1 research outputs found

    M2TA - Mobile mouse touchscreen accessible for users with motor disabilities

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    This paper addresses the accessibility challenges of people with motor impairments regarding their access to the computer. Our focus is a new mouse design, which in its traditional ergonomics may affect the interaction with a computer and, consequently, with the Web. We introduce the design and development of a mobile application, the M2TA, which transforms a touchscreen mobile device into a mouse controller. The mobile application provides more flexible/customizable interfaces, it is portable, and is cheaper. Two users with motor limitations, cerebral palsy, participated in the development process of the M2TA. They used mobile interfaces interacting with computer applications of their preference freely. We aimed to observe possible bugs and receive suggestions for the M2TA improvement. We also collected their satisfaction with the use of M2TA interfaces. Preliminary results are promising and indicate a good level of acceptance. Further studies are in progress to attest the M2TA potential, such as improving the quality of life of people with neuropsychomotor sequelae caused by TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury and Stroke - Stroke