47 research outputs found

    Une évaluation économique du paysage : une application de la méthode des choix multi-attributs aux Monts d'Arrée

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    Le paysage breton des Monts d'ArrĂ©e connaĂźt depuis plusieurs annĂ©es des transformations importantes qui amĂšnent les institutions locales Ă  envisager des mesures paysagĂšres particuliĂšres. Dans un contexte de prĂ©occupations environnementales croissantes et de prise de conscience Ă©conomique de l'enjeu paysager, la mĂ©thode des choix multi-attributs est appliquĂ©e Ă  l'Ă©valuation Ă©conomique du paysage des Monts d'ArrĂ©es. A partir des prĂ©fĂ©rences des touristes pour les attributs paysagers sur la zone on estime les consentements Ă  payer pour des transformations de ces attributs (lande tourbeuse, bĂąti non traditionnel et trame bocagĂšre). La mĂ©thode d'Ă©valuation des choix multi-attributs est prĂ©sentĂ©e en soulignant l'intĂ©rĂȘt de cette technique pour Ă©valuer un bien tel que le paysage rural. / The Breton landscape of Monts d'ArrĂ©e has experienced extensive changes in recent years, leading local institutions to envisage special landscape measures. In a climate of growing environmental concerns and economic awareness of the landscape issue, the multi-attribute choice method is applied to the economic evaluation of the Monts d'ArrĂ©e landscape. Based on tourists preferences for the area's landscape attributes we estimate willingness to pay for changes to these attributes (boggy moors, non-traditional building and a landscape of small fields and hedges).The multi-attribute choice evaluation method is presented with an emphasis on the usefulness of this technique for evaluationg a good such as the rural landscape.PAYSAGE;EVALUATION;ECONOMIE;ECONOMIE DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT;METHODE D'ANALYSE;EVALUATION ENVIRONNEMENTALE

    Prise en compte de l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© des prĂ©fĂ©rences dans le cadre de la mĂ©thode des choix multi-attributs : application Ă  un bien culturel public Ă  vocation non touristique

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    Taking into account the heterogeneity of preferences in the choice experiment method : application to a non-tourist public cultural goodAs noted by W. J. Baumol, many cultural activities would not exist without public subsidies. The legitimation of these expenditures is all the more likely to occur if cultural preferences of individuals are taken into account when designing projects. In this sense, we apply the Choice Experiment method to the valuation of a municipal music school project intended for residents of Angers (France), avoiding a superposition of tourism and cultural concerns. Using random parameters Logit and latent class models, we show the existence of a heterogeneity of the individuals’ preferences according to their proximity to cultural and sporting activities. The results also indicate that it may be in the interest of public authorities to design a music school with a collective dimension beyond the interests of the only future users

    A Multidimensional Approach to the Economic Value of Outdoor Recreation

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    Whilst quality is a key factor of recreational demand, traditional methods of economic valuation have trouble incorporating this multi-dimensional aspect. Choice experiment, seen as an alternative, has its limits as well. We therefore examine an approach known as the multi-programme method (MP), based on the work of Lancaster (1966) and Hoehn (1991) and on a protocol developed by Santos (1998) and Point et al. (2007). It focuses on determining agents willingness to pay for different components (called programmes) of an environmental scheme but also studies potential relations between these components. To valuate the environmental scheme, MP does not use the independent valuation and summation procedure but also takes into account changes due to the implementation of the scheme (Hoehn and Loomis, 1993). We propose an application of MP to Girondine coastal sites, where recreational activities concurrently take place in three adjacent natural areas: forest, sandy beach and the ocean.Coastal Forests, Economic Valuation, Multi-attribute Approach, Multi-Programme Contingent Valuation Method, Outdoor Recreation

    La valeur économique de la biodiversité dans un cadre de zonage fonctionnel en aménagement forestier

