2 research outputs found

    Further Specialization of Clustered VLIW Processors: A MAP Decoder for Software Defined Radio

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    Turbo codes are extensively used in current communications standards and have a promising outlook for future generations. The advantages of software defined radio, especially dynamic reconfiguration, make it very attractive in this multi-standard scenario. However, the complex and power consuming implementation of the maximum a posteriori (MAP) algorithm, employed by turbo decoders, sets hurdles to this goal. This work introduces an ASIP architecture for the MAP algorithm, based on a dual-clustered VLIW processor. It displays the good performance of application specific designs along with the versatility of processors, which makes it compliant with leading edge standards. The machine deals with multi-operand instructions in an innovative way, the fetching and assertion of data is serialized and the addressing is automatized and transparent for the programmer. The performance-area trade-off of the proposed architecture achieves a throughput of 8 cycles per symbol with very low power dissipation

    Análise de complexidade de códigos turbo utilizando as treliças mínima e seccionada

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    We present a technique for reducing the turbo decoding complexity based on minimal and sectionalized trellises. A novel complexity metric is proposed and the complexity of all possible sectionalizations for some selected codes is evaluated. We use the minimal trellis representation proposed in (MCELIECE, 1996) for BCJR decoding and conclude that one can find less complex sectionalizations (when compared to the conventional trellis) which show small or none performance degradation.A dissertação apresentada utiliza a representação de treliça mínima e seccionada para a decodificação de códigos turbo, analisando os impactos da aplicação desta técnica no desempenho (taxa de erro em função da relação sinal ruído) em um canal AWGN e avaliando a redução de complexidade de processamento. O processo de decodificação proposto utilizará a teoria de minimização de treliça proposta em (MCELIECE, 1996) e a teoria de seccionamento de treliça proposto em (VARDY, 1998). Decodifica-se utilizando o algoritmo max-log-MAP (VUCETIC; YUAN, 2000). Desenvolve-se uma métrica de complexidade baseada no número de operações e mostra-se técnicas para escolher-se seccionamentos que são simples e apresentam pouca ou nenhuma perda de desempenho em função da decodificação convencional