6 research outputs found

    Fusion-based multimodal detection of hoaxes in social networks

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    International audienceSocial networks make it possible to share information rapidly and massively. Yet, one of their major drawback comes from the absence of verification of the piece of information, especially with viral messages. This is the issue addressed by the participants to the Verification Multimedia Use task of Mediaeval 2016. They used several approaches and clues from different modalities (text, image, social information). In this paper, we explore the interest of combining and merging these approaches in order to evaluate the predictive power of each modality and to make the most of their potential complementarity

    Cross-Lingual Cross-Platform Rumor Verification Pivoting on Multimedia Content

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    With the increasing popularity of smart devices, rumors with multimedia content become more and more common on social networks. The multimedia information usually makes rumors look more convincing. Therefore, finding an automatic approach to verify rumors with multimedia content is a pressing task. Previous rumor verification research only utilizes multimedia as input features. We propose not to use the multimedia content but to find external information in other news platforms pivoting on it. We introduce a new features set, cross-lingual cross-platform features that leverage the semantic similarity between the rumors and the external information. When implemented, machine learning methods utilizing such features achieved the state-of-the-art rumor verification results

    Détection de fausses informations dans les réseaux sociaux : l'utilité des fusions de connaissances

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    National audienceLes réseaux sociaux permettent une diffusion massive et rapide des informations. Un des problèmes principaux de ces canaux de communication est l’absence de vérification associée à la viralité de l’information partagée. C’est ce problème difficile que les participantsde la tâche Verifying Multimedia Use du workshop Mediaeval ont abordé. Pour cela, ils ont proposé plusieurs stratégies et types d’indices relevant de différentes modalités (texte, image, informations sociales). Dans cet article, nous explorons l’intérêt de combiner et fusionner cesapproches pour évaluer le pouvoir prédictif de chaque modalité et tirer parti de leur éventuelle complémentarité


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    Geographic information extraction from texts

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    A large volume of unstructured texts, containing valuable geographic information, is available online. This information – provided implicitly or explicitly – is useful not only for scientific studies (e.g., spatial humanities) but also for many practical applications (e.g., geographic information retrieval). Although large progress has been achieved in geographic information extraction from texts, there are still unsolved challenges and issues, ranging from methods, systems, and data, to applications and privacy. Therefore, this workshop will provide a timely opportunity to discuss the recent advances, new ideas, and concepts but also identify research gaps in geographic information extraction