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    Ce mĂ©moire prĂ©sente une Ă©tude exploratoire visant Ă  estimer la valeur Ă©conomique de la biodiversitĂ© dans un contexte de diffĂ©rentes intensitĂ©s d'amĂ©nagement forestier. Le projet Triade de la Mauricie. instaurant un zonage sur le territoire forestier, a servi de contexte Ă  l'Ă©tude. La mĂ©thode de l'Ă©valuation contingente est utilisĂ©e. Il s'agit de rĂ©aliser une enquĂȘte par questionnaire demandant le consentement Ă  payer (CAP) des rĂ©pondants pour un changement de biodiversitĂ©. Le questionnaire visait deux populations : les rĂ©sidents de La Tuque et les villĂ©giateurs de zones d'exploitations contrĂŽlĂ©es et de pourvoiries du Haut-Saint-Maurice. Trois objectifs spĂ©cifiques viennent prĂ©ciser l'Ă©tude : (1) Ă©valuer le consentement Ă  payer (CAP) des rĂ©pondants pour des situations d'amĂ©nagement forestier diffĂ©rentes; (2) identifier les caractĂ©ristiques des rĂ©pondants qui influencent leur consentement Ă  payer; (3) valider l'importance des fonctions de la forĂȘt pour les rĂ©pondants. Les valeurs de CAP pour un changement de biodiversitĂ© obtenues dans cette Ă©tude sont conservatrices. Comme tous les rĂ©sultats d'Ă©valuations contingentes, nos rĂ©sultats sont probablement fortement influencĂ©s par le contexte de l'Ă©tude, son scĂ©nario et son mode de paiement. NĂ©anmoins, cette Ă©tude pourrait alimenter la rĂ©flexion sur l'intĂ©gration de la biodiversitĂ© Ă  la gestion forestiĂšre et servir de base Ă  d'autres Ă©tudes de monĂ©tisation des valeurs intangibles dans un contexte quĂ©bĂ©cois

    Do French Managers Know their Companies? Lessons from the REPONSE Survey

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    This article explores the potential pitfalls of using surveys on organisational practices, firms technological choices, and workplace relations. Using a generic methodology, one can estimate the degree of truthfulness or consistency of responding executives working in different local units of a single enterprise. Applied to the French REPONSE survey in regard to the enterprises general characteristics, the methodology suggests that (1) executives usually give rather consistent answers to a question handled separately from the others, and (2) that their answers are all the more specific as the questions are simple and fall within the respondents sphere of competency. However, responses to questions on social relations and trade-union representation in the firm are less reliable. Allowing for executives errors, we are led to substantially revise both the level and the rate of change of a number of variables, particularly the weights of different employees unions in firms.Organizational Change, Workplace Relations, Survey Methods


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    This article shows how individuals privatise the landscape. It reminds us that landscape was invented by art, and painting in particular. (1). An elite modified the outlook on nature. It made landscape of the countryside. Once individuals give aesthetic value to land, they buy not only the property rights to plant seed or build, but also to look. The demand for landscape thus leads to a supply of development in order to look at it. This means producing viewing points (2) controlling their extension (3) and protecting image rights on property.land, property right, public good and property right

    Évaluation des prĂ©fĂ©rences pour le caractĂšre concertĂ© d'une politique : le cas de la relocalisation des biens face Ă  la montĂ©e du niveau de la mer

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    International audienceCet article s'interroge sur l'importance de la concertation comme condition facilitant l'acceptabilitĂ© des politiques d'adaptation des territoires littoraux aux risques de submersion liĂ©s Ă  l'Ă©lĂ©vation du niveau de la mer. Ces politiques dites de relocalisation visent Ă  dĂ©placer les biens et les activitĂ©s exposĂ©s pour rĂ©duire leur vulnĂ©rabilitĂ©. Il repose sur une enquĂȘte conduite sur le territoire du SCOT du Biterrois en Languedoc-Roussillon. Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment une Ă©valuation des consentements-Ă -payer des rĂ©sidents pour diffĂ©rentes modalitĂ©s de mise en oeuvre des relocalisations par l'approche des choix multi attributs a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e. L'intĂ©gration du recours Ă  la concertation dans les alternatives a permis d'obtenir une Ă©valuation monĂ©taire des prĂ©fĂ©rences des rĂ©sidents pour cette modalitĂ©

