7 research outputs found

    Reliable Reporting for Massive M2M Communications with Periodic Resource Pooling

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    This letter considers a wireless M2M communication scenario with a massive number of M2M devices. Each device needs to send its reports within a given deadline and with certain reliability, e. g. 99.99%. A pool of resources available to all M2M devices is periodically available for transmission. The number of transmissions required by an M2M device within the pool is random due to two reasons - random number of arrived reports since the last reporting opportunity and requests for retransmission due to random channel errors. We show how to dimension the pool of M2M-dedicated resources in order to guarantee the desired reliability of the report delivery within the deadline. The fact that the pool of resources is used by a massive number of devices allows to base the dimensioning on the central limit theorem. The results are interpreted in the context of LTE, but they are applicable to any M2M communication system.Comment: Submitted to journa

    A Traffic Model for Machine-Type Communications Using Spatial Point Processes

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    A source traffic model for machine-to-machine communications is presented in this paper. We consider a model in which devices operate in a regular mode until they are triggered into an alarm mode by an alarm event. The positions of devices and events are modeled by means of Poisson point processes, where the generated traffic by a given device depends on its position and event positions. We first consider the case where devices and events are static and devices generate traffic according to a Bernoulli process, where we derive the total rate from the devices at the base station. We then extend the model by defining a two-state Markov chain for each device, which allows for devices to stay in alarm mode for a geometrically distributed holding time. The temporal characteristics of this model are analyzed via the autocovariance function, where the effect of event density and mean holding time are shown.Comment: Accepted at the 2017 IEEE 28th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) - Workshop WS-07 on "The Internet of Things (IoT), the Road Ahead: Applications, Challenges, and Solutions

    A Tractable Model of the LTE Access Reservation Procedure for Machine-Type Communications

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    A canonical scenario in Machine-Type Communications (MTC) is the one featuring a large number of devices, each of them with sporadic traffic. Hence, the number of served devices in a single LTE cell is not determined by the available aggregate rate, but rather by the limitations of the LTE access reservation protocol. Specifically, the limited number of contention preambles and the limited amount of uplink grants per random access response are crucial to consider when dimensioning LTE networks for MTC. We propose a low-complexity model of LTE's access reservation protocol that encompasses these two limitations and allows us to evaluate the outage probability at click-speed. The model is based chiefly on closed-form expressions, except for the part with the feedback impact of retransmissions, which is determined by solving a fixed point equation. Our model overcomes the incompleteness of the existing models that are focusing solely on the preamble collisions. A comparison with the simulated LTE access reservation procedure that follows the 3GPP specifications, confirms that our model provides an accurate estimation of the system outage event and the number of supported MTC devices.Comment: Submitted, Revised, to be presented in IEEE Globecom 2015; v3: fixed error in eq. (4

    Contention Resolution Queues for Massive Machine Type Communications in LTE

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    In this paper, we address the challenge of high device density performing simultaneous transmissions by proposing and evaluating a solution to efficiently handle the initial access contention for highly dense LTE networks. We present the implementation of a tree-splitting algorithm in the access procedure of LTE, which is capable to cope with high number of simultaneous arrivals. Based on simulations we show a feasible implementation capable to achieve, under certain network configuration conditions, up to 85% average access delay reduction and 40% reduction on the average energy consumption, while maintaining a consistently low blocking probability, regardless of the number of initial simultaneous access attempts

    Reliable Radio Access for Massive Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communication

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