4 research outputs found

    Knowledge Representation in Intelligent Collaborative Educational Systems

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    Abstract. In this paper, the concept of collaborative intelligent educational system is presented. Different knowledge representation models are compared in the context of their use in collaborative intelligent educational systems. Advantages of semantic networks for knowledge representation in such systems are described. M ain advantages of extended semantic networks are shown and a set of basic operations regarding them is drawn up

    Distributed Intelligent Tutoring System Architectures

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    MASITS Methodology Supported Development of Agent Based Intelligent Tutoring System MIPITS

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    LÄ«dz Å”im ir izstrādātas daudzas intelektuālas mācÄ«bu sistēmas (IMS-as), kas e-apmācÄ«bas sistēmām pievieno adaptivitāti un intelektu. Intelektuāli aÄ£enti ir visai plaÅ”i lietoti IMS-u izstrādē dēļ tādām savām Ä«paŔībām kā modularitāte un dabÄ«ga intelektuālu mehānismu implementÄ“Å”ana. Tajā paŔā laikā IMS-u izstrāde ir sarežģīta un Å”im procesam ir nepiecieÅ”ams metodoloÄ£isks atbalsts, lai nodroÅ”inātu to, ka aÄ£entos sakņotas IMS-as tiek pieņemtas kā industriāls risinājums. Raksts atspoguļo specifisku aÄ£entos sakņotu IMS-u izstrādes metodoloÄ£iju MASITS un MIPITS sistēmu, kas izstrādāta ar Å”o metodoloÄ£iju. Sistēma ir izstrādāta kursam ā€žMākslÄ«gā intelekta pamatiā€. Tā piedāvā mācÄ«bu materiālus un praktiskus uzdevumus, kā arÄ« sniedz atgriezenisko saiti par apmācāmā risinājumu, novērtējot apmācāmā zināŔanas. Galvenais uzsvars MIPITS sistēmā ir uz praktisku uzdevumu risināŔanu. Uzdevumi tiek pielāgoti apmācāmā zināŔanu lÄ«menim un apmācāmā prioritātēm par uzdevumu apjomu un praktiskumu. Sistēma piedāvā trÄ«s veidu problēmas: testus, pārmeklÄ“Å”anas algoritmu un divpersonu spēļu algoritmu realizācijas uzdevumus

    MASITS Methodology Supported Development of Agent Based Intelligent Tutoring System MIPITS

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    Many Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) have been developed to add adaptivity and intelligence to e-learning systems. Intelligent agents are widely used in ITSs due to their characteristics such as modularity and facilitation of intelligent mechanism implementation. At the same time development of agent based ITS is complicated and methodological support is needed to enable industrial adoption of agent based ITSs. The paper describes a specific agent based ITS development methodology, named MASITS, and MIPITS system developed with the methodology. The system is created for the course ā€œFundamentals of Artificial Intelligenceā€. It offers learning materials, provides practical problems and gives feedback to the learner about his/her solution evaluating his/her knowledge. The main focus of the system is on problem solving. The problems are adapted to the learnerā€™s knowledge level and preferences about difficulty, size and practicality of problems. The system offers three types of problems: tests, state space search problems and two person games algorithm problems