4 research outputs found

    Neighborhoods of trees in circular orderings

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    In phylogenetics, a common strategy used to construct an evolutionary tree for a set of species X is to search in the space of all such trees for one that optimizes some given score function (such as the minimum evolution, parsimony or likelihood score). As this can be computationally intensive, it was recently proposed to restrict such searches to the set of all those trees that are compatible with some circular ordering of the set X. To inform the design of efficient algorithms to perform such searches, it is therefore of interest to find bounds for the number of trees compatible with a fixed ordering in the neighborhood of a tree that is determined by certain tree operations commonly used to search for trees: the nearest neighbor interchange (nni), the subtree prune and regraft (spr) and the tree bisection and reconnection (tbr) operations. We show that the size of such a neighborhood of a binary tree associated with the nni operation is independent of the tree’s topology, but that this is not the case for the spr and tbr operations. We also give tight upper and lower bounds for the size of the neighborhood of a binary tree for the spr and tbr operations and characterize those trees for which these bounds are attained

    Reconfiguring Triangulations

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    The results in this thesis lie at the confluence of triangulations and reconfiguration. We make the observation that certain solved and unsolved problems about triangulations can be cast as reconfiguration problems. We then solve some reconfiguration problems that provide us new insights about triangulations. Following are the main contributions of this thesis: 1. We show that computing the flip distance between two triangulations of a point set is NP-complete. A flip is an operation that changes one triangulation into another by replacing one diagonal of a convex quadrilateral by the other diagonal. The flip distance, then, is the smallest number of flips needed to transform one triangulation into another. For the special case when the points are in convex position, the problem of computing the flip distance is a long-standing open problem. 2. Inspired by the problem of computing the flip distance, we start an investigation into computing shortest reconfiguration paths in reconfiguration graphs. We consider the reconfiguration graph of satisfying assignments of Boolean formulas where there is a node for each satisfying assignment of a formula and an edge whenever one assignment can be changed to another by changing the value of exactly one variable from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0. We show that computing the shortest path between two satisfying assignments in the reconfiguration graph is either in P, NP-complete, or PSPACE-complete depending on the class the Boolean formula lies in. 3. We initiate the study of labelled reconfiguration. For the case of triangulations, we assign a unique label to each edge of the triangulation and a flip of an edge from e to e' assigns the same label to e' as e. We show that adding labels may make the reconfiguration graph disconnected. We also show that the worst-case reconfiguration distance changes when we assign labels. We show tight bounds on the worst case reconfiguration distance for edge-labelled triangulations of a convex polygon and of a spiral polygon, and edge-labelled spanning trees of a graph. We generalize the result on spanning trees to labelled bases of a matroid and show non-trivial upper bounds on the reconfiguration distance

    Lower Bounds on the Rotation Distance of Binary Trees

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    The rotation distance d(S,T) between two binary trees S, T of n vertices is the minimum number of rotations to transform S into T. While it is known that d(S,T) = 11. We are unable to prove the conjecture, but we give here some simple criteria for lower bound evaluation, leading for example to individuate some ``regular'' tree structures for which d(S,T) = 3n/2-O(1), or d(S,T) = 5n/3-O(1)

    Lower Bounds on the Rotation Distance of Binary Trees

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    The rotation distance d(S, T) between two binary trees S, T of n vertices is the minimum number of rotations to transform S into T. While it is known that d(S, T) 2n − 6, a well known conjecture states that there are trees for which this bound is sharp for any value of n 11. We are unable to prove the conjecture, but we give here some simple criteria for lower bound evaluation, leading for example to individuate some “regular” tree structures for which d(S, T) = 3n/2 − O(1), or d(S, T) = 5n/3 − O(1). Rotation distance, Lower bound, Binary tree, Design of algorithms