36 research outputs found

    MAA*: A Heuristic Search Algorithm for Solving Decentralized POMDPs

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    We present multi-agent A* (MAA*), the first complete and optimal heuristic search algorithm for solving decentralized partially-observable Markov decision problems (DEC-POMDPs) with finite horizon. The algorithm is suitable for computing optimal plans for a cooperative group of agents that operate in a stochastic environment such as multirobot coordination, network traffic control, `or distributed resource allocation. Solving such problems efiectively is a major challenge in the area of planning under uncertainty. Our solution is based on a synthesis of classical heuristic search and decentralized control theory. Experimental results show that MAA* has significant advantages. We introduce an anytime variant of MAA* and conclude with a discussion of promising extensions such as an approach to solving infinite horizon problems.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the Twenty-First Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI2005

    MAA*: A Heuristic Search Algorithm for Solving Decentralized POMDPs

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    We present multi-agent A* (MAA*), the first complete and optimal heuristic search algorithm for solving decentralized partially-observable Markov decision problems (DEC-POMDPs) with finite horizon. The algorithm is suitable for computing optimal plans for a cooperative group of agents that operate in a stochastic environment such as multi-robot coordination, network traffic control, or distributed resource allocation. Solving such problems effectively is a major challenge in the area of planning under uncertainty. Our solution is based on a synthesis of classical heuristic search and decentralized control theory. Experimental results show that MAA* has significant advantages. We introduce an anytime variant of MAA* and conclude with a discussion of promising extensions such as an approach to solving infinite horizon problems

    Optimizing Memory-Bounded Controllers for Decentralized POMDPs

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    We present a memory-bounded optimization approach for solving infinite-horizon decentralized POMDPs. Policies for each agent are represented by stochastic finite state controllers. We formulate the problem of optimizing these policies as a nonlinear program, leveraging powerful existing nonlinear optimization techniques for solving the problem. While existing solvers only guarantee locally optimal solutions, we show that our formulation produces higher quality controllers than the state-of-the-art approach. We also incorporate a shared source of randomness in the form of a correlation device to further increase solution quality with only a limited increase in space and time. Our experimental results show that nonlinear optimization can be used to provide high quality, concise solutions to decentralized decision problems under uncertainty.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI2007

    Sur le principe d'optimalité de Bellman pour les zs-POSG

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    National audienceMany non-trivial sequential decision-making problems are efficiently solved by relying on Bellman's optimality principle, i.e., exploiting the fact that sub-problems are nested recursively within the original problem. Here we show how it can apply to (infinite horizon) 2-player zero-sum partially observable stochastic games (zs-POSGs) by (i) taking a central planner's viewpoint, which can only reason on a sufficient statistic called occupancy state, and (ii) turning such problems into zero-sum occupancy Markov games (zs-OMGs). Then, exploiting the Lipschitz-continuity of the value function in occupancy space, one can derive a version of the HSVI algorithm (Heuristic Search Value Iteration) that provably finds an-Nash equilibrium in finite time.De nombreux problèmes de prise de décision séquentielle sont résolus efficacement en exploitant le principe d'optimalité de Bellman, c'est-à-dire l'imbrication récursive de sous-problèmes dans le problème original. Nous montrons ici qu'il peut être appliqué aux jeux stochastiques partiellement observables à 2 joueurs et somme nulle (zs-POSG) en (i) prenant le point de vue d'un planificateur central, qui ne peut raisonner que sur une statistique suffisante appelée état d'occupation, et (ii) transformant de tels problèmes en des jeux de Markov dans l'espace des «états d'occupation» à somme nulle (zs-OMG). Ensuite, en exploitant des propriétés de Lipschitz-continuité de la fonction de valeur optimale, on peut dériver une version de l'algorithme HSVI (Heuristic Search Value Iteration) qui trouve un-équilibre de Nash en temps fini. Mots Clef POSG ; ; principe d'optimalité de Bellman ; Heuristic Search Value Iteration

    Near-Optimal Adversarial Policy Switching for Decentralized Asynchronous Multi-Agent Systems

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    A key challenge in multi-robot and multi-agent systems is generating solutions that are robust to other self-interested or even adversarial parties who actively try to prevent the agents from achieving their goals. The practicality of existing works addressing this challenge is limited to only small-scale synchronous decision-making scenarios or a single agent planning its best response against a single adversary with fixed, procedurally characterized strategies. In contrast this paper considers a more realistic class of problems where a team of asynchronous agents with limited observation and communication capabilities need to compete against multiple strategic adversaries with changing strategies. This problem necessitates agents that can coordinate to detect changes in adversary strategies and plan the best response accordingly. Our approach first optimizes a set of stratagems that represent these best responses. These optimized stratagems are then integrated into a unified policy that can detect and respond when the adversaries change their strategies. The near-optimality of the proposed framework is established theoretically as well as demonstrated empirically in simulation and hardware

    Mixed Integer Linear Programming For Exact Finite-Horizon Planning In Decentralized Pomdps

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    We consider the problem of finding an n-agent joint-policy for the optimal finite-horizon control of a decentralized Pomdp (Dec-Pomdp). This is a problem of very high complexity (NEXP-hard in n >= 2). In this paper, we propose a new mathematical programming approach for the problem. Our approach is based on two ideas: First, we represent each agent's policy in the sequence-form and not in the tree-form, thereby obtaining a very compact representation of the set of joint-policies. Second, using this compact representation, we solve this problem as an instance of combinatorial optimization for which we formulate a mixed integer linear program (MILP). The optimal solution of the MILP directly yields an optimal joint-policy for the Dec-Pomdp. Computational experience shows that formulating and solving the MILP requires significantly less time to solve benchmark Dec-Pomdp problems than existing algorithms. For example, the multi-agent tiger problem for horizon 4 is solved in 72 secs with the MILP whereas existing algorithms require several hours to solve it

    RAO*: an Algorithm for Chance-Constrained POMDP’s

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    Autonomous agents operating in partially observable stochastic environments often face the problem of optimizing expected performance while bounding the risk of violating safety constraints. Such problems can be modeled as chance-constrained POMDP’s (CC-POMDP’s). Our first contribution is a systematic derivation of execution risk in POMDP domains, which improves upon how chance constraints are handled in the constrained POMDP literature. Second, we present RAO*, a heuristic forward search algorithm producing optimal, deterministic, finite-horizon policies for CC-POMDP’s. In addition to the utility heuristic, RAO* leverages an admissible execution risk heuristic to quickly detect and prune overly-risky policy branches. Third, we demonstrate the usefulness of RAO* in two challenging domains of practical interest: power supply restoration and autonomous science agentsUnited States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (Grant FA95501210348)United States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (Grant FA2386-15-1-4015)SUTD-MIT Graduate Fellows ProgramNICT

    IST Austria Technical Report

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    DEC-POMDPs extend POMDPs to a multi-agent setting, where several agents operate in an uncertain environment independently to achieve a joint objective. DEC-POMDPs have been studied with finite-horizon and infinite-horizon discounted-sum objectives, and there exist solvers both for exact and approximate solutions. In this work we consider Goal-DEC-POMDPs, where given a set of target states, the objective is to ensure that the target set is reached with minimal cost. We consider the indefinite-horizon (infinite-horizon with either discounted-sum, or undiscounted-sum, where absorbing goal states have zero-cost) problem. We present a new method to solve the problem that extends methods for finite-horizon DEC- POMDPs and the RTDP-Bel approach for POMDPs. We present experimental results on several examples, and show our approach presents promising results