2,924 research outputs found

    Lower bounds for on-line graph colorings

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    We propose two strategies for Presenter in on-line graph coloring games. The first one constructs bipartite graphs and forces any on-line coloring algorithm to use 2log2n102\log_2 n - 10 colors, where nn is the number of vertices in the constructed graph. This is best possible up to an additive constant. The second strategy constructs graphs that contain neither C3C_3 nor C5C_5 as a subgraph and forces Ω(nlogn13)\Omega(\frac{n}{\log n}^\frac{1}{3}) colors. The best known on-line coloring algorithm for these graphs uses O(n12)O(n^{\frac{1}{2}}) colors

    Coloring half-planes and bottomless rectangles

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    We prove lower and upper bounds for the chromatic number of certain hypergraphs defined by geometric regions. This problem has close relations to conflict-free colorings. One of the most interesting type of regions to consider for this problem is that of the axis-parallel rectangles. We completely solve the problem for a special case of them, for bottomless rectangles. We also give an almost complete answer for half-planes and pose several open problems. Moreover we give efficient coloring algorithms

    Extremes of the internal energy of the Potts model on cubic graphs

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    We prove tight upper and lower bounds on the internal energy per particle (expected number of monochromatic edges per vertex) in the anti-ferromagnetic Potts model on cubic graphs at every temperature and for all q2q \ge 2. This immediately implies corresponding tight bounds on the anti-ferromagnetic Potts partition function. Taking the zero-temperature limit gives new results in extremal combinatorics: the number of qq-colorings of a 33-regular graph, for any q2q \ge 2, is maximized by a union of K3,3K_{3,3}'s. This proves the d=3d=3 case of a conjecture of Galvin and Tetali