890 research outputs found

    State-Dependent Relay Channel with Private Messages with Partial Causal and Non-Causal Channel State Information

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    In this paper, we introduce a discrete memoryless State-Dependent Relay Channel with Private Messages (SD-RCPM) as a generalization of the state-dependent relay channel. We investigate two main cases: SD-RCPM with non-causal Channel State Information (CSI), and SD-RCPM with causal CSI. In each case, it is assumed that partial CSI is available at the source and relay. For non-causal case, we establish an achievable rate region using Gel'fand-Pinsker type coding scheme at the nodes informed of CSI, and Compress-and-Forward (CF) scheme at the relay. Using Shannon's strategy and CF scheme, an achievable rate region for causal case is obtained. As an example, the Gaussian version of SD-RCPM is considered, and an achievable rate region for Gaussian SD-RCPM with non-causal perfect CSI only at the source, is derived. Providing numerical examples, we illustrate the comparison between achievable rate regions derived using CF and Decode-and-Forward (DF) schemes.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, to be presented at the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2010), Austin, Texas, June 201

    A Relay Can Increase Degrees of Freedom in Bursty Interference Networks

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    We investigate the benefits of relays in multi-user wireless networks with bursty user traffic, where intermittent data traffic restricts the users to bursty transmissions. To this end, we study a two-user bursty MIMO Gaussian interference channel with a relay, where two Bernoulli random states govern the bursty user traffic. We show that an in-band relay can provide a degrees of freedom (DoF) gain in this bursty channel. This beneficial role of in-band relays in the bursty channel is in direct contrast to their role in the non-bursty channel which is not as significant to provide a DoF gain. More importantly, we demonstrate that for certain antenna configurations, an in-band relay can help achieve interference-free performances with increased DoF. We find the benefits particularly substantial with low data traffic, as the DoF gain can grow linearly with the number of antennas at the relay. In this work, we first derive an outer bound from which we obtain a necessary condition for interference-free DoF performances. Then, we develop a novel scheme that exploits information of the bursty traffic states to achieve them.Comment: submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Cooperative Strategies for Simultaneous and Broadcast Relay Channels

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    Consider the \emph{simultaneous relay channel} (SRC) which consists of a set of relay channels where the source wishes to transmit common and private information to each of the destinations. This problem is recognized as being equivalent to that of sending common and private information to several destinations in presence of helper relays where each channel outcome becomes a branch of the \emph{broadcast relay channel} (BRC). Cooperative schemes and capacity region for a set with two memoryless relay channels are investigated. The proposed coding schemes, based on \emph{Decode-and-Forward} (DF) and \emph{Compress-and-Forward} (CF) must be capable of transmitting information simultaneously to all destinations in such set. Depending on the quality of source-to-relay and relay-to-destination channels, inner bounds on the capacity of the general BRC are derived. Three cases of particular interest are considered: cooperation is based on DF strategy for both users --referred to as DF-DF region--, cooperation is based on CF strategy for both users --referred to as CF-CF region--, and cooperation is based on DF strategy for one destination and CF for the other --referred to as DF-CF region--. These results can be seen as a generalization and hence unification of previous works. An outer-bound on the capacity of the general BRC is also derived. Capacity results are obtained for the specific cases of semi-degraded and degraded Gaussian simultaneous relay channels. Rates are evaluated for Gaussian models where the source must guarantee a minimum amount of information to both users while additional information is sent to each of them.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figures, To appear in IEEE Trans. on Information Theor

    Degraded Broadcast Diamond Channels with Non-Causal State Information at the Source

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    A state-dependent degraded broadcast diamond channel is studied where the source-to-relays cut is modeled with two noiseless, finite-capacity digital links with a degraded broadcasting structure, while the relays-to-destination cut is a general multiple access channel controlled by a random state. It is assumed that the source has non-causal channel state information and the relays have no state information. Under this model, first, the capacity is characterized for the case where the destination has state information, i.e., has access to the state sequence. It is demonstrated that in this case, a joint message and state transmission scheme via binning is optimal. Next, the case where the destination does not have state information, i.e., the case with state information at the source only, is considered. For this scenario, lower and upper bounds on the capacity are derived for the general discrete memoryless model. Achievable rates are then computed for the case in which the relays-to-destination cut is affected by an additive Gaussian state. Numerical results are provided that illuminate the performance advantages that can be accrued by leveraging non-causal state information at the source.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Feb. 201

    Multiaccess Channels with State Known to One Encoder: Another Case of Degraded Message Sets

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    We consider a two-user state-dependent multiaccess channel in which only one of the encoders is informed, non-causally, of the channel states. Two independent messages are transmitted: a common message transmitted by both the informed and uninformed encoders, and an individual message transmitted by only the uninformed encoder. We derive inner and outer bounds on the capacity region of this model in the discrete memoryless case as well as the Gaussian case. Further, we show that the bounds for the Gaussian case are tight in some special cases.Comment: 5 pages, Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Information theory, ISIT 2009, Seoul, Kore

    Cooperative Relaying with State Available Non-Causally at the Relay

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    We consider a three-terminal state-dependent relay channel with the channel state noncausally available at only the relay. Such a model may be useful for designing cooperative wireless networks with some terminals equipped with cognition capabilities, i.e., the relay in our setup. In the discrete memoryless (DM) case, we establish lower and upper bounds on channel capacity. The lower bound is obtained by a coding scheme at the relay that uses a combination of codeword splitting, Gel'fand-Pinsker binning, and decode-and-forward relaying. The upper bound improves upon that obtained by assuming that the channel state is available at the source, the relay, and the destination. For the Gaussian case, we also derive lower and upper bounds on the capacity. The lower bound is obtained by a coding scheme at the relay that uses a combination of codeword splitting, generalized dirty paper coding, and decode-and-forward relaying; the upper bound is also better than that obtained by assuming that the channel state is available at the source, the relay, and the destination. In the case of degraded Gaussian channels, the lower bound meets with the upper bound for some special cases, and, so, the capacity is obtained for these cases. Furthermore, in the Gaussian case, we also extend the results to the case in which the relay operates in a half-duplex mode.Comment: 62 pages. To appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    The Three Node Wireless Network: Achievable Rates and Cooperation Strategies

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    We consider a wireless network composed of three nodes and limited by the half-duplex and total power constraints. This formulation encompasses many of the special cases studied in the literature and allows for capturing the common features shared by them. Here, we focus on three special cases, namely 1) Relay Channel, 2) Multicast Channel, and 3) Conference Channel. These special cases are judicially chosen to reflect varying degrees of complexity while highlighting the common ground shared by the different variants of the three node wireless network. For the relay channel, we propose a new cooperation scheme that exploits the wireless feedback gain. This scheme combines the benefits of decode-and-forward and compress-and-forward strategies and avoids the idealistic feedback assumption adopted in earlier works. Our analysis of the achievable rate of this scheme reveals the diminishing feedback gain at both the low and high signal-to-noise ratio regimes. Inspired by the proposed feedback strategy, we identify a greedy cooperation framework applicable to both the multicast and conference channels. Our performance analysis reveals several nice properties of the proposed greedy approach and the central role of cooperative source-channel coding in exploiting the receiver side information in the wireless network setting. Our proofs for the cooperative multicast with side-information rely on novel nested and independent binning encoders along with a list decoder.Comment: 52 page
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