    Stability of the WTP measurements with successive use of choice experiments method and multiple programmes method

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    This paper is part of an investigation to evaluate the benefits of landscape policies. Such policies are, within a specific area (here the Monts d’ArrĂ©e in Brittany), favouring some landscape attributes. We test out a procedure based on a double device. The first one relies on the choice experiments method and focuses on each attribute. Without prior information about the presence of substitution and complementarity effects between attributes, we work on the basis of scenarios built to ensure the independence of attributes. The important question of the impact of an attribute variation on the aesthetic value of another one, when these attributes are jointly perceived, is tackled by use of the multi-programme method. The two surveys were launched after an interval of one year, sampling among the same population. The WTP results obtained from each method are not statistically different.Valuation; choice modelling; multi-attributes choice set; multi-programme method; choice experiments; landscape; Monts d’ArrĂ©e

    Landscape Economics : The Road Ahead

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    The aims of this paper are to delineate some important topics in landscape economics, and also to take stock of the works and debates presented during the life of the CEEP project (from the first meeting in Angers (2006) , to the present one in Vienna). The objective of the research progamm initiated by the MEEDAT was to put landscape policy in the perspective of the sustainable development. The research issue is about the relationships between the development paths and landscape changes, paved with examples of consensus, controversies, and conflicts. This perspective was challenging for economists, due to the two gaps observed between the development of landscape research in geography, ecology or sociology and the absence of a corresponding corpus in economics, on one hand, and the development of landscape policies compared to the development of research in economics, on the other one. Precursors in landscape economics are certainly Von ThĂŒnen, who created the first model explaining the role of dispersing forces in the landscape making up, and C. Price, for the analysis of landscape preferences and the evaluation of landscape projects.[...]

    ElĂ©ments d’économie du paysage

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    L’émergence du paysage dans le dĂ©bat public est la traduction d’une prĂ©occupation sur les modes d’occupation de l’espace par l’expansion des villes, le pullulement des infrastructures et les mutations des mondes rural et urbain. Elle est aussi le tĂ©moin de la valeur Ă©conomique de la diversitĂ© des paysages pour de nombreux secteurs Ă©conomiques. De part les arbitrages Ă©conomiques qu’impliquent les diffĂ©rents modĂšles d’amĂ©nagement et d’occupation de l’espace, la discipline Ă©conomique se trouve naturellement sollicitĂ©e. En outre, la demande d’une plus grande qualitĂ© paysagĂšre qu’expriment les individus et les organisations, interpelle l’économiste sur la nature de la valeur Ă©conomique des paysages. Cet article s’interroge sur les diverses dimensions Ă©conomiques du paysage et montre comment la discipline Ă©conomique a mobilisĂ© des domaines variĂ©s pour pouvoir Ă©clairer efficacement la dĂ©cision et l’action collectives.The aim of this paper is to gather together fragments, who are yet split in to separate fields of economics. Landscape provides amenities and support recreational and tourism activities, it appears both as an economic resource and as a local public good. Landscape economics could benefits from both public economics concepts and methodology, and from New Economic Geography. Moreover, as a new field, Landscape Economics emphasizes the role of enforcement of property rights’ devices in the Landscape formation. This paper try to relate the path dependency at work in Landscape transformations to the strength of viscosity forces (transaction and administrative costs, infrastructure costs, nexus of rights, etc.). Finally, facing divided ownership issues and public policies external effects, the Landscape’ governance should make use of various instruments and methods in order to provide socially optimal level of landscapes’ quality and diversity