors affect a distributed STAP system. In this dissertation, a distributed STAP application in which sensors are moving autonomously is envisioned. The problems of tracking, detection for our proposed architecture are of important. The first part focuses on developing a direct tracking approach to multiple targets by distributed radar sensors. A challenging scenario of a distributed multi-input multi-output (MIMO) radar system (as shown above), in which relatively simple moving sensors send observations to a fusion center where most of the baseband processing is performed, is presented. The sensors are assumed to maintain time synchronization, but are not phase synchronized. The conventional approach to localization by distributed sensors is to estimate intermediate parameters from the received signals, for example time delay or the angle of arrival. Subsequently, these parameters are used to deduce the location and velocity of the target(s). These classical localization techniques are referred to as indirect localization. Recently, new techniques have been developed capable of estimating target location directly from signal measurements, without an intermediate estimation step. The objective is to develop a direct tracking algorithm for multiple moving targets. It is aimed to develop a direct tracking algorithm of targets state parameters using widely distributed moving sensors for multiple moving targets. Potential candidate for the tracker include Extended Kalman Filter. In the second part of the dissertation,the effect of phase noise on space-time adaptive processing in general, and spatial processing in particular is studied. A power law model is assumed for the phase noise. It is shown that a composite model with several terms is required to properly model the phase noise. It is further shown that the phase noise has almost linear trajectories. The effect of phase noise on spatial processing is analyzed. Simulation results illustrate the effect of phase noise on degrading the performance in terms of beam pattern and receiver operating characteristics. A STAP application, in which spatial processing is performed (together with Doppler processing) over a coherent processing interval, is envisioned

    Nearly orthogonal, doppler tolerant waveforms and signal processing for multi-mode radar applications

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    In this research, we investigate the design and analysis of nearly orthogonal, Doppler tolerant waveforms for diversity waveform radar applications. We then present a signal processing framework for joint synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and ground moving target indication (GMTI) processing that is built upon our proposed waveforms. ^ To design nearly orthogonal and Doppler tolerant waveforms, we applied direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) coding techniques to linear frequency modulated (LFM) signals. The resulting transmitted waveforms are rendered orthogonal using a unique spread spectrum code. At the receiver, the echo signal can be decoded using its spreading code. In this manner, transmit orthogonal waveforms can be matched filtered only with the intended receive signals. ^ Our proposed waveforms enable efficient SAR and GMTI processing concurrently without reconfiguring a radar system. Usually, SAR processing requires transmit waveforms with a low pulse repetition frequency (PRF) rate to reduce range ambigu- ity; on the other hand, GMTI processing requires a high PRF rate to avoid Doppler aliasing and ambiguity. These competing requirements can be tackled by employing some waveforms (with low PRF) for the SAR mission and other waveforms (with high PRF) for the GMTI mission. Since the proposed waveforms allow separation of individual waveforms at the receiver, we can accomplish both SAR and GMTI processing jointl

    Software Defined Radio Implementation of Carrier and Timing Synchronization for Distributed Arrays

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    The communication range of wireless networks can be greatly improved by using distributed beamforming from a set of independent radio nodes. One of the key challenges in establishing a beamformed communication link from separate radios is achieving carrier frequency and sample timing synchronization. This paper describes an implementation that addresses both carrier frequency and sample timing synchronization simultaneously using RF signaling between designated master and slave nodes. By using a pilot signal transmitted by the master node, each slave estimates and tracks the frequency and timing offset and digitally compensates for them. A real-time implementation of the proposed system was developed in GNU Radio and tested with Ettus USRP N210 software defined radios. The measurements show that the distributed array can reach a residual frequency error of 5 Hz and a residual timing offset of 1/16 the sample duration for 70 percent of the time. This performance enables distributed beamforming for range extension applications.Comment: Submitted to 2019 IEEE Aerospace Conferenc
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