1 research outputs found

    DECriS Project IO2 Report

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    With the support of DECriS Project (https://decris.ffos.hr/) team members from: ā€¢ University of Osijek: Kristina Feldvari, Milijana Mičunović, Tatjana Aparac-JeluÅ”ić and Boris Badurina. ā€¢ University of Barcelona: Gema Santos and Aurora Vall. ā€¢ Hildesheim University: Thomas Mandl and Lea Wƶbbekind. ā€¢ University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Sofia: Tania Todorova, Daniela Pavlova and Hristina Bogova. ā€¢ SveučiliÅ”te u Zagrebu SveučiliÅ”ni računski centar (SRCE): Sandra Kučina Softić and Anja Đurđević.This research forms part of the Erasmus+ project Digital Education for Crisis Situations: Times when there is no alternative (DECriS). The project is focused on innovative digital practices implemented in Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in the field of Library and Information Science (LIS), their relationship to Digital Education (DE) in general, and the adoption of Open Education Resources (OER) in any learning situation, but especially in crisis situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The present report belongs to the Projectā€™s Intellectual Output 2: ā€œDigital Education appraisal and quality perception by students, teachers and trainers at the partner HEI during the COVID-19 crisisā€. The aim of this output is to gain insights into the studentsā€™ and teachersā€™ attitudes towards DE and educational resources, in general, and towards canonical OER, in particular, mainly during the COVID-19 crisis and in contrast with their pre-pandemic experiences. A total of 39 interviews with teachers and 10 focus groups with students were conducted in the LIS centres of the five institutions that are project partners. For each partner, a report is presented with the results of the analysis of the teachersā€™ and studentsā€™ transcripts separately, structured in seven blocks: Context, attitudes and expectations; Adaptations; Problems; Advantages; Lessons learned; Good Practices; and Improvements.ERASMUS+ Project DECriS ā€œDigital Education for Crisis Situations: Times When There is no Alternativeā€. Contract Number: 2020-1- HR01-KA226-HE-094685.This report is an outcome from the ERASMUS+ Project DECriS ā€œDigital Education for Crisis Situations: Times When There is no Alternativeā€. Contract Number: 2020-1- HR01-KA226-HE-094685. The European Commission support for producing this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents, which only reflect the views of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained in this report